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Thread: Mass Cycle

  1. #1
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005

    Mass Cycle

    This would be my 2nd real cycle. My first cycle was 500mg Sustanon for 8 weeks, but I don't really consider that to be a cycle. My first real cycle was Test Prop 100mg/eod, Deca Phenylprop. 100mg/eod, and Dbol around 30-40mg for 6 weeks. I have some questions regarding the upcoming cycle I want to do.

    Age: 21
    Weight 250
    Height: 6'
    BF: around 15 (kinda high but idc for now)
    Cycle Experience: 2 cycles
    Years Training:4

    Weeks 1-4 Test E 400mg
    Weeks 1-4 Test Prop 75 or 100mg/eod
    Weeks 5-15 Test E 600mg
    Weeks 1-13 Deca Durabolin 400mg
    Weeks 1-6 Dbol 50mg/Day


    1.I was thinking about bridging the time between my last shot and pct with some prop but im not sure. Input please.

    2. Not sure exactly how to use HCG ? Ive never used it before and I was either going to start it around weeks 10 or 12 and do 300iu/e3d. Or use at a higher dosage between last shot and pct. Or use the method that william suggests in Anabolics 2005.

    3. PCT would include .25 L-dex, Nolva 40mg, Clomid 100mg for around 4 weeks. Also might throw in some Clen .

    4. With my last cycle I found it pretty hard to keep a firm erection. For about a week or two. Is that normal for that kind of cycle? Towards the end of my 2nd cycle I ran around 700mg of Test and Deca because I was getting tired of sticking myself a lil and i would feel like shit. Really tired and my lower back would hurt also.

    5. I went from around 210 to around 245. And also around week 6 my nuts started to hurt really bad for like 3 day. I couldnt eat, workout, do anything. It was horrible. I couldnt even walk normal. Idk if the current cycle I want to do would give me the same symptoms.

    6. I was also contemplating replacing the Deca with Tren and giving it a try, but im not sure.

    7. Any input on anything I have stated would be great. Peace

  2. #2
    A&FGuy's Avatar
    A&FGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    The only this that I would change would keep the Test E at a constant rate like 500mg a weeks.

  3. #3
    A&FGuy's Avatar
    A&FGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    The only this that I would change would keep the Test E at a constant rate like 500mg a week.

  4. #4
    New Juice is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Looks real good...keep test level at 500/ will keep your blood levels stable and will reduce sides

  5. #5
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    yea the only reason the test e is a little lower in the beginning is because I am taking the prop for a little kickstart, also so the total dosage would be about the same.

  6. #6
    omnipotent is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    everything looks good to me .

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