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  1. #1
    bigrose's Avatar
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    Max length of time to stay on EQ

    the title of the post pretty much says it all. what is the longest you have heard of/done yourself. my buddy is going on 30wks on EQ and wanted to know. Thanks.

  2. #2
    bigrose's Avatar
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  3. #3
    PreMier's Avatar
    PreMier is offline Banned
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    Sounds like an act of despiration to do it that long.....and EQ alone is not a good cycle. I would do 12 weeks max .

  4. #4
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    I Heard of 15, 16 even 20 week EQ cycles.. I never heard of 30 but im sure there is someone out there who has tried it.. bump for u

  5. #5
    sp9's Avatar
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    I have done 15 weeks with 16 weeks of teste a couple of times. I would say 30 is nothing out of the ordinary (if stacked correctly)for someone very experienced with steroids , and long cycles.

    What is his cycle experience?

  6. #6
    bigrose's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I kinda told him the same thing. He says he really likes it and just wants to keep going. He basically has added different stuff in for a certain number of weeks throughout, like right now he is finishing up some primo. If nothing else, it will be nice to draw on the experiences of someone who did go 30 wks on. Thanks again for the replys.

  7. #7
    bigrose's Avatar
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    He is 30yrs old right now, and I am not sure as to his specific cycle history. I will find out.

  8. #8
    SpiderRico's Avatar
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    i asked the same question a couple weeks and the answer i got was minimum 12 weeks and 15 is a good number to be around but you can run it for as long as you want but i want to say the magic number is around 15

  9. #9
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    im surprised after running it that long he sees any results, after 12-15 weeks doesnt seem body would respond too well unless doses were into extremes

  10. #10
    bigrose's Avatar
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    Yeah the most I have ever seen/heard of/tried is 20wks before my buddy told me yesterday that he was "just gonna do one more bottle" and go 30.

  11. #11
    stocky121's Avatar
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    iv'e done 16 eq before in a 20 week cycle

    30 don't seem so bad

  12. #12
    jackedmofo is offline New Member
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    The pros and even some non pros stay on all year long.. Doing eq alone wouldnt be worth anything for me but a low dose of test and some gh all year long you will grow..Assuming your diet traing and rest are in check

  13. #13
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    30 weeks is stupidity,i take it he is running test with it?....It will take him a long time to recover(if he ever does) from such a long cycle.

    On top of that,you cant grow for 30 weeks so why submit your body to such abuse?

  14. #14
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    yeah a lot of guys at my gym stay on ten months out 12 a pct and come back on..its ridiculous and they are mixing all sorts of compounds running up towards a gram of test/ew they have all been doing this for around 6-7 years and many of them are coming off because their tendons/joints/ligaments and body just cant handle the shieeeet anymore..their faces are red from high bp its awful and what makes it worse is that they started at 18

    well needless to say many of them came off and lost 30+ pounds within a few weeks time

    what a joke sorry to hijack the thread but i had to share this

  15. #15
    jackedmofo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    30 weeks is stupidity,i take it he is running test with it?....It will take him a long time to recover(if he ever does) from such a long cycle.

    On top of that,you cant grow for 30 weeks so why submit your body to such abuse?

    Sure you can. If oyu are smart enough to cycle your diet and training correctly getting plenty of sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of vits and supps. You canmake gains on 500mgs of test and stay on all year and grow like a madman so long as you stay disciplined and do what your supposed to.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackedmofo
    Sure you can. If oyu are smart enough to cycle your diet and training correctly getting plenty of sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of vits and supps. You canmake gains on 500mgs of test and stay on all year and grow like a madman so long as you stay disciplined and do what your supposed to.
    'Grow like a madman' much do you expect to grow?
    If you stay on all year then i would call it HRT not cycling
    I could grow in 4 weeks as much as I would grow in 14 or more by using the right compounds at the right ammounts and i wont be supressing my natty test for the rest of my life.

    My last short cycle I gained 14lbs in 4 weeks and kept every lb of it.Enough said.

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackedmofo
    Sure you can. If oyu are smart enough to cycle your diet and training correctly getting plenty of sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of vits and supps. You canmake gains on 500mgs of test and stay on all year and grow like a madman so long as you stay disciplined and do what your supposed to.
    if this staement was correct id be beating Ronnie to his title, its impossible for the human body to keep growing every week no matter what compounds are introduced especailly like a madman, we would all be 500lbs+ if it was true,

  18. #18
    sp9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    if this staement was correct id be beating Ronnie to his title, its impossible for the human body to keep growing every week no matter what compounds are introduced especailly like a madman, we would all be 500lbs+ if it was true,
    I am seeing your point more and more and starting to side with this logic.

    BUt many people are not, and so many pros are using year round, tons of grams of crap, never coming off. Are you saying that is a false hood and most pro's do many short cycles. I heard your point about dorian, but I think people like Ronnie are on test and then rotate other things all the time. Don't you?

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    I am seeing your point more and more and starting to side with this logic.

    BUt many people are not, and so many pros are using year round, tons of grams of crap, never coming off. Are you saying that is a false hood and most pro's do many short cycles. I heard your point about dorian, but I think people like Ronnie are on test and then rotate other things all the time. Don't you?
    many pro's do stay on all year round, bridging and coasting many cycles together, this is the only way they can compete and maintain the muscle mass, they incresae the dose more or less everytime they start a new cycle, alot start HRT sooner than they should WHY is that?

    not all pro's stay on all year round many do the short burst cycles because they respond better than staying on all year round, many in the past have said this was the time when they grow, yates,dillett,rhul, and nasser to name a few who have cycled this way with results,
    i do understand tho its not for everybody, but it is safer and more productive in the long run,

    check my thread out for more details

  20. #20
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    normal is btwn 10 to 12, but than you will always find people that cycle longer than that, i know of people that stay on it for a few months,but that doesn't make it a good idea

  21. #21
    Bob's big boy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    'Grow like a madman' much do you expect to grow?
    If you stay on all year then i would call it HRT not cycling
    I could grow in 4 weeks as much as I would grow in 14 or more by using the right compounds at the right ammounts and i wont be supressing my natty test for the rest of my life.

    My last short cycle I gained 14lbs in 4 weeks and kept every lb of it.Enough said.
    Exactly the truth. I do 6 week cycles myself and then take off ten days. Then repeat my cycle again using different compounds. Will do this until the end of Sept. On my 4th 6 weeker now.

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