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  1. #1
    DIGGS is offline New Member
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    Nov 2001

    Proviron question

    I have a bunch of proviron from a past cycle .I was looking at it today and it expired this month.My question is would this harden me up If I took It without any anabolics or help me drop any body fat or increase sex drive or is it pretty much useless. I do not plan on doing any cycles for another year.To the point should I take It for the hell of it or throw it away in the trash.Thanks Diggs

  2. #2
    Strutt is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002
    Proviron will harden you up at a good dose of 50-100 mgs a week. It will block estrogen which leans less water retention as well. Since Proviron works like DHT, it will have a high effect on the CNS. Yes makes many guys horny.

    The only reason why people don't use it is because its not that anabolic . DHT does bind to the muscle receptor well. But Proviron can give you some nice strength increases while you maintain your current size, which is why many swimmers and other athletes do use the compound.

    If you are using only Proviron by itself, it is also known to free testosterone from SHBG which means it makes the testosterone you produce more effective. Many bodybuilders have taken Proviron all year round because it is rather non-toxic and keeps the muscles hard.

  3. #3
    Strutt is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002
    Correction. DHT does NOT bind to the muscle receptor well.

  4. #4
    DIGGS is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks STruts I guess I will just take it instead of throwing it out.

  5. #5
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    If you stored it in a cool, dry place (room temerature--no need for refrigeration) it will be good long past the expitration date.

    Proviron is a great anti-estrogen. If you can, save it for you next cycle. I take 50mg ED to block estrogen form forming. It works like a charm.

    If you want to take it to stay lean and hard--it does that too. Or, pop a few on Fri/Sat night and go out and have some fun!

    Strutt--I think you meant 50-100mg a DAY--not week.

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