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Thread: dumb juicers

  1. #1
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    dumb juicers

    im here from austalia and i moved to a new gym. ive been minding my own business and ive met about 7 different people telling me that they juice. and i swear none of these people know what nolvadex or pct is. they just run gay cycles like -

    1, 1 ml sust per week for 6 weeks
    2, stan 50 mg ed for 4 weeks
    3 rd guy thinks any more than 150mg deca is useless
    4, no test in cycle
    5, paying a fortune for 10 ml deca 50mg/ml
    6, dont know you can drink stan
    7 ,think dbol only cycle s get you huge and ripped
    8, they only know what doses they take by mls not mg as they they dont understand what mg concentration means,
    9, a guy gets gyno from gear where he could of used nolvadex but instead thinks stopping gear made it go a way . it didnt and he got it cut out and still runs cycles without knowing what nolvadex is.
    10, they like to buy dbols at 10 mg as they say 25 mg are shit as there too strong , idiots just have to split them in 2 doses
    11, guys talk loud about saying if i was on gear id be huge every one looks drawing unwanted attention.

    12 , got more but cant remember , anything you got to add .?

    yes i explained to one of them what nolvadex is he even had accesss to it by a friends wife who works in hospital and said he would dropit off and he said nah. i was like you idiot hes like i dont need it ill just take some wlyd for men.

    so i dont care what they do.

    ps , im not dishing aussies juicers just their are alot of stupids one and im sure there all through the usa gyms a s well

  2. #2
    39.5Swamp's Avatar
    39.5Swamp is offline Banned
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    What part of austrailia? Those sound like the cycles I just ran

  3. #3
    extreme22's Avatar
    extreme22 is offline Associate Member
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    lol yup even down here one guy said that QV was the shit i told him about ugl and he looked at me and laughted and i said to him ar eyou taken a PCT
    he goes what and i said what will you do when ur chest becomes tits lol
    and his test and eq was like 2 bottles for 800$ i was laughting at him
    i said for that same 800$ i have half of my gear he just droped his mouth and the first word that came out of his mouth was my guys is ripping me off i go you stuiped retard

  4. #4
    39.5Swamp's Avatar
    39.5Swamp is offline Banned
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    I am moving to montreal and setting up shop. That is rediculas. Is that in canadian money also. If so that is insane. how much do they pay for vitamin

  5. #5
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    i hope they all go to hell

    ive talked to ppl who think they have to inject into a vein...
    and other ppl who say they can get the same results with 2-3months of dbol as with a normal cycle.

    i hope they all grow tits and have their balls shrink to the size of a raisin

  6. #6
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by extreme22
    lol yup even down here one guy said that QV was the shit i told him about ugl and he looked at me and laughted and i said to him ar eyou taken a PCT
    he goes what and i said what will you do when ur chest becomes tits lol
    and his test and eq was like 2 bottles for 800$ i was laughting at him
    i said for that same 800$ i have half of my gear he just droped his mouth and the first word that came out of his mouth was my guys is ripping me off i go you stuiped retard
    what gets me sumtimes is wen guys carnt spell or mabee can but are lazy and donte no wat punctuashun is or upper and lowa kase and its hard to tell what there saing cos one sentants flows into the nex it givs me a hedake wen i hav to rede it i have two rede it to times too now wat it means im like wat is this i dont no

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    people shouldnt take if they are uneducated about what they are taking. help the dumb bastards out and direct them here to learn before they die

  8. #8
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    im here from austalia and i moved to a new gym. ive been minding my own business and ive met about 7 different people telling me that they juice. and i swear none of these people know what nolvadex or pct is. they just run gay cycles like -

    1, 1 ml sust per week for 6 weeks
    2, stan 50 mg ed for 4 weeks
    3 rd guy thinks any more than 150mg deca is useless
    4, no test in cycle
    5, paying a fortune for 10 ml deca 50mg/ml
    6, dont know you can drink stan
    7 ,think dbol only cycle s get you huge and ripped
    8, they only know what doses they take by mls not mg as they they dont understand what mg concentration means,
    9, a guy gets gyno from gear where he could of used nolvadex but instead thinks stopping gear made it go a way . it didnt and he got it cut out and still runs cycles without knowing what nolvadex is.
    10, they like to buy dbols at 10 mg as they say 25 mg are shit as there too strong , idiots just have to split them in 2 doses
    11, guys talk loud about saying if i was on gear id be huge every one looks drawing unwanted attention.

    12 , got more but cant remember , anything you got to add .?

    yes i explained to one of them what nolvadex is he even had accesss to it by a friends wife who works in hospital and said he would dropit off and he said nah. i was like you idiot hes like i dont need it ill just take some wlyd for men.

    so i dont care what they do.

    ps , im not dishing aussies juicers just their are alot of stupids one and im sure there all through the usa gyms a s well
    Mate im in oz too and i gotta tell ya you couldn't be more correct in every single sentence you put down in this post. People here in Australia have no clue. I know this guy that has real bad gyno and he's pretty skinny, but when i asked him about Nolvadex he said the stuff is worthless he's never used it and that he never will. He only runs dbol only cycles.

  9. #9
    Spyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    people shouldnt take if they are uneducated about what they are taking. help the dumb bastards out and direct them here to learn before they die
    Oh mate, the way things work here are very different. If Ronnie Coleman himself tried to give one of these noobs advice they would not take it.

  10. #10
    extreme22's Avatar
    extreme22 is offline Associate Member
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    NotSmall hey bro sorry i was starting to wake up when i was posting that shit,
    but in canada we ahev some great ugl's so my prices are a little bit better all i can say is for tren ace i pay 95 can 10ml 50mg,
    but we have some dumb f ucks up in montreal but all is good,
    i know a guy un cali and he gets all his shit right from england for free and i am talking about HGH and all that good stuff

    P.S please dont ask for a source thanks

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i love it when they are like
    i just wanna do a mild cycle of deca /eq/win .. test is JUST TOO STRONG!

  12. #12
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    let me get this straight. you go to a new gym, mind your own bussines, and 7 guys come up to you to tell you they juice? you sure about this one bro?

  13. #13
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    You'd be suprised how many people approach me everyday when I go to a new gym and just start talking, mostly I don't say anything but just chuckle or laugh in their face. I've never met any of them in my life. Brilliant eh?

  14. #14
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by extreme22
    NotSmall hey bro sorry i was starting to wake up when i was posting that shit,
    Ha ha, no worries mate, I was being a prick!

  15. #15
    extreme22's Avatar
    extreme22 is offline Associate Member
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    its all good bro but really them people must be real stuiped to come up to u and say hey bro i am on test and d-bol lol i wonder if they are faqs lol because i remeber when i was working out this came up to me and started asking me if her body looked good so i might watch it if i was u lol

  16. #16
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    yeah o f cource they they didnt come right out and tell me and probably only 4 from my new gym . i d been training there for a while and then id be friends with them and a few times later theyd ask so what supplements you taking and im like creatine , high carbs , 400g protein , 8 meals a day. and then they sorta talk to me weird that their on gear and id pick up on it .?

  17. #17
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    yeah and one of them said he bought a steroid tester to see if his gears real . you put a drop of testosterone and another chemical and itll tell you if its real . lollll

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