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  1. #1
    Snickaren is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Question How do you like this cycle?

    Hello guys

    What do you think of my planed cycle,it look's like this.

    w1. 50 anadrol .ED 30 d-bol.ED 750 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w2. 30 d-bol.ED 750 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w3. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w4. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w5. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w6. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w7. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w8. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w9. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w10. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w11. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w12. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w13. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w14. 30 d-bol.ED
    w15. 30 d-bol.ED
    w16. 30 d-bol.ED 120mcg clen .ED
    w17. 40mg nolva 120mcg clen.ED
    w18. 40mg nolva 120mcg clen.ED
    w19-21 20mg nolva

    I'm 30+ years old and been training on and off for 10+.
    Weight 95 kg
    Lenght 183 cm
    Have done some aas before.


  2. #2
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    first why dbol & drol together 1 of them is enough & why u taper ur dose u dont need this all i can say 2 u its not well planed

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Snickaren
    Hello guys

    What do you think of my planed cycle,it look's like this.

    w1. 50 anadrol .ED 30 d-bol.ED 750 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w2. 30 d-bol.ED 750 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w3. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w4. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w5. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w6. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w7. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w8. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w9. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w10. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w11. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w12. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w13. 500 test cyp. 750 EQ
    w14. 30 d-bol.ED
    w15. 30 d-bol.ED
    w16. 30 d-bol.ED 120mcg clen .ED
    w17. 40mg nolva 120mcg clen.ED
    w18. 40mg nolva 120mcg clen.ED
    w19-21 20mg nolva

    I'm 30+ years old and been training on and off for 10+.
    Weight 95 kg
    Lenght 183 cm
    Have done some aas before.

    A little research needed i think.....not a very good cycle at all.

  4. #4
    mr. snakes's Avatar
    mr. snakes is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Joaquin County, CA.

    Since you like big cycles try this instead:
    Wk 1-4 Anadrol 50mg ED
    WK 1-16 Test cyp 750mg EQ 750mg
    Wk 16-18 Wintrol 100mg ED
    WK 18-22 Clomid 100mg ED

    You'd run Nolva 20mg & Adex .25mg throughout the whole cycle.

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