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  1. #1
    needmassx3 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Finishing up my plans, need critique!

    Whats up fellas,

    Just finishing up gettin together all my gear and wanted to get some final thoughts and opinions on the cycle. Anyways im 6'4'' 255 13% bf, looking to put on maybe 5-10 lbs of Lean muscle!!! Heres what the cycle looks like:

    HGH 3 ius day (almost into 4th week)
    500 mg primo ew wks 1-10(would go higher but costs so much damn money! . One inject a week or should i split it up into two?)
    75 mg prop ed wks 1-10
    60 mg/tbol ed wks 1-10

    i was also thinking about throwing some var in at the end and lowering my tbol dose. what do you think?

    thanks again
    Last edited by needmassx3; 02-20-2006 at 12:47 PM.

  2. #2
    needmassx3 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

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