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Thread: Deca and D-bol

  1. #1
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    Question Deca and D-bol

    I am about to start my second cycle, i weigh 170lbs and am 5 10. I want to run d-bol 25mg per day week 1-6 and deca 250mg per week weeks 1-8 starting the two simutaneously. Is this a good cycle, how dangerous is dbol and should i take nolva, clomid, milk thistle or proviron or all of them. If so when should i start each and how much should i take for how long. Not looking for huge results, just 20-25 lbs which i think is doable with this cycle and will cause minimal side effects, tryin to keep it as safe as possible. My first cycle i ran deca alone, bd 250 for 8 weeks and gained 20 lbs muscle and kept the gains for quite some time.
    Last edited by UFGator01; 02-20-2006 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
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    You asked if its a good cycle? It is not. You need some test in there and you dosages are way to low. You certainly have to research more. Take some sample cycles from here to help. Most of the answers to your questions are availble.

  3. #3
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    second cycle

    My dosages are not to low, its my second cycle, my buddy did the same one and gained 30 lbs and he is similar to my size. You people are ****ing nuts on here abusing the hell out of these steroids , as i said before i dont want side effects and i dont want enormous gains, 20-25 pounds is all. Plus i plan on increasing the amount of deca and possibly dbol as the weeks go on maybe 30mg day of dbol weeks 3-5 and then 300-350mg deca per week weeks 3-6 and then tapering off. Im not looking for putting test and deca in my system because i dont want multiple injections and by doing 500mg in the same area per week is alot of oil when stacking deca and test.
    Last edited by UFGator01; 02-20-2006 at 10:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Auto54 is offline Member
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  5. #5
    BigGerman's Avatar
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    I did a cycle similar to this (20 mg dbol /day and 300mg deca /week) and grew like mad. Knowing what I know now, I should have added test, for reasons we're all familiar with (2 episodes of deca dick got my attention big time, and PCT sucked even more than usual). You can put on incredible strength and good size gains with this cycle, and keep most of them with good PCT. But, as Prada points out, there's a smarter way to do it. I'd guess that most of us on this board have done at least one stupid cycle--this was mine. Let us know how it works out.


  6. #6
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    I am about to start my second cycle, i weigh 170lbs and am 5 10. I want to run d-bol 25mg per day week 1-5 and deca 250mg per week weeks 1-8 starting the two simutaneously. Is this a good cycle, how dangerous is dbol and should i take nolva, clomid, milk thistle or proviron or all of them. If so when should i start each and how much should i take for how long.

    the only thing missing is some kind of test, preferably test enanthate . dbol is relatively harsh, but your dose is pretty low so youl be ok. btw, you DEFINATELY need an anti e, preferably letrozole because that is very strong, and supposedly it also blocks progesterone to an extent. and you also need to run clomid about 18 days after your last shot. imo it would be a good idea to also run clenbuterol during pct to keep more of your gains.

  7. #7
    topvega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    My dosages are not to low, its my second cycle, my buddy did the same one and gained 30 lbs and he is similar to my size. You people are ****ing nuts on here abusing the hell out of these steroids, as i said before i dont want side effects and i dont want enormous gains, 20-25 pounds is all. Plus i plan on increasing the amount of deca and possibly dbol as the weeks go on maybe 30mg day of dbol weeks 3-5 and then 300-350mg deca per week weeks 3-6 and then tapering off. Im not looking for putting test and deca in my system because i dont want multiple injections and by doing 500mg in the same area per week is alot of oil when stacking deca and test.
    This is a joke right????? April 1st came early????

    Sounds like u have it all figured out big guy..... Good luck with your well researched cycle................................

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    I really only want to stack no more than two steroids . I thought about deca and test e but didnt like the idea of that much oil in my injection spot, dont want it to abcess with that much fluid. Plus i dont want to take multiple weekly injections so i figured an oral like dbol and deca (which i have heard is an amazing cycle all over what ive read already) would provide solid gains. I people say novices expec 2-4 lbs off of the dbol alone, deca should help me keep those gains right? I plan on running nolva the whole time as well as finishing off with clomid for post cycle. Im not sure why so many people think this isnt a solid cycle. Should i take test e and deca instead?

  9. #9
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    I really only want to stack no more than two steroids. I thought about deca and test e but didnt like the idea of that much oil in my injection spot, dont want it to abcess with that much fluid. Plus i dont want to take multiple weekly injections so i figured an oral like dbol and deca (which i have heard is an amazing cycle all over what ive read already) would provide solid gains. I people say novices expec 2-4 lbs off of the dbol alone, deca should help me keep those gains right? I plan on running nolva the whole time as well as finishing off with clomid for post cycle. Im not sure why so many people think this isnt a solid cycle. Should i take test e and deca instead?

    you are running the deca at a pretty low dose anyway. whats the concentration of your deca? 100mgs/cc?

  10. #10
    topvega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    I really only want to stack no more than two steroids. I thought about deca and test e but didnt like the idea of that much oil in my injection spot, dont want it to abcess with that much fluid. Plus i dont want to take multiple weekly injections so i figured an oral like dbol and deca (which i have heard is an amazing cycle all over what ive read already) would provide solid gains. I people say novices expec 2-4 lbs off of the dbol alone, deca should help me keep those gains right? I plan on running nolva the whole time as well as finishing off with clomid for post cycle. Im not sure why so many people think this isnt a solid cycle. Should i take test e and deca instead?

    U Need Some Type Of Test In This Cycle........... Or else u will have big huge bitch tits and a pecker that doesn't work.......... Deca /dbol will raise big gyno issues and most likely libido issues....

  11. #11
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    The deca and dbol are both British Dragon, the deca is 250mg per ml so thinking like 1 and half cc or a bit less on the deca and 25-30 mg tops dbol per week for like 5 or 6 weeks depending on how i respond

  12. #12
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    Bro i said i was runing post cycle theropy, clomid post cycle and im running nolva the entire time im on the shit maybe combined with proviron = no bitch tits, plus its a low dosage so low side effects, side effects with dbol are in many cases very minimal from 20-30mg and gyno isnt a problem if i counter it

  13. #13
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    My dosages are not to low, its my second cycle, my buddy did the same one and gained 30 lbs and he is similar to my size. You people are ****ing nuts on here abusing the hell out of these steroids, as i said before i dont want side effects and i dont want enormous gains, 20-25 pounds is all. Plus i plan on increasing the amount of deca and possibly dbol as the weeks go on maybe 30mg day of dbol weeks 3-5 and then 300-350mg deca per week weeks 3-6 and then tapering off. Im not looking for putting test and deca in my system because i dont want multiple injections and by doing 500mg in the same area per week is alot of oil when stacking deca and test.

    dont pyramid your dose, keep it constant. btw, one thing you can expect with this cycle is that you are gonna go limp dick for awhile from the deca with no test. are you sure you couldn't hang with twice weekly injections?

  14. #14
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    The deca and dbol are both British Dragon, the deca is 250mg per ml so thinking like 1 and half cc or a bit less on the deca and 25-30 mg tops dbol per week for like 5 or 6 weeks depending on how i respond

    dont trip about getting an absess or whatever. if you were to throw in some test enanthate 250, you could shoot 2ccs, once a week. that is not pushing it at all. actually its pretty common for guys to inject that much in the same spot. some guys even shoot 3 ccs in the same spot.

  15. #15
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    what kind of test, e or prop? And how much? i just dont want to have the prob my buddy is having i have really low body fat so alot of fluid could clot on me. If i do i guess ill have to rotate glutes and legs but i was trying to avoid that.

  16. #16
    topvega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    Bro i said i was runing post cycle theropy, clomid post cycle and im running nolva the entire time im on the shit maybe combined with proviron = no bitch tits, plus its a low dosage so low side effects, side effects with dbol are in many cases very minimal from 20-30mg and gyno isnt a problem if i counter it

    Nolva is not gonna do shit against progestin caused gyno.... U need to do some more research..... u need b-6 and bromo...

  17. #17
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    what kind of test, e or prop? And how much? i just dont want to have the prob my buddy is having i have really low body fat so alot of fluid could clot on me. If i do i guess ill have to rotate glutes and legs but i was trying to avoid that.

    test enanthate at 250 mgs a week would be good, preferably a little higher, but it does cause more water retention than prop does. the problem with prop is that it needs to be shot up eod.

  18. #18
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    I had no problem with that from my first cycle of deca which is what results in progestin gyno, and gyno really hasnt been a problem at all for me have had no signs from my first cycle. And the deca dosage is low

  19. #19
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    Nolva is not gonna do shit against progestin caused gyno.... U need to do some more research..... u need b-6 and bromo...

    i dont know man, bromo is pretty harsh. hes only gonna run 250 mgs a week of the deca anyway.

  20. #20
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    but running vitamin b6 for the duration is probably a good idea

  21. #21
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    Wont deca and test e cause alot of water retention together? I know ill get it with dbol but at least i dont have to inject so often, also, dont u lose alot of gains from test e?

  22. #22
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    Wont deca and test e cause alot of water retention together? I know ill get it with dbol but at least i dont have to inject so often, also, dont u lose alot of gains from test e?

    test e, deca and dbol all cause pretty noticable water retention by themselves for most guys. honestly none of those drugs really caused any significant difference for me though. the gains from test e are pretty easy to keep... the key is proper pct, which includes clenbuterol .

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i dont know man, bromo is pretty harsh. hes only gonna run 250 mgs a week of the deca anyway.
    If he is going to run both dbol and deca he needs to at the very least run b-6.... This is a waste anyway.... I wld never run deca for any less then 12 weeks and at a dosage of at least 400mg/week with some sort of test......

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    If he is going to run both dbol and deca he needs to at the very least run b-6.... This is a waste anyway.... I wld never run deca for any less then 12 weeks and at a dosage of at least 400mg/week with some sort of test......

    yea i agree with that. deca NEEDS to be stacked with test

  25. #25
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    but i would rather run 250 mgs sustanon eod, along with 100 mgs of either tren acetate or winni depot eod

  26. #26
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    stack that with either a dbol kickstart, or tbol, and you're good to go

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    but i would rather run 250 mgs sustanon eod, along with 100 mgs of either tren acetate or winni depot eod

    I wld take Tren over any other steroid anyday........ The shit rocks......Plain and simple.....

  28. #28
    Natron-Killer20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    I am about to start my second cycle, i weigh 170lbs and am 5 10. I want to run d-bol 25mg per day week 1-6 and deca 250mg per week weeks 1-8 starting the two simutaneously. Is this a good cycle, how dangerous is dbol and should i take nolva, clomid, milk thistle or proviron or all of them. If so when should i start each and how much should i take for how long. Not looking for huge results, just 20-25 lbs [/B]which i think is doable with this cycle and will cause minimal side effects, tryin to keep it as safe as possible. My first cycle i ran deca alone, bd 250 for 8 weeks and gained 20 lbs muscle and kept the gains for quite some time.

  29. #29
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    So deca debol alone = no dice? bad cycle?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    So deca debol alone = no dice? bad cycle?
    Now u got it.... add some test in there and run the deca and test a little longer.... and then u have a winner....

  31. #31
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    i would say no bro, imo i would just do a single test

  32. #32
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    Test alone? You get big but u lose it all, at least with deca u keep the gains

  33. #33
    Auto54 is offline Member
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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    Test alone? You get big but u lose it all, at least with deca u keep the gains

    What?????? Where the hell are u getting these fuked up facts from????

    Pct, training and diet are what helps u keep gains... not a specific aas....

  35. #35
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    thats why i said imo. cause from my experience from my first cycle i had incredible results from just test..keeping 15 pounds and all strength but everybody differs in results

  36. #36
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    yeah you will lose some but like topvega said proper pct ect is key

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    Test alone? You get big but u lose it all, at least with deca u keep the gains

    thats a myth bro. i ran test only on my first cycle and i kept damn near all my gains cause i am so dedicated... plus i ran propper pct with clenbuterol

  38. #38
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    i cant stress this enough... run clenbuterol during pct, it will cause you to keep damn near all your gains

  39. #39
    UFGator01's Avatar
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    **** it, ill run the deca 250 a week with 500mg test e not sure how long to run each one though maybe deca 8 weeks? Test 8-10?

  40. #40
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFGator01
    **** it, ill run the deca 250 a week with 500mg test e not sure how long to run each one though maybe deca 8 weeks? Test 8-10?

    some guys might say that running 750 mgs of gear a week is a little high for your second cycle. imo you should run the test at about 300-350 mgs a week. there is no need to over do it bro. your tolerance for gear is pretty low as of right now, but if you start running high doses so soon, its gonna take much more gear for your later cycles to make you grow.

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