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Thread: Anavar??

  1. #41
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Auron
    I was not aware of that fact, its been edited.
    better mate,carry on!"

  2. #42
    runninpony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muscle_20
    yeah go with test-e that will give you what your looking for.test is test at the end of the day,the question is how often do you want to inject?my fav is prop because i can start my pct very quickly unlike a slow ester like cyponite but you need to inject every 2nd day or every day to keep blood levels constant.
    I guess the thing is I was trying to stay away from injectibles. And I like the fact that var doesnt mess with your natural test. Its one of the better ar's to do by itself and not have many side effects.

  3. #43
    Sir Auron is offline New Member
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    I also thought that Anavar did not mess with your natural test. But Anavar does supress it, it just does not shut it down.

  4. #44
    Booz's Avatar
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    yes anavar does supress it some wat,i would always use test as the base to all my cycles,im not saying you cannot use it alone because you can.just that i like to base my cycles with test.

  5. #45
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp
    Go run a damn search on google for a specific gear. Youll find what your looking for. MY 95 year old gramma can find banned medications for herself on the net. Kept her alive this long.
    So much for the follow up question, or was it 'REALLY' a source seeker?
    Things that make you "Hmmm?"


  6. #46
    heckler45_2000's Avatar
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    Bro first you got to ask your self what do you have access to? Also Test enanthate with Arimidex could be a better bet for your money and gains... With the correct diet and training you should be able to put on some good muscle while decreasing your BF... It is hard to do and like I said you have to be on point with everything to do it... If Avavar is your choice than be prepared to pay a big price if you buy in the gym...
    Last edited by heckler45_2000; 03-06-2006 at 03:48 PM.

  7. #47
    magic32's Avatar
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    With bf that high, it’s fairly obvious that the last thing he can handle is gaining and cutting simultaneously. And that's not a flame Running, just an observation. At 6’ 170lbs (and I’m not CERTAIN of your goals other than to lose bf) you’d be better off doing a couple of bulking cycles so there’s a foundation to cut.

    [gmmvp42] what does his weight have to do with using anavar?
    It wasn't his weight that was the focus, but his bf. Var is a finishing compound, it’s not designed to do foundational work (serious fat loss). Similarly, you wouldn’t base your chest development on exercises like the cable crossover or the pec deck.

    The best thing for this guy was pointed out, though taken in the wrong way in the very first posted reply...
    [Stocky121] i would sort your training and diet out first before even thinking of gear

  8. #48
    heckler45_2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    With bf that high, it’s fairly obvious that the last thing he can handle is gaining and cutting simultaneously. And that's not a flame Running, just an observation. At 6’ 170lbs (and I’m not CERTAIN of your goals other than to lose bf) you’d be better off doing a couple of bulking cycles so there’s a foundation to cut.

    It wasn't his weight that was the focus, but his bf. Var is a finishing compound, it’s not designed to do foundational work (serious fat loss). Similarly, you wouldn’t base your chest development on exercises like the cable crossover or the pec deck.

    The best thing for this guy was pointed out, though taken in the wrong way in the very first posted reply...

    Its fairly obvious he has a few issues to work out... Im really just trying to tell him to clean bulk thats it... Test E + Arimidex + Clean diet = Clean Bulk... Adding 30 pounds and increasing his BF might not sound good to him... His goal seems to be to get bigger and leaner... So taking that into account adding 10lbs of muscle and dropping a few percentages of BF might be best for him... Ill say this my goal is different form yours his goal is differnet from mine... Its not what You or I want for him its what his persoanl goal is... As he stated bulking is not what he wants so why even put it up there???
    Last edited by heckler45_2000; 03-06-2006 at 03:49 PM.

  9. #49
    Bob's big boy is offline Banned
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    Lets make this simple. Your 6' and 170 lbs. Here's you best friend when it comes to anabolics....Good old fashion food intake.

  10. #50
    runninpony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heckler45_2000
    Its fairly obvious he has a few issues to work out... Im really just trying to tell him to clean bulk thats it... Test E + Arimidex + Clean diet = Clean Bulk... Adding 30 pounds and increasing his BF might not sound good to him... His goal seems to be to get bigger and leaner... So taking that into account adding 10lbs of muscle and dropping a few percentages of BF might be best for him... Ill say this my goal is different form yours his goal is differnet from mine... Its not what You or I want for him its what his persoanl goal is... As he stated bulking is not what he wants so why even put it up there???
    Spot on,,,thats exactly it, Im not trying to bulk up, like you said, adding 10lbs of muscle while losing some bf would be ideal for me. Thats exactly what Im looking to do! And var seems to be the best for that with the major plus of very few side effects as well as you dont HAVE to take anything else with it and can still be safe. I am VERY athletic and play 3 different sports so bulking up wouldnt be good for me anyway. Var is what I have decided to try. Now that said, I have to check with the only source that I know of and hope he has good news! Guys I appreciate so much the help you have given me, and I apologize to the ones that took what I was saying and the help I was looking for the wrong way.

  11. #51
    speedtraining's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by runninpony
    Spot on,,,thats exactly it, Im not trying to bulk up, like you said, adding 10lbs of muscle while losing some bf would be ideal for me. Thats exactly what Im looking to do! And var seems to be the best for that with the major plus of very few side effects as well as you dont HAVE to take anything else with it and can still be safe. I am VERY athletic and play 3 different sports so bulking up wouldnt be good for me anyway. Var is what I have decided to try. Now that said, I have to check with the only source that I know of and hope he has good news! Guys I appreciate so much the help you have given me, and I apologize to the ones that took what I was saying and the help I was looking for the wrong way.

    You could do that with a diet and training rather then putting you body under the use of AAS, bad idea imo.

  12. #52
    runninpony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedtraining
    You could do that with a diet and training rather then putting you body under the use of AAS, bad idea imo.
    I train hard now, is it possible that Im so active, thats why its hard for me to gain muscle?? Like i said earlier I am stronger than most my size but my mass doesnt change much,,and as far as bf, it does seem to be pretty high but when you look at me I am pretty lean,,maybe I can get a pic on here, I need to try to get a pic on here if it will let me,,it wont let me send PM's either?

  13. #53
    muscle_20's Avatar
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    look if your so active you just need to increase your food,take meals with you or protien shakes.......steriods INCREASE your need for food and calories so if your not gaining with what your eating now and you add steriods ontop i am going to say you will prob get even lighter!

  14. #54
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muscle_20
    well to lose fat you need a great diet and perfect training routine including cardio THEN you can add drugs ontop off your height there is no way your fat so i think cutting is out of the question(unless you wana have a paris hilton style body!)take 500mg test per week this with the rite diet and training will add muscle and strip the little fat you have away from your body!
    anavar wont do any thing under 50mg per day(in my opinion!)and you wont be very happy with the results.
    Exactly. Anavar is a great bridge compound with few sides, and if anything is going to help him lose some bodyfat while he's workoing out, eating right, and doing cardio, it's Anavar.

    At least he isn't trying to jump into halo or Ross's Dianavar cycle or something that's might destroy him.

    Everyone's heard this a million times, but anavar will help maintain and possibly gain quality muscle while dieting.

  15. #55
    poppa pimple is offline New Member
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    What about tbol? I have heard good things about it- gain lean mass w/ low sides...

  16. #56
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    If his diet was bad before why would anavar change that? I am thinking of running var soon but I have to cut my bf down. It will be my reward for cutting. Why have hard muscle under fat? You can't flex fat.

  17. #57
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    If his diet was bad before why would anavar change that? I am thinking of running var soon but I have to cut my bf down. It will be my reward for cutting. Why have hard muscle under fat? You can't flex fat.
    Cute reply.

    I think we all assume that anyone using AAS willl watch their diet. The proper thing to do is what you are doing (lose fat and then cycle), but we all know people sometimes need a crutch and jump into things. I've used anavar sucessfully while in upper teens % and I lost bodyfat and gained muscle, which was exactly what I intended.
    And not only does Anavar harden muscle, but there are some studies that indicate that it may reduce midsection fat in sedentary individuals (this means non athletes).

    I am in no way suggesting that anavar shold be used as a fat burner (it's not clen or ephedra), but it can be used sucessfully by people in the mid teens in bf% successfully while they are dieting to maintain and solidify muscle.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 03-07-2006 at 04:15 PM.

  18. #58
    runninpony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    Cute reply.

    I think we all assume that anyone using AAS willl watch their diet. The proper thing to do is what you are doing (lose fat and then cycle), but we all know people sometimes need a crutch and jump into things. I've used anavar sucessfully while in upper teens % and I lost bodyfat and gained muscle, which was exactly what I intended.
    And not only does Anavar harden muscle, but there are some studies that indicate that it may reduce midsection fat in sedentary individuals (this means non athletes).

    I am in no way suggesting that anavar shold be used as a fat burner (it's not clen or ephedra), but it can be used sucessfully by people in the mid teens in bf% successfully while they are dieting to maintain and solidify muscle.
    Maintaining and solidifying muscle while losing a little body fat would be perfect. I dont know exactly what my true bf is but I promise you guys if I gained muscle it would not be hidden behind fat. Im not completely "ripped" but my body looks excellent, good enough where I want to take my shirt off in public,,,just not close enough to where all of my abs poke out,,other than the top two. I probably have a total of 5-10 lbs at the very most to lose in fat,,so ending up about 180 lbs of muscle would be outstanding.

  19. #59
    BigChris's Avatar
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    Ok let's make this simple...

    'runninpony' would you mind to give me a summary of your training and diet activities over the last 3 years? You have obviously been training for at least 3 years otherwise you cannot even think of mentioning the word 'plato'.

    So because you have been training hard for 3 years or more, and your body stats looks the way they does...well...I would really like to know what your diet looks (looked) like over this time.

    I am not trying to be a smart ass...I am actually trying to help you - which is why you have come to this board like everybody else.

    Do you take natural supplements, how often do you eat, and what? Do you do cardio? Were you more overweight before you started to train intensely?

  20. #60
    runninpony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    Ok let's make this simple...

    'runninpony' would you mind to give me a summary of your training and diet activities over the last 3 years? You have obviously been training for at least 3 years otherwise you cannot even think of mentioning the word 'plato'.

    So because you have been training hard for 3 years or more, and your body stats looks the way they does...well...I would really like to know what your diet looks (looked) like over this time.

    I am not trying to be a smart ass...I am actually trying to help you - which is why you have come to this board like everybody else.

    Do you take natural supplements, how often do you eat, and what? Do you do cardio? Were you more overweight before you started to train intensely?
    Thanks for trying to help, following this I will list both my workout routines and my diet and if you guys would let me know what I should or shouldnt do, both now, and if I was taking Var I would appreciate it. Following is what my workout routine on an AVERAGE week looks like

    Wed-Cardio(I play basketball,racquetball, and/or run on treadmill,bike,stair
    climber etc. my cardio days are usually 2 hours roughly)
    Sun-Cardio(sometimes I take Sun off)

    For like 1 week ill do lower weight and more reps then the next 2 weeks ill do heavy sets with like 6-8 reps max or usually until failure

    Lets say on an average day my diet would look something like this, this is just an example but gives you a good idea

    Breakfast-2 Cups Oatmeal with scoop of whey protein, Large glass skim milk--
    -Or 2 scrambled eggs, 4 pieces turkey bacon, whole wheat toast, whey
    protein shake(when I cant mix the protein in with what Im eating I just
    put it in a large glass of water, or sometimes milk), glass skim milk
    Mid AM snack-pb & jelly sandwich(light on jelly) and whey protein shake or
    cup lowfat yogurt and protein shake
    Lunch-Grilled chicken salad or grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat, or
    tuna sandwich(whole can with a little fat free mayonaise), a turkey
    burger, or something like that,,,all with protein shake
    Afternoon snack-Protein bar, or chicken breast, turkey sandwich, or
    something from what I listed as an mid am snack
    Dinner-something similar to what was listed for lunch, except Ill eat like 2
    grilled chicken sandwiches, or just the chicken breasts, etc, etc(this is
    usually after I workout)
    1-2 hours before bed-cup lowfat yogurt, or banana, and cup of skim milk and
    protein shake

    Now this gives you a good idea of what I eat, it does vary more than this of course but as far as portions and protein/carb ratio its about the same. As far as supplements, the only thing I take other than protein is Creatine and I take a multivitamin as well

    Big Chris- I have been in the gym and played sports regularly for several years however I would say that the program I listed above has only been this strict for about the last year. My wife and I of 8 years(with 2 beautiful kids)had a breakup over year and a half ago and I kind of went into depression, I let myself get up to 196 lbs and didnt do anything at all for like 6 months. We worked things out and we both have never been happier than we are now! She works out usually just as much as I do and is in beautiful shape.

  21. #61
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    You have mentioned before that you have reached a plateau. Now I have gone through the thread again and it is clear that you have made up your mind with regards to using gear. Just remember that you always have a choice when you do something – to do it the right way or to do it the easy way. Usually the wrong way is easier. All I can do is advise you but the end decision will lie with you. In my opinion you should wait at least another 4 or 5 months before you attempt to use gear…you should take time to start a proper training programme, and get you diet sorted out. Split your parts even more – maybe for you back and biceps, then chest and triceps, then calves and shoulders and lastly legs will give you better results through higher intensity and concentration.

    Your diet is not up to scratch for someone who is trying to loose fat. You will need to cut carbs (especially the bread and late night carbs) and add more protein (especially first thing in the morning). You did not even mention a post-workout meal (you need a protein shake with carbs immediately after your workout). You are doing a lot of cardio for someone who is trying to gain muscle. It is not a bad thing but if you do too much it might slow the process down.
    I do understand why you are looking to use gear. Damn we all had our initial reasons…but you will be amazed with what you can achieve without it by simply fine-tuning your workout and diet. When you have got these two the way they should be, and you then reach a real plateau…then will be the right time to take gear onboard (if there ever IS a right time!)…and it will increase the potency of whatever you use because you and your body will be 100% ready for it.

    Anavar is not going to help you. Not now, that is. The other guys were right you will in reality waste you money and probably see little to no results. Test prop with some tren and winny will do the best job in a case like yours but this just goes to show the difference in comparison to your initial planned ‘cycle’…you can’t compare these cycles and it highlights the fact that you are in reality not ready for any cycle.

    Train till you can’t train no more, then train a little harder. Follow your diet like a machine. Get yourself it top condition and then lean towards gear if you still feel the need for it. This is merely advice so you go make the decision…

  22. #62
    muscle_20's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=runninpony] I want to take my shirt off in public
    i know that feeling

    your diet needs fixing cut shit like pb and jelly sandwichs out cause thats just junk!
    listen to what bigchris said because he said it i told you ages ago you dont need anavar and if you take it you will just be upset for the results compared to the costs that you recieve!

  23. #63
    runninpony's Avatar
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    I figured as much cardio as I do a little extra carbs wouldnt hurt me, but you are probably right about cutting down the carbs, especially at night. I dont guess it would hurt to take 2 scoops(40g) of protein at one time instead of just 1 would it? Sometimes protein will upset my insides, but most of the time Im fine. I was planning on waiting at least another month or two to try this anyway but figured I better get a head start on researching so Ill know where I need to be.

  24. #64
    Top_Gun is offline New Member
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    any pics after taking anavar

    Any experiences or pics after taking anavar please!

  25. #65
    king6's Avatar
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    Ancient thread bro. They aint listening no more. Do a search for var, you will find a crap load.

  26. #66
    Top_Gun is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks for that, but still anyone any info on Anavar , pics experiences more than happy to hear from you!
    Thanks again'

  27. #67
    BlackWidow's Avatar
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    Runninbony, since it's your first cycle ... Why not thinking of a prohormone first ?? I think it will give you more gains that anavar ....

    Try a 4-6 weeks cycle of phera plex for example....

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