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  1. #1
    dern180 is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    new york

    shots in the legs?

    I just started my gear. Yellow top deca 400mg a week and test E
    500mg a week. Frist shot was wen and now this sunday I need to shot
    again. I shot half in one leg and the other half in the other leg. Now my freind said I should not shot the next into my legs and to go into my ass. But is it ok to shot into my legs again or should i shot in my ass.

  2. #2
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    Your fine as long as you give each spot 7 days or so between shots. I would hit the glutes next just for grins and to give each spot a chance to recoup. Hell, since your spot injecting why not rotate the glutes, quads, and delts?


  3. #3
    broncojosh's Avatar
    broncojosh is offline Senior Member
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    why are you splitting it up into both legs? Why not just go 2cc in one leg, then 4 days later 2cc in the other? That way you can just shoot your legs, if you are comfortable with them.

  4. #4
    John Hubbard is offline Associate Member
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    May 2002
    In your case you're shooting 3cc's each shot and you could just rotate one leg for the first shot , then other leg for the 2nd shot. For the following week you can alternate your left and right glutes in the same manner and switch back to your legs the week after and so on and so forth. No need to do half a shot in each leg at the same time. Each leg is very capable of handling 3cc's at once.

  5. #5
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    No need to split a shot between two sites--shoot it all in one site!

    Typically you wait a week between injecting the same site, but, as long as you aren't stabbing the exact same spot on the quads (you have a large target area there), you will be fine injecting there again after a few days.

    I used to shoot my quads 4X weekly; lower left quad, lower right quad, upper left quad, upper right quad. I have long legs, so I got about 6"x3" of psace to play with. Maybe that will work for you. (Doing glute shots by yourself takes some practice!)

  6. #6
    dern180 is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    new york
    ajax thanks for the advice...

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