Thread: 2nd cycle opinions wanted
03-09-2006, 08:20 PM #1
2nd cycle opinions wanted
I'm planning my 2nd cycle for first week in may. I'm 34 and have been lifting for 12 years. Im 210lbs and around 14% body fat. My first cycle was 12 weeks 0f sust 500mg/wk and 400mg deca /wk. Im intrested in lean gains so how dose this cycle sound.
Week 1-4 test prop 100mg/ed
Week 1-12 Test Cyp 500mg/wk
Week 1-10 EQ 400mg/wk
Week 6-12 Winny 50mg/ed
Like I said This is my plan but I'm open to suggestions
03-09-2006, 08:59 PM #2
03-09-2006, 09:04 PM #3
I would drop the prop dose down a bit. Extend test to 13 and Eq to 12 and run the winny through week 13.
03-09-2006, 09:09 PM #4
sounds good I was not sure about Eq for only 10 weeks Should I drop the prop to 50mg 0r 75mg/ed
03-09-2006, 09:12 PM #5
I think 50 would be just fine as a jumpstart
03-09-2006, 09:17 PM #6
What about running the prop again for 18 days after the last Cyp injection. Is this cycle to much for a second ?
03-09-2006, 10:16 PM #7Originally Posted by growboy
wk1-4 prop 75 ED/150 EOD
wk8-14 winny 50mg ED
wk12-14 prop 75 ED/150 EOD
If you have the funds why not extend the test and eq. test to like 14 and eq to 13.
03-09-2006, 10:18 PM #8
initialy that was exactly the cycle i planed but tought of shortening it because I 'm not to sure about the cycle length for a second cycle. is this cycle ok.
03-09-2006, 10:30 PM #9Originally Posted by growboy
03-09-2006, 10:42 PM #10
Sounds good thats the plan then look for my results on the members cycle forum
03-09-2006, 11:10 PM #11Originally Posted by growboy
03-09-2006, 11:44 PM #12
no problem comming off your cycle my big fear is hrt
03-10-2006, 12:17 AM #13
My suggestion is:
1-4 Prop 75mg ED
1-14 Cyp 500mg EW
1-13 EQ 400mg EW
11-16.5 Winny 50mg ED
Start PCT the day After your last shot/oral administration of Winny.
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