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  1. #1
    DDDNTZ's Avatar
    DDDNTZ is offline Associate Member
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    Smile Gyno-prone, HELP!

    What's up bro's? I've been outta the loop for a while, and just had a quick question. If you are prone to getting gyno more so than others, is it nessesary to take an ancilliary throughout your cycle, or just if you start to feel your nips getting sore? I have always had a little bit of fat around my nips, even before doing a cycle. It's not really noticable, and I've never had sore nips while on a cycle. What should I do? Wait for them to get sore? Use letro .5 ed? Use nolva 40mg ed? PLEASE HELP! Thanks bros!

  2. #2
    vnv's Avatar
    vnv is offline New Member
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    I got a small, marble-sized lump after my first cycle of test-e. Now I use .75mg letro and 10mg nolva every night during my test-based cycles. The lump eventually disappeared while on a cycle, believe it or not. If you don't want to take a chance, running a low does of nolva along with a little anti-aromatase isn't going to hurt. Doesn't seem to have affected my results. The only difference I notice is that now, while using letro and nolva on-cycle, I'm not bloated and gaining extra fat.

  3. #3
    DDDNTZ's Avatar
    DDDNTZ is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks vnv, I used letro in my last cycle, and it DID seem to hinder my gains a little more than using nolva in the previous cycle. I just wanted to see some really good gains this time around. BTW, I'm gonna be using Eq. 500mg/wk and Test E. 600mg/wk for 14 wks.

  4. #4
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    What's up bro's? I've been outta the loop for a while, and just had a quick question. If you are prone to getting gyno more so than others, is it nessesary to take an ancilliary throughout your cycle, or just if you start to feel your nips getting sore? I have always had a little bit of fat around my nips, even before doing a cycle. It's not really noticable, and I've never had sore nips while on a cycle. What should I do? Wait for them to get sore? Use letro .5 ed? Use nolva 40mg ed? PLEASE HELP! Thanks bros!

    imo you should ALWAYS run some type of anti e while on cycle. my favorite is letro, finished with aromasin to prevent a rebound effect

  5. #5
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    Thanks vnv, I used letro in my last cycle, and it DID seem to hinder my gains a little more than using nolva in the previous cycle. I just wanted to see some really good gains this time around. BTW, I'm gonna be using Eq. 500mg/wk and Test E. 600mg/wk for 14 wks.
    The only reason you think an AI like letro hindered any gains is because of the mechanism in which it works. An AI stops aromatization so this will help keep bloating down a great deal. Nolva on the other hand allows the aromatizing compound to aromatize which in turn will make you hold water from bloating.

    If I was gyno prone then I would start running either run letro @ .5mg ED through the cycle or 10mg Nolva and .25mg L-dex ED through the cycle and see if this is enough to stop the signs of gyno.

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