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  1. #1
    Clincher's Avatar
    Clincher is offline Junior Member
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    Bulking/Cutting Vets! Anyone cycle showed no results!

    OK well I am now on the down side of my L-Thyroxine aka T4 Cytomel . Anyways I have yet to see any results at all while taking this. I went all the way up to 200mcg a day. I am now on the tail end of the cycle coming down currently at 150mcg a day. I have seen any results at all. I never saw any side effects besides some mild headaches and warmness but I didn't see any kind of notable weight loss. I am sort of stomped at this point on what I should do. I really wanted to cut off a couple pounds with this stuff and my diet and workout are excellent. Is their anything else I can take to possibly help me out?

    I guess I am looking for soemthign that will help me build mass now and cut fat while in the process. Can anyone give any ideas on something that will help me gain strength and cut fat off efficently? Would it be a problem going on a cycle of Cytomel T3 a week or two after a cycle of T4? Any help you guys could give me would be huge. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    i'm no expert on T3 or T4 so I will offer no advice there but maybe you should try soem Clen . I know you can drop a few pounds with that stuff no problem and i'm sure you'll feel it.

    if you're thinking of doing a cycle I would suggest Prop / Tren for mass gains with a drop in body fat. That's the current cycle i'm on now and it's working great.

    Have seen friends run the cycle before with great results so I went for it as well.

    regardless good luck.

  3. #3
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDecon
    OK well I am now on the down side of my L-Thyroxine aka T4 Cytomel.
    First off, your T4 is not Cytomel , it's SYNTHROID .
    [QUTOE=TheDecon]Anyways I have yet to see any results at all while taking this. I went all the way up to 200mcg a day. I am now on the tail end of the cycle coming down currently at 150mcg a day. I have seen any results at all. I never saw any side effects besides some mild headaches and warmness but I didn't see any kind of notable weight loss. I am sort of stomped at this point on what I should do. I really wanted to cut off a couple pounds with this stuff and my diet and workout are excellent. Is their anything else I can take to possibly help me out? [/QUOTE]
    T4 is rather weaker in comparison to T3. I've ran the dose as high as 400mcg with little sides. Personally, I would've gone with T3 alltogether.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDecon
    I guess I am looking for soemthign that will help me build mass now and cut fat while in the process. Can anyone give any ideas on something that will help me gain strength and cut fat off efficently? Would it be a problem going on a cycle of Cytomel T3 a week or two after a cycle of T4? Any help you guys could give me would be huge. Thanks guys.
    Yes it would be a problem going from one thyroid cycle to another in a matter of weeks. You've got to give your thyroid time to recoup before you go messing with it again. Thryroid drugs are shit you don't wanna play with otherwise you might have to use them indefinitley if you mess up your metabolism too much. I'd say at least give it a break for the same amount of time your were using the T4. As for an AAS that will help burn fat, there is none. Good ol' dieting and intense training coupled with cardio will get the fat off.

  4. #4
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    I kinda disagree.. a cutting cycle is way more effective in shedding fat than doing it without AAS.. IMO

  5. #5
    Clincher's Avatar
    Clincher is offline Junior Member
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    Hippo please tell me more. Guys I really need to know what to do here. I think my next step is to take a AAS but I am not sure which one. I am trying to get something that will put on some good lean muscle and will cut the fat off me in the process. Please help me out guys.

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2005
    its diet and cardio that do that.. AAS or any other medicine will just help u with ur goals ... what are your stats and cycle history?

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