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  1. #1
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    is this possible...

    so i started my cycle and im about 6 weeks in...the first few weeks i put on about 16lbs. gettin me to 250lbs. now i've just stopped gaining...i eat like hell and my gear is this is my theory tell me what u guys think...

    in the past 10 months after bulking and cutting a few times i put on about 40-45lbs, with about 15lbs of that being u think that because i put on so much wieght so quickly my body doesnt want to gain anymore or would aas break through that platuea easily..
    cycle is prop 450mg/wk 1-4
    test. e. 500mg/wk1-10 want to bump up dosage and extend..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I think you have to just give it time you are in week 6 & you already gained 16lbs & the test E is starting to kick in i wont worry if my gear is legit, my diet & training in check.

    good luck

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  3. #3
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    word..any other opinions...

  4. #4
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    at 250lb if your in good shape your a big guy so may be those doses arnt cutting it any more for your body.16lb is a good gain though so i wouldnt be unhappy with it.

  5. #5
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Your theory could be right for sure. It is hard to tell as everyones metabolism etc is different and drug use will vary from one individual to the next. But it is FOR CERTAIN than positive gains (in either direction...losing or gaining depending on your goal) will slow down. Thats why people who do their first cycle gain the most and thats why people tend to lose the most weight in the first two weeks of dieting/cardio.

    Dont step on the scale for a while and just keep up the hard work. Step back on the scale after a couple weeks. If your goal is to gain there is nothing more disappointing than seeing teh scale at a stand still. Just take your mind off it for a while and let your coritsol drop LOL. Also I mean you could be losing some bf% at the same time, therefore just not showign any scale gains although you are gaining muscle.


  6. #6
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Your theory could be right for sure. It is hard to tell as everyones metabolism etc is different and drug use will vary from one individual to the next. But it is FOR CERTAIN than positive gains (in either direction...losing or gaining depending on your goal) will slow down. Thats why people who do their first cycle gain the most and thats why people tend to lose the most weight in the first two weeks of dieting/cardio.

    Dont step on the scale for a while and just keep up the hard work. Step back on the scale after a couple weeks. If your goal is to gain there is nothing more disappointing than seeing teh scale at a stand still. Just take your mind off it for a while and let your coritsol drop LOL. Also I mean you could be losing some bf% at the same time, therefore just not showign any scale gains although you are gaining muscle.

    yeah good idea, im just gonna keep eatin as much as i can and weigh myself in a week or two.. i think im goin to change my diet to more of a dirty bulk too...

  7. #7
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Bro, I am in week 5 of test cyp 500mg/wk and I have gained 12 lbs already (up to 243 lbs). I also noticed that I have gotten leaner somehow (must be the test) because I am eating like a horse. I am not worrying too much about weight right now because I am leaner looking and my shoulders and back look HUGE. Also, your Test will be just kicking in right now in week 6 so maybe when that happens you will see some more gains...

    Good luck bro,

  8. #8
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have rarely gained during a cycle at an average rate. I hit small platues and then blow past them. I also find it challenging at times to beat personal records for myself, which leads me to beleive phsycology plays a roll in each of our individual progression. I am just finishing a cycle where I have gained 34 pounds. I know that I was stuck at 26 pounds for a while and it was a weight I used to weigh years ago. I think this played a roll in having difficulty just blowing past it. Dont let yourself beleive you are not going to grow anymore. You will! Good luck and post again at the end of your cycle to let others know your experience.

  9. #9
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    dam 34lbs thats pretty serious weight to put hopin for another ten lbs. ordering soem more gear right now so i can extend it to 12 wks..

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