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  1. #1
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005

    Starting PCT and Accutane 3 weeks later..??..

    I just finished 11 weeks of 500mg/wk test e and 300mg/wk deca . It has been 2 weeks since last deca inj. and 1 week since last test e inj. I am thinking of getting my blood work done in 2 more weeks (so 3 weeks after last inj of test e, 4 weeks after last deca inj.) and then starting accutane.

    Is this too soon for the blood work, or should it be ok? also, I am taking HCG and Clomid for PCT. Is it fine for me to start Accutane while still on PCT?

    All experienced comments helpful. Are my liver values going to be semi-normal after running this 11 weeks cycle?


  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Get bloodwork done 3-4 weeks after PCT has ended. This way you can see how successful your PCT was and if another, lighter PCT is required. Liver values should also have returned to normal, if elevated with the use of 17aa compounds. Take some Milkthistle and/or a liver protectant.

    HCG /Clomid will work, but other combinations are more effective. HCG/Nolva as Nolva will help prevent the suppression of ganadotropins that HCG's use may bring. Also adding an AI would help. The best choice being Aromasin .

  3. #3
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005
    thanks.. but.... Acne is a problem with me, so the sooner I can start the accutane the better? is it ok to go get the bloodwork done as I stated? I have been taking milk thistle 2x daily (double the reccomended quantity) for the whole 11 weeks of the cycle (if that helps at all).

  4. #4
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    you should be fine, i was in the same situation as you 4 weeks ago. I actually started accutane the same time I started PCT.
    My liver values were fine, and so far, everything is going good.
    My pct is nolva only 40mg ED for 2 weeks, and then 20mg for 2 weeks.
    I think my natty test is back, because morning woods are coming back.

  5. #5
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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    haha.. and how is the accutane working after 4 weeks? how bad was ur acne at the end of your cycle, and how is it looking now?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    im almost done with my pct and i just got done running the same cycle as u. my bacne is pretty bad! i was just wondering if it goes away after awhile or should i take accutane also? right now im just taking this nozal stuff

  7. #7
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Yea my acne was bad on my back and light on my face right after cycle. And now my face is very good, with way less oily, with means no shine.
    Im trying to figure out a good cycle right now that would not bring on this acne as bad. Acne makes this shit almost not worth it caus you cant even take off your shirt!! Durring the winter is fine, but i need to be correct for summer!!!!!

  8. #8
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicvenom
    im almost done with my pct and i just got done running the same cycle as u. my bacne is pretty bad! i was just wondering if it goes away after awhile or should i take accutane also? right now im just taking this nozal stuff
    If it does not go way after pct, then you should see a doctor for accutane. He will probably put you on antibiotics before he gives you accutate though. Tane is "last resort".
    But in my opinion, the sides are not really that serious.

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