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  1. #1
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    Exclamation Supplments with T3? PLease help

    I got T3 from ARR, I was just reading around and i found a post saying you need to supplement T3 with Iodine to make it work, is this true?

    If so how much, and where can i get some from.

    If not are there anyother supplments I should be taking,

    Im also on

    50mg Tren Ace ED
    70mg Prop ED
    Clen pyramid
    T3, ----------- Im doing a max of 100mcg is it okay to stay at this level ED?
    How do I know when i've hit my tolerance with T3?

  2. #2
    macktownmac's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    gimme a bit, i'll do some research...ive never heard this before, but ive been away for awhile after back surgery, and in this game, they find new shite out all the time


  4. #4
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    i'm gonna take a fairly uneducated stab at this...

    Effects of low dose oral iodide supplementation on thyroid function in normal men.

    Gardner DF, Centor RM, Utiger RD.

    Department of Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond 23298.

    Previous studies have demonstrated that short-term oral iodide administration, in doses ranging from 1500 micrograms to 250 mg/day, has an inhibitory effect on thyroid hormone secretion in normal men. As iodide intake in the USA may be as high as 800 micrograms/d, we investigated the effects of very low dose iodide supplementation on thyroid function. Thirty normal men aged 22-40 years were randomly assigned to receive 500, 1500, and 4500 micrograms iodide/day for 2 weeks. Blood was obtained on days 1 and 15 for measurement of serum T4, T3, T3-charcoal uptake, TSH, protein-bound iodide (PBI) and total iodide, and 24 h urine samples were collected on these days for measurement of urinary iodide excretion. TRH tests were performed before and at the end of the period of iodide administration. Serum inorganic iodide was calculated by subtracting the PBI from the serum total iodide. We found significant dose-related increases in serum total and inorganic iodide concentrations, as well as urinary iodide excretion. The mean serum T4 concentration and free T4 index values decreased significantly at the 1500 micrograms/day and 4500 micrograms/day doses. No changes in T3-charcoal uptake or serum T3 concentration occurred at any dose. Administration of 500 micrograms iodide/day resulted in a significant increase (P less than 0.005) in the serum TSH response to TRH, and the two larger iodide doses resulted in increases in both basal and TRH-stimulated serum TSH concentrations.

    you'll notice however that it does say there was an increase in the response of TSH to TRH, but unless i'm missing something, this has no effect on the serum levels of T3, which would be your primary goal, i think

    i'll keep searching, and maybe, in the meantime, someone more knowledgable can elaborate


  5. #5
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    forgot to mention that the article also references other studies that showed iodine supp had inhibitory effects on thyroid secretion...seeing as how your goal with taking t3 is to increase secretion, i can't imagine iodine being good for your regimen...again, other thoughts welcome


  6. #6
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    I did some more research aswell, it appears that you should use Kelp Iodine for PCT on T3, maybe there is some confusion about when you should be taking what,
    Last edited by macktownmac; 03-28-2006 at 06:53 PM.

  7. #7
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    now yes, i do remember hearing that...the reasons why, i cannot elaborate on, seeing as how i've never read anything in depth or of merit...maybe someone can post...


  8. #8
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    Trimethyl Glycine
    Citrulline malate

    Anti ox:
    Vitamin C
    b vitamins

  9. #9
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA
    Trimethyl Glycine
    Citrulline malate

    Anti ox:
    Vitamin C
    b vitamins
    now, please forgive me, as i have been away a bit, but in case you've never chatted with me, i usually prefer having someone explain "why", along with "what"...maybe it's been done in a sticky somewhere, but i'm gettin old, and wouldnt take much eh? gracias

    alpha (this is not an attempt to second guess, i crave knowledge is all)

  10. #10
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA
    Trimethyl Glycine
    Citrulline malate

    Anti ox:
    Vitamin C
    b vitamins
    Yea I have no idea what that all means, Im doing B12 & Taurine, thats it.

  11. #11
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    sure bros
    will post up later to explain

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