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  1. #1
    daft1425 is offline Junior Member
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    1st Cycle Critique plz

    hey guys, to start off with here are my stats, 22 years old, 5 foot 7 around 185lbs, body fat i have no idea,
    cycle goals - bulker, reach 200lbs
    anyway here goes,

    wk 1-12 500mg/wk test enanthate
    300mg on mon, 200mg on thurs

    PCT(for 4 weeks or until everythings back up)--- 2 weeks after last shot of enan,
    Clomid -day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100mg ed
    day 12-21 50 mg ed
    Nolva - 20mg ed

    shud i run nolva during a cycle? i've had friends who've been on cycles before that say nolva shud be used only in PCT or when any signs of gyno occur, also ive heard nolva limits gains on a cycle.

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes you can run nolva the whole way though the cycle...should you? Well that all depends if you are prone to gyno and estro related sides. Since its your first cycle you may want to experiment to see how prone you are and go without it. But make sure you have it on hand. It looks like a good modest first cycle, however inject 250mg each injection not 300 and 200. Keep it consistent, I cant stress this enough.
    Also you said PCT was 4 weeks (or until recovered), which I commend you on for doing research and not limiting yourself, but I see you only listen days 1-21...thats three weeks. Whats up with that?
    Anyways it looks good other than what I mentioned. Good luck with it.

  3. #3
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daft1425
    hey guys, to start off with here are my stats, 22 years old, 5 foot 7 around 185lbs, body fat i have no idea,
    cycle goals - bulker, reach 200lbs
    anyway here goes,

    wk 1-12 500mg/wk test enanthate
    300mg on mon, 200mg on thurs

    PCT(for 4 weeks or until everythings back up)--- 2 weeks after last shot of enan,
    Clomid -day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100mg ed
    day 12-21 50 mg ed
    Nolva - 20mg ed

    shud i run nolva during a cycle? i've had friends who've been on cycles before that say nolva shud be used only in PCT or when any signs of gyno occur, also ive heard nolva limits gains on a cycle.
    i agree w/ your friends that you should save the nolva for when sides are observed and PCT. but i always run an AI to stay dry and prevent sides. cycle looks good expect id shoot 250/250 not 200/300, but this is pretty minor. also, i'm not a fan of clomid and esp 300mgs the first day.....thsi is not needed and may only bring on extra side effects caused by such a high dose of clomid.

  4. #4
    keith hackney's Avatar
    keith hackney is offline Associate Member
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    why are the shots 300 and 200? 250 and 250 would make more sense. as far as the nolva goes, do what you want, be careful and definitely have plenty available for the cycle and pct.

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    250 x2 per week is best. It will keep blood plasma concentrations nice and stable, reducing sides.

    Keep the Nolva on hand an run it if sides arise.

  6. #6
    nattyboy is offline New Member
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    Nov 2005
    250x2 sounds best
    ive also heard that nolva limits gains, cant give u nemore info on it lol
    Last edited by nattyboy; 03-29-2006 at 03:29 PM.

  7. #7
    daft1425 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2006
    aright thnx alot for all the help guyz, i was thinkin of takin 300/200 cuz the dose is 300mg/ml so it looked easier lol, so i guess ill have to take .83 of a ml x2
    any1 have ne info about if nolva (if used during a cycle) limits gains

  8. #8
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    keeo nolva on hand

  9. #9
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    like swift said 250 2x's a week make sure u have nolva and all your pct needs b4 you start

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