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  1. #1
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    First lean mass cycle

    Hey guys,

    This is gona be my first cycle which i will run in a month or two.

    I`m taking your advice and i`m running 500, Test E for 12 weeks

    I would like to add proviron to add some hardness while at the same time decrease some water retention. Will have nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms. Does it look ok?

    Weeks 1-12 : 500/week testoveron ( Test E)
    Weeks 1-14 : Proviron 50mgED (devided into 2 doses) PCT Weeks 15-20 : nolva 20mg + Aridimex 0.5
    Clen +Ketotifen, and maybe a low dose of t3/t4

    Thanks brothers

  2. #2
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
    DwinsChamps is offline Associate Member
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    Why are you including clen in your pct, and why is your pct so long?

    Hopefully some more experienced members chime in.

  3. #3
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    clen is can be used in pct to block the cortisol builiup thats accumulated through the cycle and cut out any fat gained....downside is if not used properly it can diet off your newely made muscles

  4. #4
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trulbfan3
    clen is can be used in pct to block the cortisol builiup thats accumulated through the cycle and cut out any fat gained....downside is if not used properly it can diet off your newely made muscles
    ohh, that makes sense. I was looking at his avy and thinking, "wtf does he need clen ?"

  5. #5
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    Exactly... that`s the reason for adding a small dose (40mcg) of clen after cycle.

    What do u think of test+proviron ?

  6. #6
    taiotosh7's Avatar
    taiotosh7 is offline Associate Member
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    sounds good except for the arimidex , don't think you would need it......arimidex is taken during a cycle usually only when a stack of aromatising aas are used (high dose of dbol and test) at 500mgs a week you shouldn't need this at all.......eliminating TOO MUCH estrogen will hinder your gains bro

  7. #7
    HUNTER1's Avatar
    HUNTER1 is offline Member
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    You're cycle looks fine. Nice to see that you have done research before starting. Good luck!

  8. #8
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiotosh7
    sounds good except for the arimidex, don't think you would need it......arimidex is taken during a cycle usually only when a stack of aromatising aas are used (high dose of dbol and test) at 500mgs a week you shouldn't need this at all.......eliminating TOO MUCH estrogen will hinder your gains bro
    I don't quite agree with this. There are a lot of guys who can get away with taking up to a gram of test before an AI is needed, but some need it no matter how much test they're taking (me for instance).

    Since this will be your first cycle daspaceman, your not really sure how the test will effect you. Everyone is different. I'd keep the arimidex on hand, along with the nolva. If you feel unwanted sides, or just too much water retention, use the nolva until sides subdue and begin the arimidex.

    Cycle looks real good though. You can tell you've done your research


  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daspaceman
    Hey guys,

    This is gona be my first cycle which i will run in a month or two.

    I`m taking your advice and i`m running 500, Test E for 12 weeks

    I would like to add proviron to add some hardness while at the same time decrease some water retention. Will have nolva on hand in case of gyno symptoms. Does it look ok?

    Weeks 1-12 : 500/week testoveron ( Test E)
    Weeks 1-14 : Proviron 50mgED (devided into 2 doses) PCT Weeks 15-20 : nolva 20mg + Aridimex 0.5
    Clen +Ketotifen, and maybe a low dose of t3/t4

    Thanks brothers
    Test Enan is active for 14 days. So, PCT begins in week 14, not 15. You PCT is ok, not brilliant. I'd add some HCG /Proviron into the mix also.

  10. #10
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    I don't quite agree with this. There are a lot of guys who can get away with taking up to a gram of test before an AI is needed, but some need it no matter how much test they're taking (me for instance).

    Since this will be your first cycle daspaceman, your not really sure how the test will effect you. Everyone is different. I'd keep the arimidex on hand, along with the nolva. If you feel unwanted sides, or just too much water retention, use the nolva until sides subdue and begin the arimidex .

    Cycle looks real good though. You can tell you've done your research

    Agreed. Nolva wont do much for water retention. An AI will. If you get any unwanted water retention, run a low dose of the Arimidex.

  11. #11
    taiotosh7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    I don't quite agree with this. There are a lot of guys who can get away with taking up to a gram of test before an AI is needed, but some need it no matter how much test they're taking (me for instance).

    Since this will be your first cycle daspaceman, your not really sure how the test will effect you. Everyone is different. I'd keep the arimidex on hand, along with the nolva. If you feel unwanted sides, or just too much water retention, use the nolva until sides subdue and begin the arimidex.

    Cycle looks real good though. You can tell you've done your research

    Good call 1buff...I should have stated that your 1st cycle will help you determine how you react to hormones, everyone is different....keep it on hand

  12. #12
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiotosh7
    sounds good except for the arimidex, don't think you would need it......arimidex is taken during a cycle usually only when a stack of aromatising aas are used (high dose of dbol and test) at 500mgs a week you shouldn't need this at all.......eliminating TOO MUCH estrogen will hinder your gains bro

    One of the jobs of Arimidex is to increase natural testeserone levels which is vital after the cycle.

  13. #13
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    I don't quite agree with this. There are a lot of guys who can get away with taking up to a gram of test before an AI is needed, but some need it no matter how much test they're taking (me for instance).

    Since this will be your first cycle daspaceman, your not really sure how the test will effect you. Everyone is different. I'd keep the arimidex on hand, along with the nolva. If you feel unwanted sides, or just too much water retention, use the nolva until sides subdue and begin the arimidex.

    Cycle looks real good though. You can tell you've done your research

    I will have like 2 boxes of nolva and 1/2 box of aridimex just in case of gyno + bloatness

  14. #14
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Test Enan is active for 14 days. So, PCT begins in week 14, not 15. You PCT is ok, not brilliant. I'd add some HCG/Proviron into the mix also.

    Will add some HCG PCT , just to be safe

    I would like to thank you guys for your support.. will keep you posted with pictures and a cycle log !


  15. #15
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daspaceman
    Will add some HCG PCT , just to be safe

    I would like to thank you guys for your support.. will keep you posted with pictures and a cycle log !
    Definately .


  16. #16
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by daspaceman
    Will add some HCG PCT , just to be safe

    I would like to thank you guys for your support.. will keep you posted with pictures and a cycle log !

    No problem bro.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    i bought a box of aramidex the side effects there are listed are way to much and it says there are no madical avidence to certificates that it is safe its unknows wha tit can do exectly, it also can make defects in children and even of you grand children!!! i think i shall use novadex it way much safer !!!!!

  18. #18
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnold_of_malta
    i bought a box of aramidex the side effects there are listed are way to much and it says there are no madical avidence to certificates that it is safe its unknows wha tit can do exectly, it also can make defects in children and even of you grand children!!! i think i shall use novadex it way much safer !!!!!
    Is this true?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by daspaceman
    Is this true?
    yes i read it today on the paper that there will be in the box with the pills i was afraid and i dont want to use it anymore!!!!!!

  20. #20
    daspaceman's Avatar
    daspaceman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnold_of_malta
    yes i read it today on the paper that there will be in the box with the pills i was afraid and i dont want to use it anymore!!!!!!

    Arnold.... I think it refers to females not males!

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