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Thread: Tijuhana juice

  1. #1
    Rookie1974's Avatar
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    Tijuhana juice

    Anyone know how available juice is in tijuana? How safe is to bring back?
    Last edited by Rookie1974; 03-30-2006 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #2
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    not smart to bring it back. theres more than a 50% chance youd be caught imo...

  3. #3
    Smiley619's Avatar
    Smiley619 is offline Member
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    50% chance of getting caught by customs?????hmmm no. its highyl unlikely that you will be caught at the border.and wheres tijuhana?? i wanna go lol.jk its tijuana

  4. #4
    Wordsworth is offline New Member
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    got gear from TJ probably well over 10x in a 6 month period and never had a problem with customs or the federallies...other friends of mine however have been stopped and have had to bribe the federallies, but never stopped by customs...guess i've just been lucky

    haven't been there in about 2 months and last time they had raised prices $5-10 but supply was still good, however i've heard recently there's almost none of some brands like QV

  5. #5
    monstermasss's Avatar
    monstermasss is offline Associate Member
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    its hard when you have over 17-18'' arms it tends to raise a little suspition? why go there when you can get from better sources???

  6. #6
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    Tijuana Juice

    The chances of you getting caught by Customs is almost zero. Most Customs officials simply care if you are a legal citizen or not. In fact, most times I have crossed the border back into the U.S., the Customs official simply asks, "Are you American?" and after I say "Yes" he lets me go, no checking I.D. or anything else. The biggest problem you will have in Tijuana is the Tijuana police, who may shake you down for all of your spending cash. In fact, there are several pharmacies in Tijuana where the pharmacist sells you anabolics, then calls a friend in the police force to shake you down and the two split the money. Plus, Pharmacies in Tijuana have very few things you would want. They have preloaded Sustanons for about $12 per shot, Deca amps for $18, and maybe some fake stuff they can sell you on if you don't know what you're doing. Tijuana isn't the place to be right now folks. Trust me, I'm a LOOOOOOOOONNG time veteran of that town. It may get better again, but right now it's not worth it.


  7. #7
    vegas702 is offline Junior Member
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    I go to TJ every 2 months NEVER have i been stopped by customs or the mexican cops and we always bring back juice and alot of other meds that we can get

  8. #8
    Silk22 is offline Junior Member
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    is the stuff worth it? sounds kind of expensive.

  9. #9
    Savant is offline New Member
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    Wow! Nice update on TJ, was planning a trip (1200mi.). Thanks for the good info Hungry, saved me some driving.

  10. #10
    Rookie1974's Avatar
    Rookie1974 is offline Associate Member
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    Thankx fellas

  11. #11
    LivinItUp is offline Associate Member
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    Animal power.. and QV are no more... and Sydgroup doesnt export to mexico anymore ... some important people were busted in Cali... and one being the owner of Animal power and QV.. but Pet Pharma is still around and the prices have gone way up... in my opinion its not worth the travel unless u are close to the border... anyone have any further info. on whats going on in Mexico?

  12. #12
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
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    go there all the time... no problems... quality gear.... cheap as dirt... no customs situations.... best place to go in my opinion.

    guess people just have different experiences. I go to the same place everytime so they guy there hooks me up.

  13. #13
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    You have to remember,

    There simply are not many legitimate anabolics being made in the Mexico/South America region right now. Here is what you will find if you go to a pharmacy in TJ:

    1.Sustanon preloads w/needle and syringe -$10-$12.
    2.Deca 100mg amps - $15-$22.
    3.Sherring SPAIN Primobolan 50mg amps(dude, do you even want to think about how much it costs with only 50mg amps? Not worth it..period).
    4.Black market fake stuff.

    5. The leftover vet stuff(Animal Power,QV,etc) is sold at "Graneros", which are vet pharmacies but basically are a front for American's to buy vet anabolics I mentioned. After the big bust recently of ALL companies, I have a hunch that a TON of stuff is completely fake right now, while some is real and left over after the bust. You could take your chances, but I wouldn't advise it right now. Just my opinion from years in this.

    That's it for Mexican Anabolics. The only other thing you will find in Tijuana pharmacies are BLACK MARKET fake steroids . They might contain some good stuff, might not, who knows? They'll have stuff like Searle Anavar 2.5mg tabs, hoping that you don't know that Searle does NOT make Anavar anymore and hasn't for 10 years! They'll have weird looking home brewed Dbol at a few pharmacies, but as far as the legit stuff you can get in Tijuana, Mexico, I have listed it here. Just trying to help out by sharing my experiences from a LOOOOOOOONG time traveling to Tijuana. I'll post from time to time as I'm sure things will get better again. Tijuana is a tourist town that makes a TON of its money from tourists going down to buy drugs. The scene will get good again, it just is NOT right now. Peace


  14. #14
    monstermasss's Avatar
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    if you are willing to screw up your freedom do it but i have 2-3 guys i know got caught so please be careful guys!!!

  15. #15
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Dont buy QV or Animal Power...they are not more in not sure how real still in carefulll..!

  16. #16
    cfiler's Avatar
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    TJ is pretty easy to sneak gear through. Never done it, but I watched some little mexican guy do it.

  17. #17
    Obe_One_Kanobi is offline Junior Member
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    Your best options are going to Rosarito about 20-30 min from TJ less drama, federals don't trip as long as you don't run a red light of Jay Walk, but you still got to go thru TJ to get to Customs. A lot of people forget that Mexico has two exits to go back to San Diego, the big rig/car exit is better and it's not as slow as TJ.

    But the down fall is hardly no gear is sold anymore like QV, Euro Labs, Tornel, Best Labs, Red Dragon Ampule Research, etc. Mexican laws have pressured Mexican agriculture/vet facilities a limited inventory for sale to the recommended public. What ever is left over from Tokkyo is not a problem but most products have expired by now.

  18. #18
    LivinItUp is offline Associate Member
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    Red Dragon isnt in mexico

  19. #19
    xeclipsex's Avatar
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    New to S.D. and have been wondering about this question for a bit now, being so close to the border. What about the quality? Never did a cycle before so I would not know if I was getting sold some bunk stuff. I have been reading as much as possible but I have never seen it up close any advice?

  20. #20
    LivinItUp is offline Associate Member
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    Study up on ur reals and fakes.. but mexico is going through alot right now.. im sure have the stuff there is fake now..

  21. #21
    rsmihula's Avatar
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    Just got back from Puerto Nuevo which is an hour south of TJ and yeah a lot of gear in TJ is fake and it's true about all vet suppliers shut down. I was lucky to stop in Rosarito and found a vet who still had few QV products left I checked the dates and peeled the logo and checked the levels to make sure that it's good gear and I basically bought the rest of his products. He informed me QV products and such will unlikely be faked now that there all shut down and anybody buying them still is not obviously informed about the shut downs. Good luck you may want to find a another source............

    p.s. the lobster down there is excellent "Puerto Nuevo"

  22. #22
    Obe_One_Kanobi is offline Junior Member
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    In regards to "Red Dragon Ampule Research"

    Quote Originally Posted by LivinItUp
    Red Dragon isnt in mexico
    I went to Mexico a few months ago and this clinic had just got some in. They were 2ml vials (Flip Top). Labels looked good, laminated & water proof. I saw Deca 300, Winny 100, Primo 100, and Susta 250. They are out of India, they seem to be a part of Best Labs also, they both said made in India. I'll send you pics in a few weeks when they come in the mail, I ordered samples to get them tested but I didn't feel like crossing the border that day since i was with family members.

    I'm not trying to promte these products in any shape or form. I'm just giving you personal feedback.

  23. #23
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Check into a motel in San Yasidro. Take a taxi or walk over the border. Do your shopping and have the Mexicans bring it to your motel room. They are
    experts at getting over the border. Don't gamble with your freedom. Audios!

  24. #24
    anabolicbruce's Avatar
    anabolicbruce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Check into a motel in San Yasidro. Take a taxi or walk over the border. Do your shopping and have the Mexicans bring it to your motel room. They are
    experts at getting over the border. Don't gamble with your freedom. Audios!

    This is the LAST dude I would take advice from, LOL!!

    just do a post history on him!

  25. #25
    LivinItUp is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry i thought u meant they were from mexico.. lmao... Id like to see pics of them... thanks

  26. #26
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    The last trip I made from TJ I crossed over 3 times & got pull aside for 2nd questioning all 3 times. Of course I was loaded with gear but kept my cool. The 3rd & final time I got question & when things all wrapped up. The agent was like your're huge sir. Most guys that fit your desciption are there for ASS. Oh well kinda thought securing the border was more inportant than shuting down foriegn steroid companies.

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