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  1. #1
    New Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006

    Upcoming 19 weeker

    Here is what my cycle is looking like set for January 2007. I'm looking for good lean gains w/o much water wieght.


    1. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    2. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    3. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    4. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    5. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    6. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    7. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    8. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    9. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    10.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    11.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    12.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    13.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    14.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    15.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    16.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    17.Test E 750mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    18.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    19.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day

    I'll be using Nolva at 10mg/day throughout the entire cycle. My PCT isen't set in stone yet I'm still fiddling but more than likely will consist of clomid and nolva

    I am 21 Years old. By then will be about 225 with 5% bf. Two cycles completed using Test E, Deca , EQ, and Prop.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    If you May This is what i think


    1. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    2. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    3. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    4. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    5. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    6. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    7. Test C 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    8. Test C 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    9. Test C 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    10.Test C 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    11.Test C 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    12.Test C 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    13.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    14.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    15.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    16.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    17.Test E 750mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    18.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    19.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day

    just swtich up the test ester to keep your body fresh and your gains wont stop.
    as for a gram of prop a week to kickstart thats a good choice, my buds lovin it. Keep us posted. Im 12 weeks off from my 25 weeker .

  3. #3
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    looks like a hell of a cycle, make sure you keep us posted on how it goes. or at least me, b/c i am going to be awfully curious abut this one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This is my cycle

    1. Test E 600mg/week, Deca 300mg/week, Dbol 60mg/day
    2. Test E 600mg/week, Deca 300mg/week, Dbol 60mg/day
    3. Test E 600mg/week, Deca 300mg/week,
    4. Test E 600mg/week, Deca300mg/week,
    5. Test E 600mg/week,
    6. Test E 600mg/week,
    7. Test e 600mg/week,
    8. Test e 800mg/week, Prop 200mg/wk
    9. Test e 800mg/week, Prop 200mg/wk
    10.Test e 800mg/week, Tren 500mg/wk
    11.Test e 800mg/week, Tren 500mg/wk
    12.Test e 800mg/week, Tren 500mg/wk
    13.Sus250 750mg/week, Tren 500mg/wk, Tbol 40mg/day
    14.Sus250 750mg/week, Tren 500mg/wk, Tbol 40mg/day
    15.Sus250 750mg/week, Tren 500mg/wk, Tbol 40mg/day
    16.Sus250 1125mg/week, Tbol 40mg/daycurrent
    17.Sus250 1125mg/week, Tbol 40mg/day
    18. Sus250 1125mg/week Tbol 40mg/day
    19. Sus250 200mg/ed Tren 100mg/ed Tbol 40mg/day
    20. Sus250 200mg/ed Tren 100mg/ed
    21. Sus250 200mg/ed Tren 100mg/ed
    22. Sus250 200mg/ed Tren 100mg/ed
    23. Sus250 200mg/ed Tren 100mg/ed
    24.Sus250 200mg/ed Tren 100mg/ed

    Going to add Test sup to the last 2 weeks if i can mix it with oil based juice

  5. #5
    New Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    why the prop on weeks 8 and 9? are you switching the test from E to Sus to keep things new thinking it will help continue gains? Why the fluxuation in the dosages of test's and tren ? Your body is going to be a roller coaster.

    Very interested in this

  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    haha that looks like so damn much to me!

  7. #7
    A&FGuy's Avatar
    A&FGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Looks good buddy!!! Almost identical to mine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by New Juice
    why the prop on weeks 8 and 9? are you switching the test from E to Sus to keep things new thinking it will help continue gains? Why the fluxuation in the dosages of test's and tren ? Your body is going to be a roller coaster.

    Very interested in this
    my body gets used to an ester after 8-10 weeks, unless its sustanon . so i swtich the ester and up the dose for maximum results. it works. I added prop cz ihad 100ml sittin there, and wanted to see what 200mg prop + 6-800 enan would do. For sides, Tren made me sweat and angry, but amaizng strenght and mass gains. As for the doses. I tried 300 barley sides, 500 same sides, i started tanning and i have no zits,and my bloodwork is fine.. For me i can handle high doses. and becauseof my genetic i stay ripped. absoultely love it.

    Even switching from Test E after 10 weeks, then Shooting cypionate you would see the same results from enan as cyp because its fresh and your receptor sites dont know what cyp is. Try it. Youll be huge brotha huge.

  9. #9
    ACpower's Avatar
    ACpower is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Juice
    Here is what my cycle is looking like set for January 2007. I'm looking for good lean gains w/o much water wieght.


    1. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    2. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    3. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    4. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    5. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    6. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    7. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    8. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    9. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    10.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    11.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    12.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    13.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    14.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    15.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    16.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    17.Test E 750mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    18.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day

    19.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day

    I'll be using Nolva at 10mg/day throughout the entire cycle. My PCT isen't set in stone yet I'm still fiddling but more than likely will consist of clomid and nolva

    I am 21 Years old. By then will be about 225 with 5% bf. Two cycles completed using Test E, Deca, EQ, and Prop.
    Looks good bro just started a cycle just like that except minus the tren

  10. #10
    jerryjuice84's Avatar
    jerryjuice84 is offline Junior Member
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    New Juice,
    Just wondering you reasoning/hopes for running 100mg prop /day first 4 weeks. I was planning a cycle similar and have been encouraged to run it at 50mg/ed. Wondering if u think there is anything more beneficial about 100..would it be worth while?

  11. #11
    New Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    the prop the first 4 weeks is to help jumpstart the cycle while i am waiting on the enanthate to kick in....I would recommend doing 75-100mg/day, I personally like the 100/day

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    my buds on a gram a week of prop. thats 1.4 ml a day! 140mg. he luvs it

  13. #13
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    my body gets used to an ester after 8-10 weeks, unless its sustanon . so i swtich the ester and up the dose for maximum results. it works. I added prop cz ihad 100ml sittin there, and wanted to see what 200mg prop + 6-800 enan would do. For sides, Tren made me sweat and angry, but amaizng strenght and mass gains. As for the doses. I tried 300 barley sides, 500 same sides, i started tanning and i have no zits,and my bloodwork is fine.. For me i can handle high doses. and becauseof my genetic i stay ripped. absoultely love it.

    Even switching from Test E after 10 weeks, then Shooting cypionate you would see the same results from enan as cyp because its fresh and your receptor sites dont know what cyp is. Try it. Youll be huge brotha huge.
    LoL the ester has no direct affect on your receptor sites... its just a molecule that affects the degredation of the compound. so its still the same ANDROGEN thats hitting the receptors and they are NOT going to be fresh to a different test ESTER. All your doing is causing fluctations in your blood levels which increases greater possibilities of side effects.
    p.s. you might want to research a lil more.

    anyways NewJuice when you run tren/eq together WATCH YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE the increase RBC count along w/ trens EVILNESS will skyrockett it.

    Var will be a NICE addition but it is very weak and after running tren you might get dissapointed. so dont get your hopes up.

    and if ur 5%bf u might wanna get checkd out THAT IS DANGEROUSLY LOW! ur organs might start shutting down on ya

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by New Juice
    Here is what my cycle is looking like set for January 2007. I'm looking for good lean gains w/o much water wieght.


    1. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    2. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    3. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    4. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    5. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    6. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    7. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    8. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Tren 50mg/day
    9. Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    10.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week
    11.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    12.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    13.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    14.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    15.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    16.Test E 750mg/week, EQ 600mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    17.Test E 750mg/week, Var 60mg/day
    18.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day
    19.Var 60mg/day, Prop 100mg/day

    I'll be using Nolva at 10mg/day throughout the entire cycle. My PCT isen't set in stone yet I'm still fiddling but more than likely will consist of clomid and nolva

    I am 21 Years old. By then will be about 225 with 5% bf. Two cycles completed using Test E, Deca, EQ, and Prop.

    Serious looking shiznit for someone 21yrs old.
    How tall are you and what are your stats now?

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    oh yeah u might want to incorp hcg into your pct procol as well as vit E 1000iu's ED and vitC 1-2g ED
    longjack and trib are nice assets as well

  16. #16
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    in a hole
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    LoL the ester has no direct affect on your receptor sites... its just a molecule that affects the degredation of the compound. so its still the same ANDROGEN thats hitting the receptors and they are NOT going to be fresh to a different test ESTER. All your doing is causing fluctations in your blood levels which increases greater possibilities of side effects.
    p.s. you might want to research a lil more.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    think what you will but try it. then tell me it doesnt work. lol get your bookworm garbage outta here.

  18. #18
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    HCG throughout at 250-1000ius/E5D.

  19. #19
    New Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    what is the need for HCG ?

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    think what you will but try it. then tell me it doesnt work. lol get your bookworm garbage outta here.
    your changing doses thats creating your flux in blood levels ESTER HAS NO EFFECT

    bookworm ROFL

  21. #21
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    I was thinking the same thing Tai, but if that works for you then do with your body as you wish. I would not be giving advice that is scientificly unproven, Taiboxa theory is. Good luck anyway

  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Taiboxa theory.. i like the sound of that..

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