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  1. #1
    doublewide is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Help with decision

    I am doing a 10 week cycle of 500 mg Sust and 600 mg of EQ per week. Also doing Armidex throughout.

    I am going on vacation for 4 days at the end of 10 weeks and will be taking my last shot before I go.

    Now my dilema. Labor day is two weeks after I get back and would like to look good for a big party we are having. Should I:

    1. Continue my current cycle for another week or so after I get back. Then start Clomid two weeks after that.

    2. Someone recommended ending my current cycle and taking Prop at 100mgs EOD for the two weeks before Labor Day and starting my Clomid right after that.

    3. Ending my cycle as scheduled and I should look decent enough on Labor Day and just start my Clomid then.

    What a critical decision in my life!! LOL

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    nymattyk's Avatar
    nymattyk is offline Member
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    new york
    i would just finish the cycle as planned and start your clomid. 2 weeks after your done you should be looking good by now

  3. #3
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    It's a party not a contest so I'm sure you'll be looking fine. I'd go with nymattyk on this one.

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Do as planned. End, and begin CLomid as normal.

  5. #5
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    if i understand time table correct you take shot,go on vacation 4 days then 2 weeks later is labor day and party. if thats the case then sus and eq work for 2-3 weeks in body after last injection and should be working into labor day and you should not lose any. you could do prop or dbol in am only at 15mg per day through labor day. the dbol would not put on any size at this am dose but would maintain size while system kicks in

    but you really dont need anything as those esters will be still working--if not it would be more mental cause you dont feel like on anything.

    also i understand delima--its hard to plan decisions like that--the only harder decision is in groc store when they ask paper or plastic

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