ok guys I am doing my first NPC comp July 22nd. I am currently at 215lbs about 9%BF im 5'10".

My last cycle was 1g test E, 600 deca , and D-bol at 50mg ED cycled every 4 weeks. Also HGH up to 6 IUs a day. I was able to put on a very clean 20lbs with this. I went off for 4 weeks to let the receptors clear alittle and today was my first injection to start my pre comp cycle.

What do you guys think of this to start?:
1000mg test E/week
100mg Test P EOD for first 3 weeks
600mg Deca
400mg EQ
50mg D-bol ED
6ius HGH 5on 2 off.
insulin ,novolog maybe 2wice a week PWO only.
I guess I will run this for at least 8 weeks then add some more compounds in like tren , winny, masteron , and primo.

What do you guys think? Enough to get me to gain another 15lbs before I cut or do I need more gear because of what I ran previously?