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Thread: anxiety issues!

  1. #1
    DHew's Avatar
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    anxiety issues!

    Hey guys. Well its 2:30am in the morning and i woek up and started having some mild/moderate axiety attacks, and to those that dont know what they are, or have never had them, they really freaking suck. I keep on pysching myself out by thinking "what are you doing to your body" or having other thoughts like "steroids are horrible for you and what if they **** you up or make you die". I know these thoughts are not neccessarily true, but they are still running through my mind and make it difficult for me. I guess im just looking for some words of encouragement, and some words to contradict what im thinking. Also, im in the middle of week 3 of my 500mg test enth weekly cycle for 10weeks. Is some axiety like this a little normal? Thanks again for your support guys.

  2. #2
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Do something you enjoy bro! go watch your favorite show/movie, go read a book for a bit, cook and eat your favorite food,some source of entertainment and fun for you, something to keep your mind away from thinking too much. I myself sit there and think about alot of negative shit and it gets to you and makes you become like that and get all paranoid for nothing.

    Just take a deep breathe, dont give a flying fvck about nothing, for 1 moment dont give a flyin fvk about no one and just concentrate on your self.
    Do something you enjoy, this works for me. by the time your show, movie, book etc w.e is done you wont even realize that you just sat there for a couple hours and didnt think and get all depressed and stressed.
    It may not work bro, evryone is different but its just a solution that worked out for me and others I know.

  3. #3
    DHew's Avatar
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    Thanks for the encouragement man. I just feel like im ****ing up my body so much that i might die. I can't seem to get that thought out of my head. It really really really sucks right now. I'm sure ill get over it, i just need someone to tell me other wise.

  4. #4
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    so if its steroids that are making you paranoid then instead of thinking about the negative thing about them, then begin to think about the end outcome and positive results (I know this sounds stupid to alot of people) but faaak you gotta try anything to help your self out.

    Think of the end resut of your cycle when your gonna become bigger, look better, be in shape, be all seksiiiii, get all the women staring at you everytime you walk by etc.. you get the idea.

    Dont think that steroids will make you die because they wont if your running a proper cycle which I assume you are Test E at 500mgs week seems proper.

    Just think positive, keep active, cook, eat, watch your shows, talk to someone that makes you (laugh, happy), joke around with them etc... and you should be good

    btw: I know you dont want to hear this but knowing your self better then anyone else you shouldn't of juiced and more research about steroid effects and your own body reactions should have been considered and thought out before putting a cycle together.

    Maybe steroids arent for you who knows. Anyways whats done is done, you cant change that. Let it be a learning experience and follow the procedures and suggestions I gave you. Let us know how it goes.

  5. #5
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    Yeah, I understand. I really think i'll be fine once i finally fal back asleep. Its starting to subside a little now. I never had an axiety issue while on this cycle until about 20 mins ago. Hopefully another wont come! Thanks again for your words, they help a lot more than you know =)

  6. #6
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    Thanks for the encouragement man. I just feel like im ****ing up my body so much that i might die. I can't seem to get that thought out of my head. It really really really sucks right now. I'm sure ill get over it, i just need someone to tell me other wise.
    NO dont think like that. You wanna know why? BECAUSE YOUR NOT FVKING UP YOUR BODY! If you were some idiot like Greg Valentino then yes you are ****ing up your body and killing your self and are an idiot. If you were someone doing 10 shots a day then yes your an idiot ****ing up your body by abusing your self and the drug BUT your running a

    PROPER CYCLE so your not ****ing your body up. Trust me the more negative you think the more negative you will be and become.
    It's from personal experience bro! sometimes you get so paranoid like right now that you begin to think things that arent even there or arent even true, like right now. Thinking your killing your self, your really not its a proper cycle. That should make you happy.

  7. #7
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    Yeah, I understand. I really think i'll be fine once i finally fal back asleep. Its starting to subside a little now. I never had an axiety issue while on this cycle until about 20 mins ago. Hopefully another wont come! Thanks again for your words, they help a lot more than you know =)
    No problem bro, love the fact that I can help I'm actually in school for "working with people at risk", I wanna become a child youth worker 1 day , gotta practice ( I know your not a child, dont take it as an insult)

  8. #8
    Seltenhorst is offline New Member
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    Hey man, I don't know about 'roids..... but when I slam down 2+ pounds of red meat with long grain wild rice and a bag of broccoli tops, I get crazy-assed dreams afterwards (every other day for 2 weeks).... doomsday kinda shit. Every other day. But remember.... I'm NEW.
    Last edited by Seltenhorst; 04-05-2006 at 03:18 AM. Reason: A reality adjustment

  9. #9
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seltenhorst
    Hey man, I don't know about 'roids..... but when I slam down 2+ pounds of red meat with long grain wild rice and a bag of broccoli tops, I get crazy-assed dreams afterwards (every other day for 2 weeks).... doomsday kinda shit. Every other day.
    wtf I cant help you here! ...............................

    what do you mean you get "crazy-assed dreams". Dreams about what? if what you eat effects you badly like the way you have stated it, then its simple. DONT EAT IT lol.

  10. #10
    helium3's Avatar
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    if its that bad id stop the juice,im sure that will help in eleviating the stress.
    do you have anxiety attacks normally?if so then theres physc problems which need addressing.good luck.

  11. #11
    DHew's Avatar
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    thanks juiceboxxx, im feeling better now, and im going to try to get back to sleep. Later bro, thanks again for talking me through.

  12. #12
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    i have relatives that have bad anxiety attacks and its scary what they go through.

  13. #13
    Seltenhorst is offline New Member
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    Hey man... Outside of the diet that I know, what else should I be doing. I'm 38, 5'9", about 185, 4800 calories a day, and spent the majority of my lif at 150#. I know I have the potential for for something big. I'll start a new routine and damn-near loose weight. I know.... Eat, eat, EAT... My problem is combating the depression. It's a hump. Thats all it is. It's hammer time bro.

  14. #14
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    thanks juiceboxxx, im feeling better now, and im going to try to get back to sleep. Later bro, thanks again for talking me through.
    N/p best of luck bro. take care. Membr "you control your self" and only you. So start taking control by thinking of positve, happy, optimistic thought, views and points of it all. Do what makes YOU fell good/happy so that it will result into your change of mind and view of negative things.

    Night brothha

  15. #15
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seltenhorst
    Hey man... Outside of the diet that I know, what else should I be doing. I'm 38, 5'9", about 185, 4800 calories a day, and spent the majority of my lif at 150#. I know I have the potential for for something big. I'll start a new routine and damn-near loose weight. I know.... Eat, eat, EAT... My problem is combating the depression. It's a hump. Thats all it is. It's hammer time bro.
    I dont get it. So you cant eat because you feel depressed alot of times?

  16. #16
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seltenhorst
    Hey man... Outside of the diet that I know, what else should I be doing. I'm 38, 5'9", about 185, 4800 calories a day, and spent the majority of my lif at 150#. I know I have the potential for for something big. I'll start a new routine and damn-near loose weight. I know.... Eat, eat, EAT... My problem is combating the depression. It's a hump. Thats all it is. It's hammer time bro.
    So your 38, 5'9", about 185, 4800 calories a day and use to be 150lbs?

    what is your goal?
    what is your question?
    what do you have difficulty with?

    btw bro you hijacked the thread. list all the above and make a new thread. Guys will help you out with your questions and goals.
    Last edited by juiceboxxx; 04-05-2006 at 03:50 AM.

  17. #17
    D7M's Avatar
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    I don't know, if you're thinking like that, you might not be ready for gear. I personally love being on cycle, can't wait to start, etc.

    ever try tai chi or chi kung or something like that to relax? sounds ghey, but it's real, I do it, great for the body and mind

  18. #18
    guns626 is offline Associate Member
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    I tell you guys, I had the same thing with D-bol, Test, Eq cycle. I had a ton of heart palpitations when I laid down to go to sleep, that would panick me to the pooint that I would have to get up and walk around to chill myself out. Also I had crazy BP increase. Anyway eventually I got used to it and it did not subside completely but it is 100% better than it was.

  19. #19
    restless1 is offline Associate Member
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    i usually always have a little anxiety on a cycle...........i feel its normal

  20. #20
    DHew's Avatar
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    I feel fine now. That was just strange. It came out of nowhere. Im usually just fine, maybe a little excited for shot days and just feeling great while on cycle, kinda of mild high. That was just weird.

  21. #21
    beachbum28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guns626
    I tell you guys, I had the same thing with D-bol, Test, Eq cycle. I had a ton of heart palpitations when I laid down to go to sleep, that would panick me to the pooint that I would have to get up and walk around to chill myself out. Also I had crazy BP increase. Anyway eventually I got used to it and it did not subside completely but it is 100% better than it was.
    The palps are from the increased BP and water retention causing the heart to work harder.. May wanna get checked for PVC on your next check up bro....

  22. #22
    Silk22 is offline Junior Member
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    check your blood pressure. please.

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