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  1. #1
    Livin72 is offline New Member
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    Question Major Clen Questions..

    Hey- any help would be appreciated.
    1) My friend has a 5.5 month supply of clen - pump- that he says he will sell to me for $100USD. He paid $200 Canadian for a 6 month supply and only used it 2x's every 2 days for 2 weeks. Is this a rip off?
    2) Is clen detectible if I try and fly over the border with it, and what would be the best way to do that?- I have been told clen looks like a thick water, or hair gel, is this true?
    3) Can I get bitch tits, or any other side effect from taking clen?
    4) Will clen remove fat from my entire body Ie- stomach, tighs, waste, chin? I am not overweight, but have been having trouble for years to get rid of that tire around my waste. I am now working out 3x's per week for about 2-3 hours with a trainer.

    I am 20 years old, I am 6'2 190lbs with 18% body fat. My father is 6'5 230lbs with 5% body fat. I have the structure to put on a lot of muscle mass, but I want to loose the fat first.

    I know this is a lot, but I appreciate all of your help!!!

  2. #2
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    when you say clen i assume you are talking about clenbuterol .it looks like thick water? what do you mean.
    clenbuterol is a pill i never heard of it in liquid form but i may be wrong,but i doubt it im never wrong.hahaha

  3. #3
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'm really only familiar with clen in pill form. But, yes it can really help take off fat all over the body. Diet is key though. Eat clean, don't cheat, and put yourself in a slight caloric deficit. Try doing cardio 3x per week and lift 4-5 times a week. You won't get bitch tits or anything from it but be sure you're in good health before you take it as it does put some extra strain on your heart. I find it a lot less noticeable than eca and a lot more comfortable. Good shit.

  4. #4
    Livin72 is offline New Member
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    RE: Major Celn Questions

    Thanks for the info. Does anyone know if it is easy or detectable to get clenbuterol over the boarder?? It would be the Canadian/US boarder Id be taking it though. Flying........... I am told I am gettting it in a liquid form, any suggestions?? and... if I do end up getting it in pill form, how do I bring that over???


  5. #5
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Wait, are you in Canada or the Us? Why do you want to get it over the boarder? If it's in pill ofrm, then just put it in a vitamin bottle and put that in your hygiene case with your toothbrush and shit. Why are you coming to Canada?

  6. #6
    Livin72 is offline New Member
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    I will be in Canada on business for a short time, and I want to be able to take in back to the US so I can begin a cycle. If I get Clen in liquid form, can I put it in a descrite bottle and not have to worry about it getting detected at US customs?


  7. #7
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Probably. Like I said, just put it in your suitcase with other things such as that. I doubt they'll go through your suitcase and even if they did....well, don't worry about it - they won't.

  8. #8
    KAUGA is offline New Member
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    Just wondering is Clen legal to buy in Canada from a pharmacy or do you need a prescription just like in the US? Because I live pretty close to Canada, and wouldn't mind to take a trip there if I could get it.


  9. #9
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i've seen liq clen

    i've seen a botle of liq clen but i just stick to the pills.they are so cheap and no one is stupid enough to sell beat shit since you feel it immediately.

  10. #10
    zeeb93 is offline Junior Member
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    clen in liquid that you are talking about is vet form. It is called ventipulmin. It is used as a bronchial dialtor for horses. It is illegal in Canada for any other use, unless prescribed by a vet for other uses. It is only available by vet prescription (legally that is). It is a thick liquid (like syrup). 355Ml per bottle. Sells for 150-200 CDN. (in Alberta)

  11. #11
    Livin72 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info- actually the liquid form that I am getting is from a vet. Do you know if it is better or worse for my body then the pills? Same effects? THanks

  12. #12
    zeeb93 is offline Junior Member
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    The stuff from the vet is the same chemical as the pills for humans. As for side effects, not sure what the difference would be, but for effectiveness, I believe that it acts a lot quicker, as it is a liquid instead of a pill form. If you are getting it from a vet watch what you pay. The *legal* vet cost, for vet use is about $60 CDN.

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