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  1. #1
    Blinq is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    Former fat guys, who 'made it' ?

    Being an endomorph i had harsh time dropping all the weight (and becoming diet-obssesed), than gaining it back in form of muscles (with some help of 'dark side' too). I don't look like 'shit' anymore, but my expectations are growing and growing ; I'm making my progress, but being demanding towards myself i won't let it go till i am in a perfect shape (fitness competition or sthing - being lean and ripped with 220 lbs lets say - i'm quite tall, nearly 1.9m).
    I know that there are some guys here who went from similiar shit to mine to a comp.form. I know now that knowledge is power, that's why i'm asking for info about former_fat_guys progress. I searched through the forums but i could hardly find any info (and i'd like to get real_life exp.). Also, i have to add that most ppl around me are ectomorphs - and their advices just don't help me (lots of carbs, no cardio and dbol /sust 4life :> ). I also need some 'motivating fuel', just because i'm not so determined to work as hard as before, cause i'm not looking so shitty as before and still, i don't know if someone why my genetics may be ever big and ripped ( i can get ripped (and i did) or big - but not both, well not yet).

    Things i do now : moderate carb diet, no highGI carbs, fats with all meals (tried the separating way before, better results without separation), 5x5needsize routine and cardio 3x times a week @ am.
    Sorry for chaotic language, but i believe that ppl who share similiar experiences will understand me.

  2. #2
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Mar 2006
    I feel your pain Bro! I dont believe alot of the info applies to everybody. I have keeped my carbs low and so far that has worked for me. about to add some clen and eq to my enan cycle and I hope that will cut me on down were I want to be.

  3. #3
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    I hear ya man, for me it's all about controlling the carbs as well. For me to lose weight it's a bitch, but look on the bright side, when we cycle, we keep our gains a lot better.

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