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  1. #1
    Bjacked is offline New Member
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    Whats up bros,

    I am coming from the Freakz forum and I checked out the site and some posts and I like this place too. Well its good to be here.. and I got a question for you bros: I am researcing for my 2nd cycle which i will be starting in about two months, and this is what it looks like so far:
    1-10 Test (600mgs-800mgs/week)
    1-10 EQ (400mgs/week)
    6-12 fina 75 mg ed
    6-12 winny 50 mg ed
    1-12 arimidex .25mg ed
    also clomid therapy to kick start those nuts
    Now about the test think I should go with T400 or Test cyp. Now I am leaning more towards Cyp because its a bulking cycle , and cause I have heard mixed reviews about the T400. So tell me what you guys think???


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    105 opinion will most likely be different than most..but I really think that for cycle #2 that is way too much damn gear and a waste of money. You can get 15-25 keepable pounds with a simple test or deca cycle. There is no need to stack all of those this early in your gear career.

    You've got 4 drugs there when just about any of those 4 could be used alone for good gains.

    If you end up having some health concerns mid or post've got no freaking idea which one caused it. Likewise...if you gain 20 lbs, which is very easy to do if your protein intake is high, you really wouldn't know which drug affected you well and which ones didn't.

    Your test is freaking high for a 2nd cycle, in my opinion.

    400-600mgs total is kind of on the high side for a second cycle. I would pyramid and taper, but I know some don't believe in doing so. could run it all by itself at 300 - 400mgs per wk for 8-10 wks and get 15-25 keepable, quality pounds...just by EQ alone.

    Fina...well...I would wait to use that one until your a tad more experienced. It wreaks a lot more havoc on your system than most injectables and even though its only for a few wks..your doing 50mgs ed. You could easily do it for 8-12 wks on 50mgs eod. can still add quality pounds with 50mgs ed with winny all by itself.

    My philosophy is used the least amount required to gain the most. Save all the stacking and high dosages for later on..when your body won't respond to the light dosages the way you want it to.

    Hell...I would venture to say most guys don't come close to 1 gram of protein per pound of their bodyweight daily...let alone 2 grams per pound. If your short in this area...fix it and grow.

    Just my .02. But if your going to stack anyway...test as a base is a good idea. Then I would pick one of the other drugs. Looks like you have enough for 2 or 3 cycles there.


  3. #3
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    If you wanna stick with this cycle up your equip to 600 mg per week winnie 100mg per day and fina 100mg per day

  4. #4
    Bjacked is offline New Member
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    OOhhhh yeah baby now you're talking pure.....but thats a little too much fina for me

  5. #5
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Finas sweet maybe just cut your winnie back but definatly stay with the fina

  6. #6
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    That looks sweet to me. As far as the test gos Ive heard mixed thoughts on the t400 too. So just stick with the Cyp. Unless you find some positive feedback on the t400 that you trust. I might up the eq but I would probably keep the fina at 75mg. Just to see how you react to fina. IMHO

    If you don't mind me asking, what was your last cycle? What kind of gain did you get also?

  7. #7
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    welcome bro, these guys will help you out in any way they can.

    peace bb79

  8. #8
    sp33dg33k's Avatar
    sp33dg33k is offline Member
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    seems like a lot of gear for a second cycle...

    what did u do on your last cycle?

  9. #9
    Bjacked is offline New Member
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    Hey bro,

    No problem sharing my last cycle.. it was as follows:

    1-10 Sust250(500mg/week)
    1-5 Pink dbols(30mg/ed)
    5-10 Winny Depot(50mg/ed)

    I gained 21 lbs from that cycle with heavy heavy liftin and eatin everything in front of my face!!!!!!Didnt have much water weight either and the winny hardened me right up(loved the pumps from those dbols!!!) My current stats are 5'11" 181lbs @ 14% bf....Now I want to break 200lbs baby!!!!

  10. #10
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Damn, you started at 160??? You could have got to 180 naturally by just eating more food. Anyway. since there is no turning back, why dont you try the most used stack probably ever.

    Test, Deca , Dbol

    You said you loved the pumps you got from dbol, so why not use them again?! Deca and Test will easily get you to 200 if you eat like a muther, (same as your first cycle, except more!!). Maybe run it something like this:

    **Run Test and Deca 10-12 weeks
    Test Enanth/Cyp 400mg-500mg per week
    Deca 400-450mg per week
    Dbol- 40mg day tapering down to 25 mg at week 4 or 5

    ***If you can, get some high dose deca such as TT, or China, so you don't have to inject everyday. If you get TT 300mg, then you mix 1.5 cc's with 1cc of test in the same syringe, and shoot them twice a week on a Monday-Thursday, Sunday-Wed, Tues- Fri...etc.

    Anyway, try this, and I'm p ostive with the right training, sleep, and eating, 200 is in the bag.

  11. #11
    Bjacked is offline New Member
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    Yeah bro I have just been reading alot about the dreaded deca gyno as how there is nothing really to reverse it with....So thats why i was kinda pushin more towards EQ...can anybody shine a little light on the subject!!!

    By the way Papa its not like I just jumped into AS...I have been training naturally for about 4 years..and what can i say im kinda a hard gainer(put on about 10lbs lean in the last two years)..Hey we all gotta start somewhere right bro!!!
    Last edited by Bjacked; 10-21-2001 at 06:19 PM.

  12. #12
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Sounds good and welcome.

  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    looks ok but 600 test will be fine - I would also at least double your arimdex - thats 1gram of estrogen causing AAS.

  14. #14
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Bjacked
    Yeah bro I have just been reading alot about the dreaded deca gyno as how there is nothing really to reverse it with....So thats why i was kinda pushin more towards EQ...can anybody shine a little light on the subject!!!

    By the way Papa its not like I just jumped into AS...I have been training naturally for about 4 years..and what can i say im kinda a hard gainer(put on about 10lbs lean in the last two years)..Hey we all gotta start somewhere right bro!!!
    Sure, go with EQ instead of Deca...EQ will give you good quality gains, and I'm sure once u tip the scales at 200+, you want tos tay there and go above....

    And as far as your second statement. Bro, i wasn't jumping your case at all, i know how hard it is too put on weight. It's a tuff and enduring process, even with the use of AS, so I'm not saying what you did was wrong, I think you got great gains, and when you start your next cyc, keep us informed, I want to see how things turn out.

  15. #15
    Bjacked is offline New Member
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    Ohhh I know Papa its all good bro.......thanks

  16. #16
    Mike Guest
    Ok Cyc is right - you dont need more than 600 - don't go overkill here - it's your 2nd cycle - what happens on your third? Gram and a half?

    Stick w/ 600 for test - and I like JJ's suggestion with ending with prop - though I cannot say I see much benefit going from Enanthate to Cypionate mid cycle - run the test a full 10wks - dont worry bout front loading or tapering. I would recommend against using fina yet - why not throw dbols in instead. You dont wanna use fina unless youre making injections and you probably arent ready to do that (making is better than TK's)

    And read my post up top about deca gyno - some common misconceptions about it are discussed in there.

    But I agree that EQ would be better anyway. Throw EQ in at 400/wk as well as dbol at 30-35mg/day (split this up into 4-6 doses per day)

    As cyc said bump airmidex to .5

    So your cycle would look like this -

    Wk 1-10
    Test - 600mg *(or run prop for final wks, would be a good idea)
    EQ - 400mg
    Airmidex .5/day

    Wk 1-4
    Dbol 30-35mg/day

    If you want to throw winny in you can do that as well - I would recommend at wk 6-12 50mg/day

    Clomid following cycle on wk 12-13 at 300mg for day one - then 100mg for ten days then 50mg for ten days

    Take milk thistle for your dbol starting on day -10 and ending on day 38 (ten days prior and following dbol) If you are throwing winny in just run the milk thistle straight through to ten days after your winny stops (1000mg/day)

    good luck - be safe

    oh yeah....and welcome to the board

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