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  1. #1
    atlas10's Avatar
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    progesterone help???

    what is the best compound to knock this out??.. my buddy is taking tren and test.. he gets gyno already.. but he has been taking 50mg of nol. a day for 2 weeks and it keeps getting worse... is it progesterone?? and what is the best thing to knock it out???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    nor-cal(yay area)
    letro for progesterone gyno, and cabergoline for prolactin. and if you're lactating(squeeze nip hard and milky sheit comes out, then you deff need cab. you should prolly take both and while you enjoy the gyno you might want to enjoy cbino's thread on gyno or hooker's pct protocol and his steroid profiles on the compounds listed above. hope you can get rid of it. -armwrestler22-

  3. #3
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by atlas10
    what is the best compound to knock this out??.. my buddy is taking tren and test.. he gets gyno already.. but he has been taking 50mg of nol. a day for 2 weeks and it keeps getting worse... is it progesterone?? and what is the best thing to knock it out???
    Oh boy, another one who didn't research before the cycle and is now running to the hills.

    It's not progesterone is the tren itself and its metabolites (they act like progesterone) and estrogen. Are you, i mean your buddy using an aromatize inhibitor? You guess is no, anyway the 50mg of nolva is making the tren gyno WORSE but amplifying the tren's effects on breast tissue. Stop the nolva and try some vitamin B6 @ 200mg ED with letrozole @ 1mg-2.5 ED.

    How much test and tren does the cycle consist of?

  4. #4
    atlas10's Avatar
    atlas10 is offline Banned
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    its not me bro.. and im no rookie either.. i have done my research and i want to know what is best... he said the nol. wasnt helping.. ive never had a problem with gyno or pro.. so i really dont know... so i posted it on this board because its more active than the boards.. im on.. this is why i dont come here... too many cyber thug... always flaming for no reason... but thank you for the info brother...

  5. #5
    atlas10's Avatar
    atlas10 is offline Banned
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    he has a-dex too...

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