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  1. #1
    Mole is offline New Member
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    Oct 2001

    Best supplement for non-lifter

    I looked for the answer to my question but could not find it in the message boards or on the ar web page.
    This is essentially my situation: I need to reduce my body fat by about 7% (from 31% down to 24%) in order to join the Army. I'm not too interested in joining a gym since my immediate concern seemingly can be taken care of with lots of cardio. I've started running again, 5 days a week (2-3 miles a day), first thing in the morning. I'm also using one of those "ab-roller" things and doing as many push-ups as I can throughout the day.
    This is my question: Since my workout is 75% cardio, and I'm only concerned with dropping fat, what is a good supplement?
    I suspect ECA is probably most suitable, but I have been considering clenbuterol . Are these 2 safe together? Is there anything else better suited for a cardio-centric workout? I have access to everything.

    Any help is appreciated!


    If this specific topic is addressed somewhere please let me know. I only ask here because 99% of what I see here deals with pretty intense lifting and how to increase mass.

  2. #2
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    use clenbuteral

  3. #3
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Clen seems to be more effective when you cycle it two weeks on two weeks off. During the off weeks you can substitute with an ECA stack.


  4. #4
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    i agree. plus, you can never grow wrong with supplementing glutamine and BCAAs. they're not directly related to weight loss, but they help muscle growth, immune system repair, and over health.

  5. #5
    Mole is offline New Member
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    Oct 2001
    Thanks for the advice guys!


  6. #6
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Keep up the good work and make sure to tell us how your gains are going

  7. #7
    Mole is offline New Member
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    Oct 2001
    You mean "losses"!

    I was at 246 2 weeks ago, at 242 ish right now, looking to be at 230 by Thanksgiving.
    The whole point of me doing this is to lose body fat in order to get into the Army. I read another thread regarding ab workouts and have decided to cut way back on the ab-roller thing. The recruiters measure for body fat around the belly, biceps and neck (I suppose this is the standard way..?), and I figured an intense ab workout would tend to make my belly bigger than it already is.

    So I'm going to concentrate on LOTS of running and push-ups...I don't want to be the Gomer Pyle who causes everyone to do more PT 'cause I can't do 50 push ups!

    I also found a 24 hour gym I might join to do some mild weight training...

    One other question for this forum (I have many about supplements I won't post here):
    Is there any other steroid that would do me any good at this point?


    Does anyone know how thorough military drug tests are?

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