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    TAPPER is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2005

    Sick while on Var only cycle: Noob needs help!

    As I was starting the third week of a var only cycle (60mg/day) I came down with the flu. Since everyone around me has been sick I knew getting it was inevitable so and tried to maintain but things fell apart. For two days while I had the fever my food and water intake really dropped off but I continued w/ the cycle as planned. After the fever broke I started feeling better but developed some pains in my lower back. Thinking it was my kidneys I made sure to hydrate myself but over the next three days constipation set in the pains increased and spread. After a while it seemed like the pains were from a serious case if intestinal gas but I also thought it may have been food poisoning. (while trapped in the house for a week I may have eaten something from the back of the fridge) Just to be safe I stopped taking var. Now that all my body functions seem to be getting back in order I have considered starting up the cycle again.

    - its been 48 hrs since my last dose of var, can I just start up where I left off or do I need to just go into pct?

    - if going right to pct would I still need to run the 50mg/ed of clomid for two weeks or should I cut the dose and/or duration?
    Last edited by TAPPER; 04-26-2006 at 07:56 PM.

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