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  1. #1
    Epayso is offline New Member
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    Tbol and cramping

    hey guys 25 m going on my 3rd week of tbol only @60 mg a day divided in to 2 doses 3 am w/ food 3 pm w/ getting rediculous cramps like what i compare to creatine cramps, ths is my 1st anabolic and im seeing really good suprising results so far (meaning good pump harder muscle) but the cramping is bothering any advice ...also i cant do any tread evening walinking at 3.5 due to calves feel like there going to pop!!! most i can do is like 7 mins any advice on this too....back pumps are a bitch too...

  2. #2
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    have u considered lowering ur dosage? try 50 mg ed

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    WOW!! BINGO!!!

    This is my same exact feeling. I started another thread on it but I am reading a ton of crap now. What happened to this guy?

    cannot squat, back pumps, cannot dead, back pumps. Well I mean I can but not for the weight I want

    and running on pavement. FORGET IT! Its oliptical or nothing..also no b ball man that sux cause my league starts sunday

    cycle is
    50 mg tbol-I only took 40 mg yesterday but I want to stay at 50 for 3-4 more weeks because I am loving results but I am not sure if I can.
    50 mg anavar
    just added super clean at 2 a day day #3

  4. #4
    AleX-69's Avatar
    AleX-69 is offline Member
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    Well i used var and t-bol b4. Had really intense pumps but nothing what would have stoped me from working out... On the other hand i only used t-bol / prop and var / prop -- never t-bol / var together.

    Moreover i was on a carb restricted diet, which might have reduced the pumps.
    On carb refeed day i usually keep rep range at 3-6.. lesser reps, lesser pumps...

  5. #5
    chinups Guest
    Well it doesn't stop me but it perevents me from being the beast that I am. LOL kidding

    I mean I cannot do a long crazy workout just feels like Ican't nor do I feel I need to. Its like a pump I would get from doing 5 exercises but rather I am doing 1. The running is a problem, no way in hell I can run

  6. #6
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Cramps YES!!!! oh my god no matter how much water i drank on tbol it made me cramp so hard when i would stand up or do anything... alot of the legs cramped... Also this is a ODD side effect but one of only TBOL is it made the back of my head(shaved head) smell like BO according to my GF. She knew exactly when i started on it again because the same thing happened ?!?!? i dono but its some good stuff regardless.

  7. #7
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    you guy have any sexual side effects running tbol by itself? like a lowered sex drive?

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    Your GF is nutts and def is guessing. LOL

    I think I may have lower sex drive a bit. My boys crawled up and shrunk a bit. Which means lower sex drive right, like balls aren't producing as much test.

    Also I do want sex just not as often.

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