well i attempted my third cycle with prop/tren , and once again the PROP made some real bad infections/reactions on my body. I documented it with pictures that maybe i'll throw up here later on... but in any case this is the third type of prop i have tryed and the most legitiment brand i could get my hands on... British Dragon, from a very reputable seller. In anycase i sold the prop, with warning, and the buyer is a close friend and he doesn't react at all like i do. It works great on him.

Now at first i was hesitate it was the branding and processing causing something to mess me up, or perhaps a high BA content. But making my own finaplex (tren) solutions adjusting the BA to a high level, that stuff goes in me like butter without any pain or soreness.

I'm pretty sure whatever the clear oil is used when dilluting the prop is messing me up, because these reactions should not be occuring!