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  1. #1
    Wanderlei Silva is offline New Member
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    Is 6 weeks the longest I should stay on a Prop-Tren combo?

    I thinking of getting a Prop-Tren A combo. Should I only run it for 6 weeks, do you think I should get them seperate so I can keep running the test a bit longer?

    5'10, 23yrs old, 220lbs, 18%BF, 2 former cycles

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Get the em separate.

    10-12 weeks of tren ace @ 50-100mg ED and the test at the same dose or a bit higher if you wish for at least 2 weeks longer than the tren.

  3. #3
    Wanderlei Silva is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Get the em separate.

    10-12 weeks of tren ace @ 50-100mg ED and the test at the same dose or a bit higher if you wish for at least 2 weeks longer than the tren.

    Do you think I should go with an oral winny or var at the end????

  4. #4
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Yeah you could, that's all up to you.

  5. #5
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wanderlei Silva
    I thinking of getting a Prop-Tren A combo. Should I only run it for 6 weeks, do you think I should get them seperate so I can keep running the test a bit longer?

    5'10, 23yrs old, 220lbs, 18%BF, 2 former cycles
    There isnt a time-frame on how long you should run a drug.

    That being said, Tren/Prop/winny is one of the best drugs to use in short cycles, aswell as one of the best stacks you can use. My next run will be a 4-weeks with these compounds.

    IMO, there is no need to run Test longer than Tren. (I know most people on this board says that), but Testosterone is yust as suppressive as Trenbolone , and your body want produce 1 mgs of natty Test before both drugs are out of your system.

  6. #6
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wanderlei Silva
    I thinking of getting a Prop-Tren A combo. Should I only run it for 6 weeks, do you think I should get them seperate so I can keep running the test a bit longer?

    5'10, 23yrs old, 220lbs, 18%BF, 2 former cycles

    8 weeks long would work well. imo, its not important to run test longer than a nadrolone base, as long as the nandrolone base roid isnt a long lasting ester while the test is a short lasting ester

  7. #7
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    There isnt a time-frame on how long you should run a drug.
    Very true Vitor, it will differ for all according to goal(s) and experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Tren/Prop/winny is one of the best drugs to use in short cycles
    Right again buddy. You're getting a drug derived from different sources. Nothing better then synergy to get the ball rolling.

    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    IMO, there is no need to run Test longer than Tren. (I know most people on this board says that), but Testosterone is yust as suppressive as Trenbolone, and your body want produce 1 mgs of natty Test before both drugs are out of your system.
    Have you ever ended a cycle with Tren ? I feel its very important to run test at least 1-2 weeks longer then the Tren. Tren shuts you down very hard and has some stubborn metabolites that seem to linger and never go away.

    If taking Tren-A and Prop, PCT will start 3 days after last injection. But with Tren those metabolites will stick around for a few days longer. Hence the need to run test a bit longer making sure PCT start time will be accurate and effective.

    I know a few (including myself) that have ran Tren til the end with a difficult time recovering. IMO its crucial to run Test at least a week longer. I"ve done along with others and saw a huge difference.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Very true Vitor, it will differ for all according to goal(s) and experience.

    Right again buddy. You're getting a drug derived from different sources. Nothing better then synergy to get the ball rolling.

    Have you ever ended a cycle with Tren ? I feel its very important to run test at least 1-2 weeks longer then the Tren. Tren shuts you down very hard and has some stubborn metabolites that seem to linger and never go away.

    If taking Tren-A and Prop, PCT will start 3 days after last injection. But with Tren those metabolites will stick around for a few days longer. Hence the need to run test a bit longer making sure PCT start time will be accurate and effective.

    I know a few (including myself) that have ran Tren til the end with a difficult time recovering. IMO its crucial to run Test at least a week longer. I"ve done along with others and saw a huge difference.
    very true, totaly agree

  9. #9
    Xprime's Avatar
    Xprime is offline Banned
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    With Tren ace i would advice to run the test two more weeks. trenbolone as 19nor are heavy on libido.

  10. #10
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Exactly Jay, tren 's metabolites are extremely potent progestins and highly suppressive so running the test past the tren is imperative for proper PCT.

  11. #11
    Xprime's Avatar
    Xprime is offline Banned
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    Why two weeks of test after trenbolone ? We advice two weeks because it is the most used

  12. #12
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova

    Have you ever ended a cycle with Tren ? I feel its very important to run test at least 1-2 weeks longer then the Tren. Tren shuts you down very hard and has some stubborn metabolites that seem to linger and never go away.

    If taking Tren-A and Prop, PCT will start 3 days after last injection. But with Tren those metabolites will stick around for a few days longer. Hence the need to run test a bit longer making sure PCT start time will be accurate and effective.

    I know a few (including myself) that have ran Tren til the end with a difficult time recovering. IMO its crucial to run Test at least a week longer. I"ve done along with others and saw a huge difference.
    Ive actually run Tren/winstrol cycle without Test. 50mgs ed of each, for 8 weeks. I really liked it.

    Recovery wasnt any more difficult for me, than it normally is.

    But I understand what you say. Tren probaly has some metabolites that Test doesnt have(since its your natrually occuring hormone), and can give your system more of a "whack", when coming off.

    Personally I will run Prop, winny and Tren a for 4 weeks next time, and stop at the same time. With short cycles, It take away some of the gains if I was to stop the Tren after only 3-weeks. Then I would need to extend the whole cycle, and after you go past 4-weeks, recovery will be no faster than a normal 8-week cycle. (Atleast as I understand, after only 4 weeks, only the hypotalamus is totally inhibited, while the Pituitary is not totally inhibited after 30 days, its actually sensitized, and will respond to LHRH, even moreso than usal. So recovery will be no real problem after 30 days, as you go past this the Pituitary will be completely inhihited too, and cause a deeper supression.)

    In a normal lenght cycles I can see the reasen for running test a bit longer , though.
    Last edited by vitor; 05-13-2006 at 04:09 AM.

  13. #13
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Personally I will run Prop, winny and Tren a for 4 weeks next time, and stop at the same time. With short cycles, It take away some of the gains if I was to stop the Tren after only 3-weeks. Then I would need to extend the whole cycle, and after you go past 4-weeks, recovery will be no faster than a normal 8-week cycle. (Atleast as I understand, after only 4 weeks, only the hypotalamus is totally inhibited, while the Pituitary is not totally inhibited after 30 days, its actually sensitized, and will respond to LHRH, even moreso than usal. So recovery will be no real problem after 30 days, as you go past this the Pituitary will be completely inhihited too, and cause a deeper supression.)

    In a normal lenght cycles I can see the reasen for running test a bit longer , though.
    Nice, glad to see we all agree.

    FYI, all of the above you mentioned is very accurate buddy. I could see a reason for the Tren being ran for 4 weeks in a short burst cycle in your case as you have experienced ending with tren in the past successfully. Would I recommend it.........not completely without caution. Could a quick recovery be expected for some and not others.............of course.

    Seems we agree Vitor. Tren til the end in a short burst cycle can be much easier to recover from rather then lets say a 10 week haul.

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