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  1. #1
    AlwaysCutting12 is offline New Member
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    Ugh.. NO gains after 12 weeks

    I've been on my cycle for 12 weeks now and haven't really seen any gains.. I've put on about 10lbs or so, but damn was it hard, and I could've put it on natty with the amount of cals I have been consuming.. Here is the cycle:

    Weeks 1-14: Test Enan (500mg/week)
    Weeks 0->: 200mg Test Cyp (HRT)
    Weeks 1-13: 400mg EQ/week

    I have been consuming 3500-4000 calories per day, and really have only gained 10lbs overall. NO bloat, no water, no fat gain either. While strength has gone up tremendously (bench +25lbs matched reps), I just don't feel that the cycle was what it should have been. I made really lean gains, but with all the eating I did I feel I would have gained this much anyways. Libido's been way up, as is facial/body hair growth. My source is quite reputable, and has not been known to cheat his customers, so I really don't think it was fake.. IDK, was I expecting too much? I still have two weeks left on the test enan before dropping the Enan and staying on my maintenance HRT therapy dosage of Cyp. I was really hoping to gain more mass, as I am still not ready to cut being my leanness at this point. Switching back to cyp only and trying to bulk is going to be a pain due to my body's acclimation to the cycle... What would you do here? Do you think my gear was underdosed/fake?

    I'll be back on later to answer any questions and reply to responses... Thank you.

  2. #2
    peump's Avatar
    peump is offline Senior Member
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    are you over training?

  3. #3
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    3500-4000 calories isn't that much, but also depends on your size.

  4. #4
    eberasain is offline Associate Member
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    sounds like some bogus stuff bro!

  5. #5
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    a building

  6. #6
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    I would check all of the and your gear.

  7. #7
    AlwaysCutting12 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks

    3500-4000 calories isn't that much, but also depends on your size.
    This is my first real cycle with injectables, but I have done numerous PH cycles in the past (1-T/4-AD, M1-T, SD, etc.).

    I weigh 185 now and am really not tall at all... I am pretty damn lean though.

    Diet was spot on the whole time, although I did undergo extreme stress for the first 8 weeks of my cycle (didn't gain a single lb until week 9) and was overtrained from my lifestyle habits (work/stress). Since week 9 (on week 13 now) I have gained 8-10lbs, almost 1" on my arms, actually no waist-size increase, and feel much better.. If stress can really blunt the effects of 700mg test/week then damn, stress is a freaking massive roadblock..

    Ive got the rest of this week and next week to gain a few more lbs.. Hopefully I can before returning to HRT dosages and experiencing the slump-off of gains.. Being that I am returning solely to my HRT protocol, do you feel I can keep gaining after dropping the 500mg/Test E? It really feels like gains are barely picking up at this point in the game, which is quite sad really..

    - Thanks for your suggestions...

  8. #8
    stacker2 is offline New Member
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    hmm... Sometimes upping the protein 60-100 mgs helps. Are you filling up b4 you are going to bed? during the night?

    Diet usually is the issue. Stress can also cause a deficiency and the combined can compromise your gains.

    Also hows your sleep 9 hours is much better than 7.

  9. #9
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Is the gear legit?

  10. #10
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    So you gained 10 lbs of pure muscle in 12 weeks yet you "haven't really seen any gains"?

  11. #11
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysCutting12
    I've been on my cycle for 12 weeks now and haven't really seen any gains..
    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysCutting12
    I've put on about 10lbs or so
    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysCutting12
    I could've put it on natty with the amount of cals I have been consuming..

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysCutting12
    I have been consuming 3500-4000 calories per day, and really have only gained 10lbs overall. NO bloat, no water, no fat gain either.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysCutting12
    While strength has gone up tremendously (bench +25lbs matched reps), I just don't feel that the cycle was what it should have been. I made really lean gains, but with all the eating I did I feel I would have gained this much anyways.

    Is this a serious thread?

    You haven't seen any gains.. yet you've gained 10 lbs of fat free mass.

    most people can't put on 10 lbs of muscle in a year.. yet you think that by bumping your kcals up to your current level you would've seen that muscle gain naturally?

    C'mon mack.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysCutting12
    was I expecting too much?


  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Is this a serious thread?

    You haven't seen any gains.. yet you've gained 10 lbs of fat free mass.

    most people can't put on 10 lbs of muscle in a year.. yet you think that by bumping your kcals up to your current level you would've seen that muscle gain naturally?

    C'mon mack.


    You know I was thinking the same thing. If I got 10 lean lbs out of a cycle I would on top of the moon !! Some people think they should look like Ronnie at the end of there first cycles

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    i think he should have gained more. with 700mgs test, youre gonna bloat and when you do you never really think ur that bloated cuz u look at yourself in the mirror every 3 minutes when juicing. im thinkin that maybe the test e is bunk and all youre runnin on is the cyp. well theres the eq but that is like water to most people. im just thinkin that some may be legit and some bunk, just cuz u mentioned hair growth, etc..

  14. #14
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    on that much juice...should have gotten more for your first REAL CYCLE.

    Consider these:
    1- juice may not be good. try gettin a script and some real shit.
    2- protein intake not high enough. should consume 1.5-2.0 grams per lb
    3- not enough rest. need 8 hrs DEEP sleep per exceptions.
    4- not training hard enough or over training.

    Its one of these things....

    btw....what's your age?

  15. #15
    Grizzly420's Avatar
    Grizzly420 is offline Associate Member
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    Ill take the 10lbs of muscle I need all the help can get PLEASE!!!!!

  16. #16
    AlwaysCutting12 is offline New Member
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    yeah... I guess I was just used to the Explosion of weight that the old-school PH's brought about (primarily WATER/BLOAT).

    Expectations were too high I suppose. I mean I did put on 1 solid inch in these 10lbs on my arms. Sorry about that, I just got too caught up in reading how people gain 20-30lbs and gain quick. I didn't stop to realize MY situation and the fact that I didn't bloat one bit.

    I appreciate your help guys, and I really see how absolutely ignorant my posts have come across being that I didn't think things through thoroughly enough before sending out the past few posts.. I mean 10lbs of super cut lean mass is incredible. I failed to grasp the fact that those guys who gain 20-30lbs a cycle are far from their genetic potential, and also gain an assload of water/fat coupled with the muscle mass they gain.

    after that I do deserve to be laughed at for sure. haha.

  17. #17
    ThaPrepster82 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Is this a serious thread?

    You haven't seen any gains.. yet you've gained 10 lbs of fat free mass.

    most people can't put on 10 lbs of muscle in a year.. yet you think that by bumping your kcals up to your current level you would've seen that muscle gain naturally?

    C'mon mack.



  18. #18
    Grizzly420's Avatar
    Grizzly420 is offline Associate Member
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    the best way to see progress imo is to take a pic every month and put it on your computer in a file and go back every so often and look at your results a pics worth a thousand words good or bad

  19. #19
    D-Money's Avatar
    D-Money is offline Associate Member
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    Everyone's body responds differently. I think you should raise your calories next cycle. 10 solid pounds is not bad, if pure weight gain (mass) is what your after, you should multiply your projected bodyweight (what you wanna weigh after cycle X 21). Also try adding some d-bol to kickstart your cyle. My 2cents.

  20. #20
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    You said u were very stressed out/worked alot at work.

    eating 3500-4000 calories woudl not be enought in those conditions imo.

    3500-4000 is good if u're living a sedatary life, outside the gym.

    but if u have a labor intensive job u'd have to go 6000 atleast. with atleast 4k of that being from solid food.

  21. #21
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw
    on that much juice...should have gotten more for your first REAL CYCLE.

    Consider these:
    1- juice may not be good. try gettin a script and some real shit.
    2- protein intake not high enough. should consume 1.5-2.0 grams per lb
    3- not enough rest. need 8 hrs DEEP sleep per exceptions.
    4- not training hard enough or over training.

    Its one of these things....

    btw....what's your age?
    He's on HRT

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