Hello bros, recently I started thread concerning my incoming
cycle. After that I made lots of research about stacking tren and equipoise .
Is it wise to stack these two gears? Some people sayd absolutely NO and some people sayd YES.
My next cycle contain test prop, tren acetat and winny. I really like to take maximum efect to that cycle so all kind of advice are very welcome
I have plenty of equipoise and other gears too, give me your opinion and help me to build awesome cycle

1-15 test prop 120mg/ed
1-4 tren acetat 45mg/ed
10-15 tren acetat 50mg/ed
10-15 winny oral 75mg/ed

Here are my stats, just in case if someone wan`t to know it..
Age 28, weight 240lbs with about 8-9% bodyfatt........., 183cm tall and this is gonna be my 6th cycle.