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  1. #1
    bdee69 is offline New Member
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    Effects of clen on cardio output

    i'm a rugby player, i have pretty good natural aerobic threshold and train very hard to be anaerobically fit for rugby/sprinting. I'm thinking about using clen to shed some excess fat. What effects will clen have on my cardio thresholds as i don't want it to be detremental to any aspects of my fitness?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Clen makes cardio extremely difficult. Excpect to be winded all the time if you use it.


  3. #3
    bdee69 is offline New Member
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    Anybody else know anything??????

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    clen make me sleepy

  5. #5
    AleX-69's Avatar
    AleX-69 is offline Member
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    My expierences with clen :

    1) It makes doing cardio harder...(maybe 10-20% if you want an estimate)

    2) I shed fat better when using regular ECA while having lesser side effects at the same time

    3) i wouldn't touch clen anymore due to the posibility of it killing heart cells..

  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Clen will make your cardio workouts more intense.

  7. #7
    chinups Guest
    Killing Heart Cells???

    How serious is that? I mean is this chronic use or the 1,2,3 time user of the drug.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    clen helps me with cardio, i dont have any problems with it only benefits.

  9. #9
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    clen is a bronchiolator used to treat asthma? so shouldnt it help with breathing and cardio??? ive used it before and ive noticed that i breath heavily but dont really feel winded when working out intensily or doing cardio.

  10. #10
    chinups Guest
    Wow now come to think of it I was wondering why I was freaking running fast as hell monday and did about 3 miles and was not out of breathe freaky!!

    Wow my stamina on the b ball court wuold be amazing, now if I could get rid of these pumps I would be set. either that or get like a skateboard to get up and won the court

  11. #11
    Gettin Big's Avatar
    Gettin Big is offline Associate Member
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    I thought clen would help cardio since it is a bronchial dialator, but when I was on it I got out of breath real fast and it felt like there was something heavy on my chest. So for me it didn't help, seems like it hindered. I actually posted a thread asking what the best compound would be for cardio, what do the sprinters and pro athletes use??

  12. #12
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    I have recently started both clen and cardio. If I have not taken much that day it seems to help, however if I have taken more I have less capacity. I think it's a problem in excess because of the CNS stimulation. You will have less capacity with stronger CNS stimulaters like caffeine or ephedrine. Less capacity is a matter of over amping yourself. Just time your use for advatages. The bronchial dilation is an advantage but at some point has harts going to be to jacked up for to handle a high intensity workout. It's beating to fast before you start.

  13. #13
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    clen will affect a persons cardio performance differently. with some people it helps it, but more often it hinders it.

    even though it does give the bronchodilation effect, the hindrance comes from the elevated hr and elevated metabolism. your body is continuously burning more calories while on it, so it's burning more energy at any given level than usual.

    personally, i couldn't do as much cardio as usual while on the clen. it just got my hr up too high. however, even though i had to do my cardio at a slower pace while on the clen, i still got much better results than without.

    just watch your hr and don't let your heart race too high for too long.

  14. #14
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    clen will affect a persons cardio performance differently. with some people it helps it, but more often it hinders it.

    even though it does give the bronchodilation effect, the hindrance comes from the elevated hr and elevated metabolism. your body is continuously burning more calories while on it, so it's burning more energy at any given level than usual.

    personally, i couldn't do as much cardio as usual while on the clen. it just got my hr up too high. however, even though i had to do my cardio at a slower pace while on the clen, i still got much better results than without.

    just watch your hr and don't let your heart race too high for too long.
    Yup, I noticed the same thing. I couldn't run at as high as pace as I used to before clen, but running at a lower pace was easier.

  15. #15
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    even if clen is a broncho dilatator dont expect it to help ur cardio unless u suffer from asthma. As far as anecdotal evidence: clen hinders with my cardio a bit but not that much. Why is this I dont know, there are many possible explanations.. i doubt ascendants explanations covers it all or do u have anythng to back that up? i personally suspect the explanation to be a lil more complex..

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