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  1. #41
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    i was stupid and started my cycle with dbol and winstrol ... but i go off both of them now... i have miscalculated on my calendar.. i started on deca 2 weeks before i started on prop, so if i do 8 weeks on both, i will be on only prop for 2 weeks at the end...

    is it a good or bad idea to run 100mg/ed of winstrol along with prop the 2 last weeks?

    I called myself a dummy... hehe... don't get mad on me, i'm totally listening to you! I'm just a little slow on my writing...

    BAD IDEA on all counts!! you are not gonna see ANY results with the way you are tryin to figure out how to run this cycle. winny for 2 weeks? If that is what you meant, then it will do NO good

  2. #42
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    bro first off before you start cycling do more research i feel bad for you cause who knows what you did to your body in the past if this is already your 4th cycle, second DO NOT CYCLE until you get more funds and gear, why cycle if you dont have enough to get the results you want? also do you even have any ai's or anti e's for this cycle?? runnin test and deca without nolva and lets say a dex is a quick ticket to gyno lol, for your own good do some research and save on your next pay check to get what you need to do it RIGHT

  3. #43
    kenny0 is offline New Member
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    i think ill do sman's cycle... but then i have to wait until after the summer, and that sux! but, i'll rather do it right!
    thnx guys..

  4. #44
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Wow good call!! Your learning quick!!! Do you have any AI, s or nolva on hand ??

  5. #45
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    good choice, make sure you get some ai's and anti e's as well, and do yourself a favor and do research while your getting more funds and gear, youll learn alot trust me

  6. #46
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    i think ill do sman's cycle... but then i have to wait until after the summer, and that sux! but, i'll rather do it right!
    thnx guys..
    If and only IF you are serious, that is the smartest thing you said since being here!!!
    Take the time and research. If your cycle knowledge is not up to par, i can imagine that your diet and training is not up to par either.....take some time and I will be glad to help you work it ALL out, just don't be impatient... This is medicine, not flintstone vitamins!!!


  7. #47
    kenny0 is offline New Member
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    just for my knowledge...
    if i do 12 weeks deca and 14 weeks test prop... what if i have a 2week pause in the middle of the cycle?

  8. #48
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Wow good call!! Your learning quick!!! Do you have any AI, s or nolva on hand ??

    Okay Kenny, what EXACTLY is Sman's cycle? Please write it out, so we can be sure you have it.


  9. #49
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    If and only IF you are serious, that is the smartest thing you said since being here!!!
    Take the time and research. If your cycle knowledge is not up to par, i can imagine that your diet and training is not up to par either.....take some time and I will be glad to help you work it ALL out, just don't be impatient... This is medicine, not flintstone vitamins!!!

    Dam Sman I tought he was never going to take your welcome gift LOL.. Hope he is begin for real and will wait and research!!!

  10. #50
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    just for my knowledge...
    if i do 12 weeks deca and 14 weeks test prop... what if i have a 2week pause in the middle of the cycle?

    Oh DAMNNNNN you just went from saying the smartest thing back to the dumbest ....lolol

    The key to successful AAS cycles, is keeping your blood levels as stable as possible.... a two week break will kill the entire cycle IMHO your levels will fluctuate Way too much

  11. #51
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    just for my knowledge...
    if i do 12 weeks deca and 14 weeks test prop... what if i have a 2week pause in the middle of the cycle?
    oh no!!!

  12. #52
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    just for my knowledge...
    if i do 12 weeks deca and 14 weeks test prop... what if i have a 2week pause in the middle of the cycle?

    Um what?????????? why??????? comon guy just research youv been given a good cycle now go do some searches

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Dam Sman I tought he was never going to take your welcome gift LOL.. Hope he is begin for real and will wait and research!!!

    NAWWW it only took one post to screw that up...he is back to tryin to figure out how to do his cycle , go on vacation , come back and continue the cycle then.....lolol

    damn my head hurts.....lolol

  14. #54
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Back to the start line.. Round two Sman ( are you ready)!!! ding ding !!! HAHA

  15. #55
    kenny0 is offline New Member
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    thnx sman... that was the answer i was expecting, but i wanted to be sure...
    I'll rather ask and be stupid, then don't and stay an idiot:P hehe lol :P

    Sman cycle:
    Weeks 1-4 dbol at 30-50 mgs/ED
    Weeks 1-12 Test Prop at 700mgs/week (100mgs/ED)
    Weeks 1-10 Deca at 400mgs/week
    Weeks 7-12 Winny at 50-75mgs/ED

    what should i run along? nolva? hcg ? clomid?
    Sman give me a good pct-gift

  16. #56
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    not tryin to hijack but this guy wont listen so im gonna post an up and comin cycle of mine

    iv posted this 1000 times but right now im on my 7th week of
    week 1-13 test e 600 mg ew
    week 1-12 eq 600 mg ew
    tbol (2 weeks prior to injections) then 1-6 with injections
    var will start in 2 weeks up until pct
    week 1-21 nolva 20 mg ed
    1-15 a dex .5

    week 1-6 nolva 20mg ed, week 1-5 aromasin 20 mg ed, week 1-3 hcg 500 iu ed

    goin to start growth soon and work my way up to 8iu ed 5/2 protocol, mid cycle i would like to do a prop eq cycle what do you think of this

    week 1-17 prop 100mg ed
    week 1- 14 eq 600 mg ew

  17. #57
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    kenny do a search on pct by anthony roberts

    that protocol seems to be amazing and is what i am going to use

  18. #58
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    thnx sman... that was the answer i was expecting, but i wanted to be sure...
    I'll rather ask and be stupid, then don't and stay an idiot:P hehe lol :P

    Sman cycle:
    Weeks 1-4 dbol at 30-50 mgs/ED
    Weeks 1-12 Test Prop at 700mgs/week (100mgs/ED)
    Weeks 1-10 Deca at 400mgs/week
    Weeks 7-12 Winny at 50-75mgs/ED

    what should i run along? nolva? hcg ? clomid?
    Sman give me a good pct-gift
    Ok here is some soild pct info.. Go to the pct fourm and research !!!! Just like the rest of us have to !!!!

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny0
    thnx sman... that was the answer i was expecting, but i wanted to be sure...
    I'll rather ask and be stupid, then don't and stay an idiot:P hehe lol :P

    Sman cycle:
    Weeks 1-4 dbol at 30-50 mgs/ED
    Weeks 1-12 Test Prop at 700mgs/week (100mgs/ED)
    Weeks 1-10 Deca at 400mgs/week
    Weeks 7-12 Winny at 50-75mgs/ED

    what should i run along? nolva? hcg ? clomid?
    Sman give me a good pct-gift
    Santa's sack is empty tonight.

    you have to LEARN so you know what your doing. for all you know, I could be feeding you a load of crap here. you need to take my advice, research and confirm or deny its validity. that way you will learn and can also pass your knowledge as I am doing here

    I would use an AI thourghout the cycle
    I would use HCG throughout the cycle
    I would have something to prevent gyno either during or PCT
    I would also be using Test E instead of Prop, but thats me
    most importantly I would wait until i knew what I was doing to the one and only body I have..... my penis is my friend...don't want to lose him.....lolol

  20. #60
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrkid81
    kenny do a search on pct by anthony roberts

    that protocol seems to be amazing and is what i am going to use
    Right on man.. Hooker has been explaining everything about his pct protocol to help me understand all of his reasoning behind it.. And your are correct it is amazing..

  21. #61
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    what has he told you about it, cause im interested in learning the in depths behind it all

  22. #62
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrkid81
    not tryin to hijack but this guy wont listen so im gonna post an up and comin cycle of mine

    iv posted this 1000 times but right now im on my 7th week of
    week 1-13 test e 600 mg ew
    week 1-12 eq 600 mg ew
    tbol (2 weeks prior to injections) then 1-6 with injections
    var will start in 2 weeks up until pct
    week 1-21 nolva 20 mg ed
    1-15 a dex .5

    week 1-6 nolva 20mg ed, week 1-5 aromasin 20 mg ed, week 1-3 hcg 500 iu ed

    goin to start growth soon and work my way up to 8iu ed 5/2 protocol, mid cycle i would like to do a prop eq cycle what do you think of this

    week 1-17 prop 100mg ed
    week 1- 14 eq 600 mg ew
    better to start your own thread, but since you are here.

    i am a little confused with the way you have it laid out. are you talkin two seperate cycles here or One giant one with all those compounds?
    I would need some cycle history and other stats to proceed

  23. #63
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    He has been explaining it to me for weeks . I was mostly interested in how hcg can be suppressive .. But when used in conjunction with nolva the 17(OHP) into testosterone will be blocked. And also using a type 1 AI will halt any suppression from the estrogen engendered by hcg. So the suppressive nature of hcg is not a concern.. He has explained alot to me so far but this was my main interest in his protocol.

  24. #64
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    [QUOTE=SMAN12B]better to start your own thread, but since you are here.

    first compounds are the cycle i am on now and the pct that will be used

    second is a cycle i want to run with hgh, i am going to start the hgh in about a month, the cycle to be run mid way through the 8 months

    stats are 5 8 203 last time i checked 16.3% bf probably around 15.5% now
    cycle history 5th injectable cycle, 2 oral only cycles

  25. #65
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    better to start your own thread, but since you are here.

    i am a little confused with the way you have it laid out. are you talkin two seperate cycles here or One giant one with all those compounds?
    I would need some cycle history and other stats to proceed
    Oh , make sure you use 1000 ius ED of vit E also on hookers pct...

  26. #66
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    yea i read that hmm injectable??

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