OK im starting to gather my next cycle.i have plenty of test e i would like some suggestions on some other thing to add to that for a good bulking cycle plzz leave out the tren and drol for they r to toxic for my taste. there is just so much out there i dont know were to start this time but i want to make it a good 1 and unfortanetly for me i dont think im going to be able to get the good var again but that is a possiblity.so lets here it
the cycle im on now,and i will have the proper down time is
600 mg a week of test e m w f(at 200 mg a shot)
40 mg oxandrin(20 mg morning 20 night)
500 mg eq for 11 weeks(<--thats just how it worked out)
last 20 days on .5 mg armidex before pct
300mg clomid 1st day pct with 30 nolva
and 100mg clomid ed after that for 29 days nolva at 20mg till end
fell free to suggest minor adjustments also on remainder of cycle now
but post is for next cycle suggestions