did you have soreness from the injections? you should since propionate is in sust. Are your balls shrunk at all? I would think they would be after 10 weeks which is really 14 with sust.
Persoanlly i dont like sust. After personal use and research i think single ester test would be the only way i would go. Sust takes to long to build high bloodlevels, plus its active for four freakin weaks after your last inject, so you have to really think about that when planning your cycle length.
I didnt gain that much from suxt but i only did one shot every 9 days. It was a stupid cycle. I also did only five shots. I gained about 20 lbs but alot was water and glycogen from my diet. My balls did shrink though and i did no pct, so i crashed big time. I was alos only 20. You live and you learn. At the very least i knew not to take too much since i had no estrogen blockers, so i didnt get bitch tits. Nothing lost, nothing gained really, just pointless.
Anyway, see if your balls are small at the 14th week, then youl know. hopefully youll PCT them back up to full size