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Thread: Is this OK??

  1. #1
    jack85 is offline New Member
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    Smile Is this OK??

    First of all i would like to say gday to all and this is a wounderful site i have found and i have found alot of good helpful info on it in the last few days i am starting my first proper cycle this week and i was just woundering wat yous think first of all im 21 years old im 86 kg 9% bf and just short of 6foot tall i have been doing weights hard for the last 4 years and i try to eat 4000 cals or more or year round. The ingreadents i have to work with are 70mils test enanthate dbol and nolva and another ingreadent i have not heardof before called nitrotang i think thats wat its called, he told me to take it in my 9 week of cycle and it will start to harden me up does any one know or have heard anything about this product ? this is what i was going to do

    Week1-12 test enanthate 5mil a week 2.5 on monday and 2.5 on thursday
    week1-4 dbol 35 mg day
    week 9-13 nitrotang im not sure how much because i have not got it yet
    and for pct should i start taking 20mg a day of nolva for 3 weeks 1 week after my last shot of test or should i start on my 12 week .
    any info on wat yous think would be very helpful

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Personally i think your still to young to consider taking AAS, i am sure a few other members would disagree with me and i would think theses are the younger bb's on the site who don't know really what damage they could be doing,

    Train naturally and get a good solid base from diet and a good training program, Gain as much as possible naturally until gains have slowed or stopped then consider using something to push past your sticking point,you have enough hormones in the body to produce excellent muscle growth without adding AAS and a chance of messing your own natural hormone balance up,

    It takes years to get a good base and if you do this correct at this age you will have the best advantage to produce rapid gains and will be far easier to maintain when you do decide to use AAS,

    Go to the diet forum and check out the stickies at the top of the page and read all about diets/food and then go to the training forum, this is all you need and your age and stage,

  3. #3
    jack85 is offline New Member
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    I have already bought the stuff and for a few months now i have not been able to make any gains so is what i wrote down ok ??

  4. #4
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Honestly you ar eto young, nad the benifits you think you will get from running this cycle now are way lesds than the damage you will be doing to yourself...also according to the math, if you do 5ml's a week of enathate and it is satndard 250mg/ml that is 1250mg a is your first proper cycle, thoses doses are way to high, and you do not need dbol ...get into the diet forum and post up a sample diet from one day and i am sure we can find more than one or two things wrong, that once fixed you will actually do not need aas now, you need to get diet and training on track....please reconsider doing that much test or test at all....

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack85
    I have already bought the stuff and for a few months now i have not been able to make any gains so is what i wrote down ok ??
    It doesnt matter if you have bought the stuff, it goes far beyound that,

    AT your age look at diet/food and training to push the barriers, you have enough hormones in you naturally to produce good quality gains,

    only trying to help but i have a feeling your not going to listen, please re- read my earlier post to you,

  6. #6
    jack85 is offline New Member
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    I ment to write 500mg of test

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Listen to these guys Jack, they know from EXPERIENCE what they are talking about. You are not quite readys and AAS is NOT something you should rush into. by your own admission, you do not even know what one of the compounds you are getting is and what it will do to you.

    Stick around here and research. I bet your diet is NOT what you think it is and your training probably neds some help too.

    As Marcus said, you have MORE than enough natural hormones in your body NOW, do not screw that up. Your could end up damaging your HPTA an having many problems in the future

    You should know everything there is to know about what you are going to put in your body BEFORE you put it there.


  8. #8
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    The guys above are providing you with invaluable information, whether or not you take it is obviously up to you. But I’m in complete agreement with their advice, so that makes four (4) consecutive members.

    No one here wants to dissuade people from taking aas. This is not a federal watchdog site, everything you’re hearing is for your own protection/benefit. In another 12-18mths you’ll be ready, just wait it out and tweak your current regimen.

    Oh, and it should be quite easy to sell the gear.


  9. #9
    jack85 is offline New Member
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    Ok guys i went threw the others forums in tranning and diet but it seems im doing the right things as it is im going to just try push threw it naturaly for the next year or 2 try to get to 90kg i sold the dbol last night and got more fore it then i paid for it i was just woundering to WEBB why did you say i didn't need dbol is it not good or something and how much do yous think i can sell 70mil test enanthae for im from australia to.

  10. #10
    jack85 is offline New Member
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    One of mates wants to buy the test how much should i sell it to him the only thing he is worried about if it lowers his sex drive dose it do this or increase it.

  11. #11
    pepperoni's Avatar
    pepperoni is offline Associate Member
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    Webb said that about the dbol because your first cycle (when ready for it) should be test only.

  12. #12
    *Alex*'s Avatar
    *Alex* is offline Senior Member
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    it will icrease sex drive in most.

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