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  1. #1
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    longest cycle ever...

    Hey guys, just wanted to know what everyone here considers to be the best length for a cycle. Obviously the longer the cycle the longer the gains...but i need some input from my bros as to what your longest cycles have been.
    I don't know if this is even possible, but my trainer told me that he was in a year round cycle. When he fist told me the frist word that came to my head was...BS. But then again, he is my trainer and he wouldn't lie. He finished off his cycle with the appropiate pct and he had some erectile problems(no $***). He also got a little bit of gyno, but he managed to take if off. Do you guys think this is possible...??? He hasn't cycled in like 4 years now, and this guy is still huge.

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Being 'on' for over a year is not uncommon.

  3. #3
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    there are some people who do the stuff year round, non-stop for years. this however is not something i'd personally advise, primarily due to the fact that being on for long cycles greatly increases your risk of side-effects.

    the intention of cycling on and off is to allow your body to get back to normal during the off-times. shutting yourself down by being on a cycle that long gives you a much higher probability of getting sides.

    additionally, being on longer doesn't necessarily mean better gains as you said. our bodies tend to gain in spurts (hence the term "growth spurts"), so you will go through phases of gaining and maintaining. additionally, gaining faster also means more of a chance of injuries, as our joints and other connective tissues build up slower than our muscles do.

    personally, i think 4 months is about the max you should be on before taking some time off.

  4. #4
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    there are some people who do the stuff year round, non-stop for years. this however is not something i'd personally advise, primarily due to the fact that being on for long cycles greatly increases your risk of side-effects.

    the intention of cycling on and off is to allow your body to get back to normal during the off-times. shutting yourself down by being on a cycle that long gives you a much higher probability of getting sides.

    additionally, being on longer doesn't necessarily mean better gains as you said. our bodies tend to gain in spurts (hence the term "growth spurts"), so you will go through phases of gaining and maintaining. additionally, gaining faster also means more of a chance of injuries, as our joints and other connective tissues build up slower than our muscles do.

    personally, i think 4 months is about the max you should be on before taking some time off.
    I agree with these statements..

  5. #5
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    there are some people who do the stuff year round, non-stop for years. this however is not something i'd personally advise, primarily due to the fact that being on for long cycles greatly increases your risk of side-effects.

    the intention of cycling on and off is to allow your body to get back to normal during the off-times. shutting yourself down by being on a cycle that long gives you a much higher probability of getting sides.

    additionally, being on longer doesn't necessarily mean better gains as you said. our bodies tend to gain in spurts (hence the term "growth spurts"), so you will go through phases of gaining and maintaining. additionally, gaining faster also means more of a chance of injuries, as our joints and other connective tissues build up slower than our muscles do.

    personally, i think 4 months is about the max you should be on before taking some time off.
    Thnx for answers guys, dude, have you done a 4 month cycle? If so, could i get some input plz!? Did you have any sides? Did it take longer for natural test to start? ... really appreciate it

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    "The longer the cycle the longer the gains" This is untrue, its impossible to carry on gaining over a long period of time, growth comes in short bursts this is why most see gains in the first half of a course because there body's are not use to the AAS, also depends on what type of AAS are used,

    The longer you are on the more likely your going to see and go through some sides effects of long term use, this might not bother some of us, because you think it may be worth it because of the risk to benefit ratio, thinking you will be carrying more muscle, not true.

    Our body's build up a tolerance to anything we use over time, so being on all year round doesn't mean more muscle tissue at the end of it, the body will get use to the AAS so an increased amount of mg per week is needed to see further gains to just keep at the same level of growth or to even just maintain it, so lets think about it being on for over a year, what would recovery be like? let me tell you its hard work and the chances you will go back on sooner than you should are very likely,

    Recovery is even harder and maintaining the muscle is even harder still, only options are increased dosages when they do go back on and believe me they do go back on soon cause they cant stand how they feel and the backwards steps they are making, so higher dosages are needed cause the tolerance is high to the AAS, increased dosages = increased sides effects and gains yet again are harder to obtain because of the so called tolerance to AAS,

    Remember you have suppressed your system for so long its going to take a long time to come back, thats if it ever does come back to full volume, the older you are the harder the recovery and the younger you are the more likely the sooner you will be going on HRT,

    Alot of the pro's do go on long cycles with increased dosages as the tolerance builds up, but at the end of the cycle they will bridge or coast to the next cycle so this will maintain the muscle but theses guys are looking at HRT for the rest of there lifes because of the suppression over the years, this is what you have to contemplate, are you going to make a living out of it? are you going to compete? have you got the genetics to be a pro?

    On the other side, the shorter the period you on cycle the less the body's builds up a tolerance, so when you do fully recover (cause you still have to fully recover even on short cycles) the tolerance isn't anything like being on for long periods and you can still gain with the same dose, its how the body works take an example of someone who drinks alcohol the guy drinking for 52 weeks continuously is going to have a different tolerance to the guy drinking for 6-10 wks with 10wks off in between,

    This is why i prefer short cycles, i prime the body beforehand and create a very anabolic environment for when i do start a cycle and i take full advantage of this process and the short growth spurts, recovery and maintenance are far easier, tolerance doesn't build up as much so long as you have decent time off in between cycles.

  7. #7
    theforce3169's Avatar
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    133 are suggesting a 6 to 12 week cycle and a 10 week recovery????? Thanks for all the info

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theforce3169 are suggesting a 6 to 12 week cycle and a 10 week recovery????? Thanks for all the info
    Not suggesting anything just putting some vital points across,
    AS everyone knows i prefer shorter cycles but even when i do shorter cycle you still must have good time off to recover,

    In alot of cases the recovery is faster than longer cycles which is ideal for maintaining the new muscle tissue and for planning the next cycle, i always prime the body before a short cycle or even any cycle to tell the truth so if you prime correctly this should take around 6-8 weeks this is done after pct.

  9. #9
    theforce3169's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Not suggesting anything just putting some vital points across,
    AS everyone knows i prefer shorter cycles but even when i do shorter cycle you still must have good time off to recover,

    In alot of cases the recovery is faster than longer cycles which is ideal for maintaining the new muscle tissue and for planning the next cycle, i always prime the body before a short cycle or even any cycle to tell the truth so if you prime correctly this should take around 6-8 weeks this is done after pct.
    Thanks Marcus....I am new, so in recovery you take 10 weeks then 6-8 weeks you prime your body. What do you do to "prime" your body?

    I am doing a cycle right now of test-e and oral turinabol . I am on my first week, 250mgs twice a week and two 20 mgs capsules daily. I am assuming (therefore I can be wrong....LOL) that you do the pct for the first 4 weeks in recovery??

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theforce3169
    Thanks Marcus....I am new, so in recovery you take 10 weeks then 6-8 weeks you prime your body. What do you do to "prime" your body?

    I am doing a cycle right now of test-e and oral turinabol. I am on my first week, 250mgs twice a week and two 20 mgs capsules daily. I am assuming (therefore I can be wrong....LOL) that you do the pct for the first 4 weeks in recovery??
    Before starting any cycle research is the key, search for my thread on priming it will help you understand the process better

  11. #11
    theforce3169's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Before starting any cycle research is the key, search for my thread on priming it will help you understand the process better
    Will do....thanks

  12. #12
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    Thnx for that info Marcus, really cleared all my questions. Very good stuff. What about the time on = time off thing. What's your opinion on this? Because i still have to decide how much time to wait for next cycle, so this info could really be helpfull. again, thnx bro. hope you see this reply.

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eL FriJolerO
    Thnx for that info Marcus, really cleared all my questions. Very good stuff. What about the time on = time off thing. What's your opinion on this? Because i still have to decide how much time to wait for next cycle, so this info could really be helpfull. again, thnx bro. hope you see this reply.
    The general rule to be guided by is time on+pct = time off, to be sure id get blood work done at this time to see if everything is gone back to normal.

  14. #14
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    Aight man, thnx a lot for the reply!!!

    God i love this forum...

  15. #15
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    How about Pro's they never really come off cycle do they?

  16. #16
    MrMeathead's Avatar
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    How about Pro's they never really come off cycle do they?
    Every pro has different theories and techniques on cycling. They have to stay "on" due to all the guest appearances and stuff. I would love to see what an actual pro cycle looks like and I don't mean one that some goofy ass cycle somebody found on the internet claiming to be craig titus's. lol. I have heard that most just stay on test year round but the others cycle on with a short time off but on the time off they up there g.h.

  17. #17
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMeathead
    Every pro has different theories and techniques on cycling. They have to stay "on" due to all the guest appearances and stuff. I would love to see what an actual pro cycle looks like and I don't mean one that some goofy ass cycle somebody found on the internet claiming to be craig titus's. lol. I have heard that most just stay on test year round but the others cycle on with a short time off but on the time off they up there g.h.
    Hit pinnacle or Marcus with a PM.

    I know some pros.. and their cycles aren't anything exciting.

    Actually i know some the guys here run higher dosages and more exotic compounds etc. than at least 3 pros i know.


  18. #18
    MrMeathead's Avatar
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Hit pinnacle or Marcus with a PM.

    I know some pros.. and their cycles aren't anything exciting.

    Actually i know some the guys here run higher dosages and more exotic compounds etc. than at least 3 pros i know.

    That is what I always here is that the people that you would least expect it are running higher dosages than some of the pros. That just goes to show drugs aren't everything in the world of bodybuilding. I am curious to know what a real pro cycle written out does looks like. I will be sure to p.m. one of them. Thanks nark.

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