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  1. #1
    steroidnewbie is offline New Member
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    Negative Effects to Starting AAS in Teenage Years?

    Hi everyone, I'm 22 years old and my younger brother is considering starting AAS. I'm trying to convince him to wait at least 2 years of hard training because being a teen, your test levels are already slightly higher. I was reading on the topic and I found that your growth plates stop growing and that your hormonal system can be damaged. What does this mean??? Thank you all very much for your input!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    obviously he should wait, how long has he been training whats his age

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    READ this thread by Kale. Especially the part about AAS under 21 it will enlighten you and yoru little brother. If you love your younger brother then you will talk him out of doing any AAS until 25, that goes for you too!!!

  4. #4
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    i did my first cycle at 18 and totally regret it now...ill never know how tall i wouldve been although im sitting at 5'10 now which isnt bad imo...but i blew up fast and lost everything because i didnt know what was going on and i broke out horribly...i have now passed my peak weight on aas and i am much leaner now

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    you're 22 and you want him to wait 2 years of hard training.How old is he??????????????

  6. #6
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i did my first course at 19, but by this point had been training for 7 years, already had a very developed physique for a 19 year old, and had been into nutrition and dieting for 3 years. i have had great success keeping any gains in strength and size, never had any adverse sides apart from hair growth on my back, which may have occured anyway. as for my test levels, and general hormone balance, i feel fine, still get good results from natural training and have a very healthy sex drive, and, amazingly im certain i have grown in height in the last 3 years by 0.5-1 inch. im not condoning or recommending anyone else do this, as im sure i may have recieved better results if i had waited till i was 22 or older, but as of now, i have no regrets at all. i have a head-turning physique and strength in gym at 21 years old, and hope to be a monster by 25. just thought id tell a side of the story you dont hear often. i will let you all know if i regret it in years to come lol. tell your bro to hold off without doubt. educate him on diet, bulking, cutting, this will likely be a new concept for him which will take his mind off steroid use , and show him how fun making dramatic changes to your body, naturally, can be
    Last edited by Timm1704; 06-18-2006 at 04:17 PM.

  7. #7
    steroidnewbie is offline New Member
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    Thanks again everyone for all of your help I really appreciate it! What I'm wondering is what are the negative long term side effects. My brother is 17 and some of his friends on the football team are on deca and test pro and he wants to jump in with them. I am waiting untill im 25 till I start and I have been dieting and working out since i was 15ish. I'm just trying to find out what long term effects it will have on him, like will it effect his mind and how can it damage your hormonal system? Also I don't think he is in top shape, I'm just wondering what would be the problem with not being in top shape. I really want him to wait but I want to be realistic with him. He looks up to me and I know if I tell him "Your going to die by 19!", it isn't going to fly. Thanks again so much for your input!

  8. #8
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it will likely:

    stunt his growth
    impair his natural hormone balance, which will:
    negatively affect muscle-gains, fat loss, sex drive, and the general masculinity he likely craves
    a hormone imbalance could lead to psychological issues, if he doesnt believe you, im sure he will meet a girl at school who goes crazy during her period.
    make him grow hair in places he may not have had hair otherwise
    make him infertile
    damage his organs

  9. #9
    steroidnewbie is offline New Member
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    How widespread are these? With injectiable steroids . Also what negative effects will be permanant, and are these really likely to happen? I just wanna approach this situation with my facts strait. Thanks again!

  10. #10
    steroidnewbie is offline New Member
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  11. #11
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    well, though i'm reiterating what many have said, here's what i can tell you from an experience with a personal friend of mine...

    had a buddy of mine i knew who started using gear at age 14. once starting gear, he didn't grow any taller. guy ended up being 5'3. as we hit growth spurts, he never did.

    as he got older, he started having problems with his sex drive and getting erections. at this point, he had long stopped taking gear cause of business pursuits. the gear he took during his teen years affected his own bodies ability to produce testosterone . by, if i remember right, about age 23, doctors already had him on hormone replacement therapy due to his bodies apparent lack in it's own.

    i know he had slight lumbar lordosis, but i can't say for sure whether or not that was contributed to by the gear or not.

    anyway, by the time he was 25 he was short, fat, and on meds for life cause of what he did when he was a teen. though in high school he was jacked, it was never anything that impressive. i was all natural at that point and i was much larger and stronger than him. that's cause i had very high test levels cause of my puberty and all he had was his gear cause his own had been shut down, or maybe never really even kicked in?

    another reason for me surpassing him was that while he was using gear thinking that was the key, i was studying in magazines and books about training and learning more effective training techniques and working on my diet.

    in your teen years, you should be studying and learning and seeing how your body reacts to certain diets, training routines, etc. once you have studied extensively and have a good foundation, that's when you can start considering gear. there's plenty enough information regarding bodybuilding that you could study for 20 years and still have plenty more to learn.

    if you want to help him, help him with his diet and training and tell him that's what he needs to work on first. when he improves those aspects and makes better gains cause of it, then hopefully he'll realize there's no need for the gear at that point or at least will feel less inclined to do so.

    worst case scenario, if he's that persistent and you know if you don't give it to him someone else will, just give him sugar pills and tell him it's gear. i would imagine with how much bunk gear goes around schools, neither him or his friends will ever know the difference. plus the "mind over matter" deal may even help him make better gains.

    i would use this as an absolute last resort though as i personally hate lying to people or having to play games to save someones ass. plus, this could make him run into problems down the road considering he'll think he's already taken gear and making him more careless down the road with them when he gets the real deal. again, this is only as an absolute, last resort, worst case scenario where it's your last option. i do strongly advise against it, but i'm just trying to give you an option if you know you have no other alternative. it's at least better than letting him do the real stuff.

  12. #12
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    This is playing in potenitally dangerous and unknown waters...

    Aside from not having the right muscle or training maturity most endocrinologists say that the body does not fully mature until 23-25 years old. Taking the reigns of your hormone levels prior to reaching maturity could lead to many unpredictable results once full maturity is reached. No one can say for certain what supraphysiological hormone levels will do to a maturing body... but a lifetime is a long time to fuk up.

  13. #13
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you obviously care alot for your little bro, but in all honesty, if he doesnt listen to you, and uses them anyway at age 17, he is an idiot

  14. #14
    steroidnewbie is offline New Member
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    Thanks very much for all of your thoughts. I am defiently going to make him hold of untill later years and I will wait another 3-4 myself. Thank you all very much and if my lil bro still wants to start...I'll kick his ass.

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