Hey everybody. I am starting a cycle with Test prop and stacking with proviron . I am looking to take 400mgs a week with the test.

Can anybody suggest how much and how often I should inject a week.?

I was thinking every other day at 100mgs. But some other people have been telling me that I should at least inject everyday at 50mgs. Personally I am not looking forward to having to inject everyday. Also if I do have to inject everyday or even every other day can some people give me some tips on injections that wont leave my ass feeling like I spent a few weeks in prison?? And what dosage should I take with the proviron? And can anybody else think of anything else I should be taking with this stack. Basically I am wanting to build muscle but also looking to keep any excess fat off and even burn fat in the process. I am currently 215 lbs with about 15 % BF. Thanks for the help guys.