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Thread: deca hair loss

  1. #1
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    deca hair loss

    ok if i decide to take test e and deca together what can i use for the deca part of the hair loss since finesteride doesnt work for it??

  2. #2
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    hmm, i've been off the boards a bit, but i thought i remember a finding going the opposite direction on that one (the propecia/deca thing i mean)...hold for more input...

    however, are you prone to prog. sides? have some caber/bromo on hand just in case, and some letro for the bloat...

  3. #3
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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    durin this past cycle iv used arimidex ed at .50mg ed and it really helped with all sides but this cycle has been terrible on my hair in the back of my head so im getting proscar now

  4. #4
    kdrkid81 is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    finasteride or dutasteride should help - there is an argument that 5AR inhibitors will exacerbate deca induced hairloss, but that is still prolly outweighed by the ( finasteride / dutasteride induced ) reduction in DHT conversion from the elevated test

  6. #6
    rise2gr8ness's Avatar
    rise2gr8ness is offline Junior Member
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    DO not use them 2gether bro, the propecia and deca will make 4 bald city

    run the test alone with propecia, i personally rec duta

    There is no magic pill for both its a one or the other type deal if your prone to mpd

    you can run the deca and u wont need propica

    you can run the test with the propica and be cool

    Deca sucks, I hope u didn't already buy it but if you did sell it and buy more test

    end of story

  7. #7
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    DO not use them 2gether bro, the propecia and deca will make 4 bald city
    this isn't really the case - but if you run deca only ( not a good idea ) then there's no point in using a 5AR blocker ( like finasteride ) as it will infact make things slightly worse ( the reason being that the 5AR metabolite of deca, DHN is actually slightly milder on hair than deca itself, so inhibiting this conversion will leave more deca floating about to mess with your hair )
    However deca is not as bad for the hair as the test 5AR metabolite DHT & as you'r talking about test and deca, then finasteride ( or dutasteride ) would overall help reduce and related hairloss.....

    If you're really worried about hairloss then stick to just test + dutasteride - it's a way more controllable scenario ( also avoiding ''DHT'' related compounds like winny / var etc )

  8. #8
    longtom74's Avatar
    longtom74 is offline Junior Member
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    what about propecia for the test and spiro for the deca ?(topical)

  9. #9
    roybon79 is offline New Member
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    I used propecia, but ask you doc for proscar. It is the same thing but it is 5mg, you can cut it in fourths and have a four month supply. I am a medic and after using propecia, I looked it up. The doctor confirmed it was identical, just used for a different perpose. Save some money. They both give you mild gyno though

  10. #10
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I used test (cyp at 750mg a week) and fina and STILL had hairloss.

  11. #11
    rise2gr8ness's Avatar
    rise2gr8ness is offline Junior Member
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    then you need duta-stride

    also, propecia can take up to six months to start working, and thats real!

    duta/avodart only takes 2

  12. #12
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    DHN is actually slightly milder on hair than deca itself, so inhibiting this conversion will leave more deca floating about to mess with your hair )
    However deca is not as bad for the hair as the test 5AR metabolite DHT & as you'r talking about test and deca, then finasteride ( or dutasteride ) would overall help reduce and related hairloss.....

    If you're really worried about hairloss then stick to just test + dutasteride - it's a way more controllable scenario ( also avoiding ''DHT'' related compounds like winny / var etc )
    Completely agree, basically deca really isnt that bad on the hair at all either way from my personal experience, however along with propecia you could also use Nizoral 2% a couple times a week, it works well too for the DHT based chemicals...

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