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  1. #1
    tlc2 is offline Junior Member
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    loosing your gains

    Hey guys!

    stupid question... if you on an 8 week test e cycle and do your pct and all.. and you have to stop training for a month.. how much will you loosee??

  2. #2
    albino-rhino's Avatar
    albino-rhino is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlc2
    Hey guys!

    stupid question... if you on an 8 week test e cycle and do your pct and all.. and you have to stop training for a month.. how much will you loosee??

    Nothing would stop me from training.
    You only planned 8weeks of test enanthate ?
    Will you keep your caleries up?

    Everyone is different but you could probably wave good bye to your gains!

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlc2
    Hey guys!

    stupid question... if you on an 8 week test e cycle and do your pct and all.. and you have to stop training for a month.. how much will you loosee??
    first, a good cycle should be atleast 12 weeks
    second, you shouldnt stop training at all because then your body will not find any reason to keep the gains
    third, if you HAVE to stop training for a month post cycle because of some other engagements..then DONT DO THE CYCLE AT ALL!!! wait until you can devote yourself to a good cycle, pct and clean (off-gear) phases...

  4. #4
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i agree. what the hell kind of piss-poor planning is that? for a start, i would highly recommend using test E for 10-12 weeks, then when you come off-cycle, make sure to have an adequate PCT lined up, keep the calories high for atleast 4 weeks after the cycle, and keep intense training up, whilst making sure not to overtrain (remember that you are able to recover more whilst on-cycle, so when you come off, maybe drop afew sets here and there). in a month off training you will lose abit of size, but will get it back right away. whilst if this month off training immediately follows a cycle of steroids , then youve just wasted your money IMO. the body keeps itself in a form of homeostasis, and will drop the muscle you added very quickly. the longer you have the muscle, the more your body becomes accustomed to carrying it, and then this level of size will be more of a baseline. hence why you should do all you can to solidify all your gains, and then afetr a few months of doing everything right in regards to training and diet, then if u must, take your month off

  5. #5
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    i agree. what the hell kind of piss-poor planning is that? for a start, i would highly recommend using test E for 10-12 weeks, then when you come off-cycle, make sure to have an adequate PCT lined up, keep the calories high for atleast 4 weeks after the cycle, and keep intense training up, whilst making sure not to overtrain (remember that you are able to recover more whilst on-cycle, so when you come off, maybe drop afew sets here and there). in a month off training you will lose abit of size, but will get it back right away. whilst if this month off training immediately follows a cycle of steroids, then youve just wasted your money IMO. the body keeps itself in a form of homeostasis, and will drop the muscle you added very quickly. the longer you have the muscle, the more your body becomes accustomed to carrying it, and then this level of size will be more of a baseline. hence why you should do all you can to solidify all your gains, and then afetr a few months of doing everything right in regards to training and diet, then if u must, take your month off
    Agreed 100%!

  6. #6
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Why do you have to stop training??

  7. #7
    tlc2 is offline Junior Member
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    Unplanned Operation ... surgen told me 6 weeks no training what a waste of a cycle.. as soon as i finished my test, straight to hospital.. :'(

  8. #8
    AlwaysLearning's Avatar
    AlwaysLearning is offline New Member
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    harsh about the op bro. at least youll learn from your mistake. if you can, keep your diet clean and your supplement intake up. take lots of glutamine and zma to minimise catabolic state.
    i read in Flex (UK) this month in an official interview that Ronnie Coleman takes 4 months off training after the olympia, doesnt even enter a gym.
    When they questioned this approach, he replied 'well its worked for 8 years running...'

  9. #9
    tlc2 is offline Junior Member
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    well i dont have ZMA, however i have protein shakes, and tribulus, along with creatine and amino acids.. i dont think creatine would do any good.. starting hcg today and 2 weeks time my nolva

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