Does anyone have any expierence with stimulants ( stimulant x, amp, spike, energy drinks) while on their cylce. Is this not a good idea?
I am one week into my cylce (500mg week test-e 12weeks and 30mg BD dbol ED 4weeks .2 mg L-dex ED)

I stopped taking my stimulants when I started the cylce. I am forced about 3 days a week to train at 5AM (wake up 345 eat, stetch, train) problem is on those days I drag major ass until about 1/2 way into my session then I feel unstopable.

Would it be ok to have a sugar free energy drink or pop a couple stimulants in the AM.
I have monitored my BP and is is around normal (top # has never been past the 140's.. I hit 142 once while taking 75mg/600mg EC stack)

I have not gotten any headaches from the dbol and I have kept my cardio up while on the cycle.

thanks for any advice guys