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  1. #1
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    akron oh

    need advice swollen hips.

    hey bros i started a cycle of 80mg var week1-4 and 600mg test e and 400mg tren e per week. my problem is i try to split up the dosages 2x a week so 300mg test and 200mg tren but my problem is my hip swells up so bad and it hurts to walk and even sit i dont know why it is swelling so bad it might b due to the 500mg of hormones per cc so since it hurts s bad for atleast 7days im only able to do one cc week b/c i dont want both my hips to hurt at the same time. my question is, is it ok to do a 2cc shot once a week like every monday or keep it split 2x a week and find some way to combat the swelling and pain?

  2. #2
    clozr's Avatar
    clozr is offline Junior Member
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    What size pin are you using?

  3. #3
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    1.5inch 23g

  4. #4
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    same pins i used on my last cycle of sust n deca first few weeks i had the same pain with the sust not nearly as bad as the test tren but it went away by the 3rd week

  5. #5
    Smart@$$ is offline Banned
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    That dont sound normal

  6. #6
    clozr's Avatar
    clozr is offline Junior Member
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    Those concentrations are pretty high. Right now, I am running tren , prop and winny. That's 3cc eod and still only 300 mg of hormones all together. You may want to look into mixing some more oil into your gear. I've never done it, but there are a bunch of other threads I've seen that discuss it at length.

  7. #7
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    it doesnt really swell but i get a big knot n it hurts for like 7 days n it forces me to take only half the dose im supposed to take b/c i still want to have one normal hip so im thinking of just doing one shot a week instead of 2 do you think that would be ok instead of splitting it up in 2

  8. #8
    clozr's Avatar
    clozr is offline Junior Member
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    I ran supertest in my first cycle and it kinda felt like that. I think it boils down to results vs. pain. I think you know that your results are probably going to suffer, but they may not because of the longer esters. Then again, there is a reason that you scheduled 2x/week jabs instead of 1x/week. I think if I were in your shoes, I would probably just say to myself, "Is there really much difference between limping and walking really slowly?" and stick with the initial plan. If you go that route, I hope you can sleep on your back or your belly.

  9. #9
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    do you think that 1jab a week compared to 2 will effect my gains? n yeh i usually have to sleep on my side or belly

  10. #10
    clozr's Avatar
    clozr is offline Junior Member
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    Just found this on another board:

    "Other than the ester, which only effects the blood plasma levels of a steroid , peak concentration, and active life, this drug is identical to Parabolan and Trenbolone Acetate- differing only in the fact that it is active in the body for a longer time. Therefore, injections with this compound are typically once or twice per week."

    Sounds like you should be okay. BTW are you going into the Gluteus Maximus or Gluteus Medius?

  11. #11
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    more towards the upper middle outside i think that would be the medius since it makes the know in my hip

  12. #12
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    i think im gunna go with one jab a week of 600mg test n 400mg tren if it wont effect any of my gains, atleast until the pain n swelling calms down n my mucsle get used to it

  13. #13
    clozr's Avatar
    clozr is offline Junior Member
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    That's where you should be with it. Just seems that you're having a reaction to your gear. Although it looks like you should be fine with once a week, you still might wanna look into the oil thing!

  14. #14
    big chuck is offline Associate Member
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    akron oh
    it might be the 500mg in one jab i dunno i should try heating upo the oil or sumthing

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