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  1. #1
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    oral turnabol 6 weeks ?

    ok i have question ive taken OT 40mg a day for 6 weeks then i took off 4 or 5 weeks, and now im about to finish my 2nd 6 week. is 4 or 5 weeks enough down time. i feel great and i am satisfied with my results. do i need to do anything in between . Can i keep running that cycle that way if i like my results.( 6 weeks on 6 weeks off) any input would be great thanks

  2. #2
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    u need to do ur pct.. time on+pct=time off

    i did nolva at 20mg/ed for 2 weeks for pct u could do longer if u like

  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Do you do any type of PCT? Or do you simply keep using t-bol like its creatine?

  4. #4
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    The initials in your title need to be edited please pm a mod and ask them to fix it

    Also as asked above what kind of pct are you doing

  5. #5
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Thanks for the edit guy's

  6. #6
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah man 6 weeks off? if you ran 6 weeks of ot +pct for 4 weeks which you obviously didnt do..and if you did hten jeez 6-10=10 weeks on that means 10 or more weeks off before you do it wouldnt you want to switch the compound? or up the dosage or at something in with it? cant do ot cycles all your life

  7. #7
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    yeah i have not did any pct, what should i do when im off and for how long? i really dont know much about this and i should do more research. i like the OT and the effects i get from the 6 weeks i dont need to get bigger or gain any weight, i know it might sound dumb but i just dont want to mess anything up that i dont know about thanks guys

  8. #8
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moed59
    yeah i have not did any pct, what should i do when im off and for how long? i really dont know much about this and i should do more research. i like the OT and the effects i get from the 6 weeks i dont need to get bigger or gain any weight, i know it might sound dumb but i just dont want to mess anything up that i dont know about thanks guys
    well since you have not did any pct...ugh where do i start

    dont use aas..why would you use a steroid but not want to get bigger..unless you are preserving muscle mass for cutting?

    yes it does sound dumb because you are messing with serious drugs that you have no idea about

    what are your stats anyways age weight bf and training experience?

    that would help us give better advice

  9. #9
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    ok im 6'1 193 im a fighter and i need to stay around this weight, my work out is mostly light weight with alot of reps to keep injuries down i like OT because its easy (pills) and im freakin ripped. i do take the drug serious i take milk thissle and drink a good amount of water. is 6weeks cool for what i need and how long should i be off and what pct should i be taking while im on and off . and yeah if i can just take OT then im cool with that. thanks for you help i know im a sucka

  10. #10
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moed59
    ok im 6'1 193 im a fighter and i need to stay around this weight, my work out is mostly light weight with alot of reps to keep injuries down i like OT because its easy (pills) and im freakin ripped. i do take the drug serious i take milk thissle and drink a good amount of water. is 6weeks cool for what i need and how long should i be off and what pct should i be taking while im on and off . and yeah if i can just take OT then im cool with that. thanks for you help i know im a sucka
    haha yeah you are suckaaaaa jk well if you insist on running it a nolva pct @ 20mg/ed for 4 weeks should be good just dont overdo it on the cycling...i think itd be better to just space em far apart so it doesnt lose its effectiveness..maybe it will anyways but who knows

    or maybe try a tbol var stack or var only?

  11. #11
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    ok soooo 6 weeks on is cool so when im done just take 2 weeks of nolva 20mg ed, so what your trying to sayd while im off the 6 weeks and im ready to start i should maybe do something else like for 6 weeks like anavar ? any other types i should look in to. ive tried eq but i read that weakins your ligaments test 250 i dont like, winny is cool but i just read you shouldnt take it by its self. d bol will make me 2 big . i need someting that would keep me ripped

  12. #12
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moed59
    ok soooo 6 weeks on is cool so when im done just take 2 weeks of nolva 20mg ed, so what your trying to sayd while im off the 6 weeks and im ready to start i should maybe do something else like for 6 weeks like anavar? any other types i should look in to. ive tried eq but i read that weakins your ligaments test 250 i dont like, winny is cool but i just read you shouldnt take it by its self. d bol will make me 2 big . i need someting that would keep me ripped
    2 weeks nolva? read my post
    after you are done with your pct wait 10 weeks before cycling can run eq,tbol,proviron and that should be a GREAT lean mass cycle eq is supposed to increase collagen synthesis i thought but somehow it makes your ligaments weaker..its explained somewhere im not sure tbol/var 50mg of each is also a good combo

  13. #13
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    lol sorry 4 weeks of nolva 20 mg ed
    so i should wait 10 weeks before i take anything again? man
    i really respect you guys and im really thankfull for your info

  14. #14
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    take 4 weeks of nolva while im on my 6 week cycle

  15. #15
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moed59
    take 4 weeks of nolva while im on my 6 week cycle
    jesus lol..pct is after you are done with ot..after your last dosage of turinabol take 20 mg of nolva EVERYDAY for 4 weeks that will restore natural testosterone production....10 weeks from the last day of administering the should be good to go for another cycle any other questions pm me

  16. #16
    moed59 is offline New Member
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    thanks i cant pm you for some reason but thanks again

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