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  1. #41
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah no more heavy bulk for me,i mean you pack on some pounds over 10 weeks or so then spend another 10 trying to get all the fat off,depriving yourself f@@k that.

    if you know your body and metabolism you should be able to bulk while gaining minimal fat.also less stressful on the body which i think is important.but each to his own i guess.

  2. #42
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    some of us just wont gain without an agressive bulk. Its a lot easier for me to bulk up, then cut the fat and keep the muscle, then it is for me to stay lean, and gain new muscle. I really dont gain that much fat or water weight when i bulk though, regardless of my compounds or diet.
    Same here.

    Also, deca feels great on my old joints. Winny on the other hand causes me a hell of a lot of pain.
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 07-20-2006 at 05:42 AM.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #43
    jucinator is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005
    Hey first off I could give 2 shits if anyone belives what I same , but you can come to my gym and see for yourself, Further more Don Long did get a kidney but not everyone who is no one gets so lucky. I am not against steroids at all . I love them! and I also no what could happen down the road, Im 36 yours old , When i first started at Powerhouse gym it was 1987 and everyone in the gym was juiced out of there brains. Even after 1988 when it became a schedule 3 drug it was still every where, So Ive had plenty experince , One of my old lifting partners from back in the day also is on Dialises and has been since 1993 no new kidneys for him as of yet, the docters also know what maid them stop working so hes always getting passed over by some un child who is more disurving. And as for proof that tren is not good for the kidneys is look at the color of your piss when your on Tren , Hell its anobolic raeting is 500/500 test is 100/100 Im not in denile, Tren is great stuff and I agree milligram for milligram works better than anything out there , I just am saying use it sparingly, or there could be repurcusions on down the road, Shit when I was 21 I was full of piss and vinigare too, but now Im 36 and want to stay in the game as long as I can so I use things that wont get you there as fast , but also arent so toxic, I also belive that test is easier on the body , because there are other things out there we can take to keep the sides down, with tren , Propecia dosent work finastride dosent work, and novaldex doesnt work or letro, with test and d-bol all these drugs work togather so I can bulk and still have minimal sides and thats at 1200mgs of test -e a week , belive it or not I could care less,as far as lieing goes theres no need for that , Ive been on this board for over a year and could be blabin my ass off but I dont I just read , thats why I only have 300 plus post . If I could Id give you my address in Florida and you could come see for yourself, but since we cant do that , then I can prove nothing so belive or dont , But Ive been at this longer than some people on this board have been alive, Oh ya and something else we used to do which everyone on this board says not to do , WE TOOK DECA AND D-BOL WITH NO TEST AND GOT BIG AS HELL and still had wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #44
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    why do people bulk??

    Quote Originally Posted by jucinator
    Hey first off I could give 2 shits if anyone belives what I same , but you can come to my gym and see for yourself, Further more Don Long did get a kidney but not everyone who is no one gets so lucky. I am not against steroids at all . I love them! and I also no what could happen down the road, Im 36 yours old , When i first started at Powerhouse gym it was 1987 and everyone in the gym was juiced out of there brains. Even after 1988 when it became a schedule 3 drug it was still every where, So Ive had plenty experince , One of my old lifting partners from back in the day also is on Dialises and has been since 1993 no new kidneys for him as of yet, the docters also know what maid them stop working so hes always getting passed over by some un child who is more disurving. And as for proof that tren is not good for the kidneys is look at the color of your piss when your on Tren , Hell its anobolic raeting is 500/500 test is 100/100 Im not in denile, Tren is great stuff and I agree milligram for milligram works better than anything out there , I just am saying use it sparingly, or there could be repurcusions on down the road, Shit when I was 21 I was full of piss and vinigare too, but now Im 36 and want to stay in the game as long as I can so I use things that wont get you there as fast , but also arent so toxic, I also belive that test is easier on the body , because there are other things out there we can take to keep the sides down, with tren , Propecia dosent work finastride dosent work, and novaldex doesnt work or letro, with test and d-bol all these drugs work togather so I can bulk and still have minimal sides and thats at 1200mgs of test -e a week , belive it or not I could care less,as far as lieing goes theres no need for that , Ive been on this board for over a year and could be blabin my ass off but I dont I just read , thats why I only have 300 plus post . If I could Id give you my address in Florida and you could come see for yourself, but since we cant do that , then I can prove nothing so belive or dont , But Ive been at this longer than some people on this board have been alive, Oh ya and something else we used to do which everyone on this board says not to do , WE TOOK DECA AND D-BOL WITH NO TEST AND GOT BIG AS HELL and still had wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ok bro you said all that to say what?????????You spoke about don long and i said why he got sick....proof was I spoke to his training partner!!!!you talked about tren and we some one said asked for proof....reason being I know guys that have taken up to 2,100mgs a sh*t load of different times...with not a prob....ive gotten up to well lets say a boat load(dont want to keep calling mgs out...some kid may think its cool and try it!!)except for right after i take my multi"s in the pee is clear.Now dont get me wrong I RESPECT your personal opinions!!The fact that youve experienced certain things in this game and the length of time youve been in it is what it is.No one can challenge that cause it is your personal experience.Now as far as your training partner ,,,bro I'm truly sorry about him...i'm glad you mentioned him cause that will show these younger guys in fact EVEYONE the risk in AAS and everything else we use.I will agree with you on the fact my first cycle was daca and dbol and yes i put on about 20 pounds....oh and you're not that much older than alot of us...peace.

  5. #45
    jucinator is offline Associate Member
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    Hey I also respect your opinion and I usally dont get that worked up, I am guilty of running some really crazy cycles when I was younger, I still do today I just worry about them more than I did when I was younger, You know dumb shit like stayin on for a year or so straight, I quess in all the hast i was merly trying to keep people aware of there own health, so I appreciate your reply and disscusion. I just try to keep my cycles 12 weeks now so I can recover, but they always seem to run longer. Peace Bro Hope everything is well!!

  6. #46
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I "clean bulk" from dbol and anadrol ...never got bloated or moon face or any of that sh1t.

  7. #47
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree that bulking should be the increase of the calories of a clean diet i.e. carbs/protein/good fats. If you are just eating crap calories all day calling that bulking that is bullshit. In terms of the gear everyone is different and you need to do what works for you, I think that should be your constant "bullking" or not.....on that note I need to go to eat this pizza, I'm bulking.... lololololololol..JK

  8. #48
    jef is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa

    anyways as far as this all goes i always do LEAN bulk for the most part since i dont really bloat from any esters or compounds as compared to most and my diet is always spot on.. except when i want my tripple bacon cheese burger and peanutbutter cup shake!

    i would like to say that i have 2 primary cycles i run
    TestP/E either or and keep it arond 250-750/wk
    and either
    Deca /Drol
    Tren /Win (or halo inplace of win)

    but using a 19nor/dht combo is most ideal

    the bloat is controllable via Herbal Supplements & AI's but i also noticed my diet dictates alot of my water retention regardless of what compouns i run.

    Chinese food = Bloat!
    basically anything thats YUMMY = Bloat
    glad I chose the better route for my current cycle i'm on now!!! I'll never do a dirty bulk again. staying with a lean bulk even if it means only gaining 4-5lbs a year. until i hit my plateau though i'm hoping to hit an extra 10-15lbs of pure lean muscle with minimal fat gains over the winter.

  9. #49
    Pieru is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2004
    Never use junk food for bulkin ,maybe weekends.You can easyly bulk with normal food.ANd bloating in my face is aslo good BP indicator.

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