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Thread: Pneumothorax

  1. #1
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    Unhappy Pneumothorax

    lo m8t's

    I've been in the hospital since last friday with a collapst lung (right one).
    Firs it seem to go OK with recovery, but once the doc removed the drain, it collapst again.
    It might be I'm looking at surgery, that will keep me in teh hospital for 3 weeks

    Just finnished a cycle of 12 weeks with sust, test-e some tren -e, d-bol and winny
    used letrozole , armidex, clomid, dostinex and finasteride.

    does any of you guys have experiance with this, and do you know if it is gear (or any of the other compounds) related?

    I have not told my doc I was using, as my last shot (sust and test) was 10 days ago.

    and please keep the post a bit bumped to to top, as I'm not able to check for an otehr 24 hours.... (I'm IN the hospital....)

    Thanks for your feedback!!!

  2. #2
    Rookie1974's Avatar
    Rookie1974 is offline Associate Member
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    Cant see what AAS would have to do with did you get a collapsed lung? AAS can cause problmes with clotting factors you may want to let them know before surgery.

  3. #3
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    you should for sure let your doc know.. its doctor patient privilage, he can tell anyone or get you in trouble (in the US atleast i dont know where you are) and it might help for him and yourself to know

  4. #4
    thehun is offline New Member
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    Assuming you didn't have a traumatic injury (stab wound, etc.), you probably had a spontaneous pnuemo. They happen usually in tall young men for unknown reasons. The surgery your docs are probably talking about is called pleurodesis. They inject some shit into the space between your lungs and the chest wall that scars up the hole, hopefully sealing it. I'm not sure what would keep you in the hospital 3 weeks though. I wouldn't think you'd have anything to worry about with just coming off cycle except for some of your blood counts being jacked (and they will be). Sorry to hear about your situation bro.

  5. #5
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the replies.

    today I had a CT Scan, and I'm waiting for the outcome, doc was giving me hope that it might be that I can go home this weekend..
    (right in time for a good PCT.. :P )

    but can't tell for sure till the scan has been judged.

    I did read that using letrozole gives you a longer recovery time, that mihgt be why the lung collapsed a second time.

    Keep you guys posted.

  6. #6
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    OK bad luck, the drain punched my lung again.. so back to where I started.

    He made some changes on the drain, I can only hope the 3 collapses in a row is the end of it.
    If not, I'll have surgery next week

  7. #7
    hauss man is offline Member
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    sorry to hear that,
    you will pull through it man

  8. #8
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just hang in there. You soon be back bad as ever.

  9. #9
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    Yesterday I was released from the hospital, after I has surgery last friday.

    Dam this is painfull. I´ve been on a morfine drain for 4 days to kill the pain
    Doc says it will be an other 6 to 10 weeks before I can hit the gym again...
    and after 3 weeks in the hospital, with 90% bed rest, I have no energy left what so ever.
    I''m sure it will get better, but I'll lose surely some clean mass I would have liked to keep
    It''s slowly turning to jelly (but without any movement... it''s logical..)

    Anyway, talk to you guys soon again.

  10. #10
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    to keep things updated...
    During surgery they hit a major nerver on my chest, leaving me with 1/2 of my chest without any feeling, and the other half (pec, delts and lats) over sensetive=PAIN.
    Doc gave me some tramadol, a morfine clone... looks like an additional setback of about 6 weeks longer recovery time

    So the whole dam thing will take me about 12 weeks! (and that''s a dam long time without training!)

  11. #11
    rise2gr8ness's Avatar
    rise2gr8ness is offline Junior Member
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    Jesus dude, I read your thread like a month ago, god bless u man!!

    Life throws us curve balls and we learn how to swing, your going to get through this, your on some crazy drugs right now and I hope your not in pain. I hope your getting a chance to eat, tell your frinds to bring protein shakes and sip on em if you can! rest, rest, eat, rest and eat and when you get back to the gym you'll have a new fever for trianing!!

    Keep us posted were all ROOT'N 4 U DOG!!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I don't believe your pneumo was ASS related. There are cases where a pnemothorax will occur for no reason which is called a 'spontaneous' pneumothorax. When I say 'for no reason' I'm saying no trauma is involved. A spontaneous pnuemo is usually caused by a rupture of a cyst or bleb in the lung.

  13. #13
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    5,612 the way...hang in there and try to stay positive. You'll be back in the gym before you know it.

  14. #14
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    Slowly recovering..... I had some complications so I've been in bed for about a MONTH! that's a killer for your energy level.

    Anyway I'm slowly training with medical therapy gym (or what's it called in english) 2 x a week, learning to "move" again, as due to the nerve damage, i'm in constant pain, and that's hard to tell when it just hurst course it hurts, or it hurts course I'm over doing things.

    Nerves tend to grow 1mm per year so I hope the gap is small, and I can start living again without pain killer, and start a normal workout again!

    My best guess is that that will be in about 4 weeks and then slowly building things up.

    @ 01dragonslayer, it was a spontaneous pnuemo, and I had some "old trauma" from a fire I was in at 15yrs. that gave some damage and also was the reason It did not recover the normal way.

    If my other lung goes aswell, atleast know I know it will be curgery right away and not 3 weeks hospital.

  15. #15
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  16. #16
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Dam 3 in a row

    I had a traumatic pnuemo where my rib punctured my lung and that wasnt fun so I know wherte your comming from.

    Just keep doing your breathing excersizes!!!

    I noticed that when the sharp pains came I took as much breath as possible and continued to keep trying to get air into my lung to expand it. I held the air in for a considerable amount of time until the sharp pains dulled.

    It helps somewhat

    also pressing down my chest into a curled up pillow works a little at the sharp pains.

    Its been 3 years and I havent had anything else but my doc told me that people that get a collapsed lung have a 50% chance of it recuring latter in life so be carefull and keep up with the breathing excersizes.

    I wish you a speedy recovery and it REALLY sucks to hear about the nerve damage!!!

    Unfortuneatly Im sorry to say that you might not ever get full sensation back depending on how bad the nerve was cut but you should get a good amount of feeling back within 3-5 years. And yeah you do get used to the numb feeling it just takes some time.

    Good luck man and I know its hard sometimes but my word of advice to you is try and remember what this experience has taught you about life...... and try and keep in mind the truly import things in life

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    Slowly recovering..... I had some complications so I've been in bed for about a MONTH! that's a killer for your energy level.

    Anyway I'm slowly training with medical therapy gym (or what's it called in english) 2 x a week, learning to "move" again, as due to the nerve damage, i'm in constant pain, and that's hard to tell when it just hurst course it hurts, or it hurts course I'm over doing things.

    Nerves tend to grow 1mm per year so I hope the gap is small, and I can start living again without pain killer, and start a normal workout again!

    My best guess is that that will be in about 4 weeks and then slowly building things up.

    @ 01dragonslayer, it was a spontaneous pnuemo, and I had some "old trauma" from a fire I was in at 15yrs. that gave some damage and also was the reason It did not recover the normal way.

    If my other lung goes aswell, atleast know I know it will be curgery right away and not 3 weeks hospital.
    Wishing you the best.

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