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  1. #1
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    Acne on Sustanon

    I'm sure that I'll get a few diff. responses, but I'm just wondering in general, if most people experience acne while on Sus. I'm taking only 500mg/wk....and this is starting my 6th week and it's just now getting noticeable like up and down my arm and shoulders....I didn't experience any sides really with my first cycle of Test E at 500mg/wk...

  2. #2
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    sorry, let me explain a lil better, so I don't exactly sound stupid for asking about gettin acne.....I know acne is a side of steroids .....I'm just wondering if it is USUALLY more pronounced with the use of Sustanon over Enanthate ?

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkylineGTR
    sorry, let me explain a lil better, so I don't exactly sound stupid for asking about gettin acne.....I know acne is a side of steroids.....I'm just wondering if it is USUALLY more pronounced with the use of Sustanon over Enanthate?
    Sustanon is best served every other day - or even every 3rd day - to keep even plasma levels. Its lightest ester is propinate which can cause a hormonal rollercoaster throwing you into a self-induced stage of puberty . If your intentions are to use it less frequently than that you would be better off with a single heavy ester - such as enanthate . Keeping even blood levels will help eleviate some of the potenitally unwanted androgenic sides - cosmetic or otherwise.

    Coming off cycle - acne is usually hard to avoid since switching back to a natural hormonal state is never going to be seamless - but while your are "on", do your best to keep blood levels stable and you should notice less skin issues unless you are simply hypersensitive in this area.

  4. #4
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    ok, thanks for the info, Would shooting like Mon. Thurs. Sun. WEd....IE: E3D....would that be ok?.....b/c I only have amps and they each contain 1ml/ shooting EOD would mean pre-loading .5cc's...but if thats what I gotta do then Ill do it...

  5. #5
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkylineGTR
    ok, thanks for the info, Would shooting like Mon. Thurs. Sun. WEd....IE: E3D....would that be ok?.....b/c I only have amps and they each contain 1ml/ shooting EOD would mean pre-loading .5cc's...but if thats what I gotta do then Ill do it...
    Why are you stuck with certain days of the week? Just keep to a consistent spread if you can...

    Option A) If you take half an amp every other day that would be 438mg per week of testosterone ... (125mg/2)*7=438mg

    Option B) If you took an amp every 3 days that would be 583mg per week of testosterone... (250/3)*7=583mg

    Either option would be fine - the first would be more stable androgen levels... I am not sure how you arrived at 500mg per week but try and an amp every 3rd day or half every other (put a tick on a calendar for every injection day) and give it about a week or two to stablize and then see if it helps.

    Personally, I usually only recommend Sustanon EOD, or ED for frontloading or the cycle in general. Otherwise, TE or Cyp are the better options IMO.

  6. #6
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Why are you stuck with certain days of the week? Just keep to a consistent spread if you can...

    Option A) If you take half an amp every other day that would be 438mg per week of testosterone ... (125mg/2)*7=438mg

    Option B) If you took an amp every 3 days that would be 583mg per week of testosterone... (250/3)*7=583mg

    Either option would be fine - the first would be more stable androgen levels... I am not sure how you arrived at 500mg per week but try and an amp every 3rd day or half every other (put a tick on a calendar for every injection day) and give it about a week or two to stablize and then see if it helps.

    Personally, I usually only recommend Sustanon EOD, or ED for frontloading or the cycle in general. Otherwise, TE or Cyp are the better options IMO., if I do an amp every 3 days....this should minimize the acne more? I def. agree with TE or Cyp as being better, I just thought since my first cycle was E that I would try a diff. compound....just to see if anything would be diff...

  7. #7
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    BUT, if I were to go with option A, do you recommend preloading two syringes with .5cc?....or just one whole cc and just shoot .5 one day and the other the next?

  8. #8
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkylineGTR, if I do an amp every 3 days....this should minimize the acne more? I def. agree with TE or Cyp as being better, I just thought since my first cycle was E that I would try a diff. compound....just to see if anything would be diff...
    Thing is, they are all the same compound. Just different esters tied to the parent hormone (testosterone in this case) which changes how fast or slow it is released. When choosing what ester to use - choose one that matches the injection frequency you can commit to. As well as other issues... like using shorter/lighter esters to drop blood levels faster for whatever reason. Also, lighter esters will have more bang for your andorgen dollar since less ester weight means more parent hormone per mg... 250mg of propinate delivers more testosterone then 250mg of Cypionate .

    To actually try a different compound you should have ventured into adding some nandrolone or trenbolone ... or something to that effect...

  9. #9
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkylineGTR
    BUT, if I were to go with option A, do you recommend preloading two syringes with .5cc?....or just one whole cc and just shoot .5 one day and the other the next?
    No, no - one syringe/pin equals on injection opprtunity... period. I see no problem with having a syringe preloaded... just keep the pin covered and the syringe in a sterile location.

  10. #10
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkylineGTR, if I do an amp every 3 days....this should minimize the acne more? I def. agree with TE or Cyp as being better, I just thought since my first cycle was E that I would try a diff. compound....just to see if anything would be diff...
    Thanks for the help.... but what about that part?.....

  11. #11
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    No, no - one syringe/pin equals on injection opprtunity... period. I see no problem with having a syringe preloaded... just keep the pin covered and the syringe in a sterile location.
    haha...sorry I posted b4 I saw that.....

  12. #12
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Give the change a week or so to stablize your androgen levels, keep your skin clean and then see if it helps eleviate it.

    Did you get a similar response from the TE in your last cycle? Where you administering it more than once per week?

  13. #13
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Give the change a week or so to stablize your androgen levels, keep your skin clean and then see if it helps eleviate it.

    Did you get a similar response from the TE in your last cycle? Where you administering it more than once per week?
    this is in regerence to me doing inj. every 3 days right?......and actually I had no bad sides from TE at all.......250mg on Mon and Fridays

  14. #14
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkylineGTR
    this is in regerence to me doing inj. every 3 days right?......and actually I had no bad sides from TE at all.......250mg on Mon and Fridays
    Correct. And if you had no issue with the TE causing bad acne in your first cycle then your skin is probably not hypersensitive and the only difference between that cycle and this one (both testosterone ) is the fluctuating hormone levels from the Sustanon (different delivery) being spaced too far out. Which leads me to believe that this would eventually clear this issue for you.

    In fact... Option C) you could make a switch to TE and dump the Sustanon all together without too much of a fluctuation by rolling right into 250mg of TE every 3 days.

    Otherwise, you know what to do.

  15. #15
    SkylineGTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Correct. And if you had no issue with the TE causing bad acne in your first cycle then your skin is probably not hypersensitive and the only difference between that cycle and this one (both testosterone ) is the fluctuating hormone levels from the Sustanon (different delivery) being spaced too far out. Which leads me to believe that this would eventually clear this issue for you.

    In fact... Option C) you could make a switch to TE and dump the Sustanon all together without too much of a fluctuation by rolling right into 250mg of TE every 3 days.

    Otherwise, you know what to do.
    alright bro....I really appreciate the help esp. with quick response as issues like this bother people....Im gonna try every 3 days and see how that goes after a, if that doesnt work, ill pm you (if you dont mind) so that I can get info if needed....thanks again!

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