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  1. #1
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Critique this cycle plz ?

    1 cc of test cyp 300mg a wk for 10ks
    Sustanon 250 1 shot a wk
    Tren Acetate 100mg 1cc eod


    5'11 male.... 3 cycles under belt..... 5 yrs of lifting.. 2 competitons ( 1st place in both) 220lbs....13% bf

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Steroidzz, do you think we forget all your posts?

    You are all over the place with cycles and bouncing from one cycle to the next!!

    Which is it that you are doing?

    Test 300
    test Cyp

    You shouldn't be cycling at all!!! that is why you are not getting the responses you want

  3. #3
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Its all good.... i just like what epedrine does for me i lost 44lbs off it in a summer time... and honestly i dont know what im going to use if you want the truth my buddy has been taking test and sust and he's gained about 22lbs and he's making me want to take it now haha.... thats why i always ask so many questions....

    Basically i know sust is 4 diff test... but i was basically wondering if test cyp and that together is OK ?

    Respond SMAN
    Last edited by STEROIDZZ; 07-22-2006 at 07:36 PM.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    TEST IS TEST the only difference is the esters! there is NO reason to use both Sust and CYP, its redundant!! Just because you see your friend making gains doesn't mean he is doing it the safest way for his body
    IF you placed first in 2 competitions, you should have a clue as to how you need to disipline yourself for something as serious as sticking chemicals in your body.
    Depending on your goals for the cycle is how you should determine wether you need to use the ephedrine or not . If you are cutting, then you really dont' need all that test and the bloat that comes with it.

    Sust is NOT 4 different testosterones as much as it is Test with 4 different esters attached to it to release at different times in the body.
    Sust needs to be shot EOD to be most benificial and your CYP should be shot every 3.5 days as well.

  5. #5
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Dont get so hostile my good friend.. i apprecaite your advice.... and i take into accoutn what you say... only reason i would want to take the cyp with the sus is to get more test in me thats the only reason... best of both worlds... so you strongly disagree to this correct? and thanks for the advice on epedrine i got that summed up..... thanks for the frequency of shots of sust i didnt know that i thought ti lasted up 14 days in body

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    Dont get so hostile my good friend.. i apprecaite your advice.... and i take into accoutn what you say... only reason i would want to take the cyp with the sus is to get more test in me thats the only reason... best of both worlds... so you strongly disagree to this correct? and thanks for the advice on epedrine i got that summed up..... thanks for the frequency of shots of sust i didnt know that i thought ti lasted up 14 days in body
    Trust me, this isn't hostile at all YET....lolol

    IF you want to take advantage of the short ester in Sust, you need to shoot it EOD, many dont' do it this way, many do! There is big debate over it. do a search! the point here is to keep the side effects to a minimum by keeping blood levels as stable as possible. Therefore shooting sust only once a week is going to give you MORE side effects than it would shooting EOD because the shorter esters are going to raise and drop before you shoot again
    So if it is more TEST you want, THEN up the dosage of TEST, you really dont' NEED to mess with all the other esters. If you wanted a kickstart, you could use TEST prop in the begining but there is no real need for the sust if you just want more Test

  7. #7
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    Under A Bar
    Sman You changed your pic with the silver chick! < it rhymed I know...
    Bring My suzy back....yes I named her suzy!

    And listen to Sman STEROIDZZ! He's been in this game and knows what he's talking about!

  8. #8
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Completly understanable.. i knew about the blood levels.. and thats why you suggest the frequent injections.... but say i did choose to do the sust and test cyp together... how bad would that be.. side effect wise... and HONESTLY do you think the results would be better? NOT saying im going to cuase i dont even have the sust.. just asking questions for more information

  9. #9
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    HELLMASK you suggest not taking cyp and sust at the same time even though its basically the same thing besides esters?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    HELLMASK you suggest not taking cyp and sust at the same time even though its basically the same thing besides esters?

    Take one or the other preferrably Cyp.

  11. #11
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    that was my original plan was to take the cyp so you would suggest cyp ( better results ???? i value yalls imput cuase im not TOO experienced with test cyp or SUS so thats why im asking so many questions... so i apologize...


  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Sman You changed your pic with the silver chick! < it rhymed I know...
    Bring My suzy back....yes I named her suzy!

    And listen to Sman STEROIDZZ! He's been in this game and knows what he's talking about!

    But look at the eyes on this one !!!! Mesmorizing!!

  13. #13
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    SMAN ur my boy BLUE hahaa.... so you would suggest cyp over sust as well Sman????

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    Completly understanable.. i knew about the blood levels.. and thats why you suggest the frequent injections.... but say i did choose to do the sust and test cyp together... how bad would that be.. side effect wise... and HONESTLY do you think the results would be better? NOT saying im going to cuase i dont even have the sust.. just asking questions for more information
    You are talking about taking only 550mgs/ total per week. that is an AVERAGE dose.
    Results are only about 20% dependant on the AAS used and more dependant on many other factors:
    Training CORRECTLY
    Adequate Rest

    So you could take just the CYP @500-600 week and only have to deal with the one ester and then you will know how your body reacts to it, OR you can mix the two so you get your 550/week and GUESS at what your body is reacting better or worse to for future cycles. your choice

    So, with cyp and/or Sust at least your PCT starts at the same time 18 days after last shot, so IF you are going to combine them time the last cyp/sust shot together so you can start PCT with no problems

    Good Luck either way you choose

  15. #15
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    One last question for you SMAN... i have a choice of ANY gear i want free reason being I wont state.... but in ur opinion what would you throw in with test 300 cyp to maximize results( thats not TOO frequent of injections)

    And thankyou again ... for your help.. its greatly appreciated.. and has helped me a lot with my soon to be cycle..> YOUR MY BOY BLUE!!

    SMAN add me as a friend cause im going to come to for more questions.....( dont get hostile ) hahaha
    Last edited by STEROIDZZ; 07-23-2006 at 06:37 AM.

  16. #16
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    One last question for you SMAN... i have a choice of ANY gear i want free reason being I wont state.... but in ur opinion what would you throw in with test 300 cyp to maximize results( thats not TOO frequent of injections)

    And thankyou again ... for your help.. its greatly appreciated.. and has helped me a lot with my soon to be cycle..> YOUR MY BOY BLUE!!

    SMAN add me as a friend cause im going to come to for more questions.....( dont get hostile ) hahaha
    GEE, I think for all my patience, you should just send ME the free gear.....lolol J/K

    If it were ME, I would do maybe Deca

    Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp @ 600mgs/week
    Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 400mgs/week

    You can mix and shoot on the same days. twice a week (3.5 days)

    You better eat right and train correctly or nothing you take will GIVE you gains, you got to earn them

    (and what the hell is "boy blue"?????) lolololol

  17. #17
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    im a lucky individual i just help people out and i get to pick over the supplies hahaha.. and YOUR MY BOY BLUE is off a move with Will Ferrel in it the old guy ( Old School I believe hahah ) and thats exactly what i was thinking is Deca .... and if i co uld give you free stuff for ur help i would bro... its helping tremendously.... and trust me i eat great... tuns of vegtables and chicken breast...

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